Service design – Page 42
Go beyond status quo to make STPs and ACSs work
The way in which STPs and ACSs are implemented will make the difference between them succeeding or failing, writes David Hare
Vanguard launching first bed management system across trusts
The country’s only mental health vanguard is preparing to launch the first bed management system across multiple trusts, to halve the number of patients being sent out of area.
HSJ Local
More cash and staff needed for controversial service changes, royal college warns
A “more imaginative” recruitment strategy and “considerable” investment will be needed to deliver a former success regime’s controversial maternity plans, a royal college has warned.
HSJ Local
Hospital downgrade approved despite pending appeals to Jeremy Hunt
Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group has approved controversial plans to downgrade maternity and intensive care units at the Horton General Hospital – despite Jeremy Hunt considering appeals against the plans.
HSJ Local
Providers chosen for first comprehensive MCP contract
Four trusts in partnership with GPs are on course to win a multibillion pound new care model contract.
HSJ Local
Trust plans new PFI deal to fund controversial hospital shake up
A foundation trust is proposing procuring a new private finance initiative to fund its controversial “hot” and “cold” site hospital reconfiguration plans.
Expert Briefing
North by North West: Carving up Greater Manchester
Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England from Lawrence Dunhill
NHS England reveals first national contract for ACOs
A model contract for accountable care organisations in the NHS has been published for the first time, for use by both hospital and primary care led new models of care.
Analysis: 2018-19 is turning point for vanguard savings
Next year is expected to be a tipping point, when new care model vanguards will be saving money than is being spent on them, analysis of their forecasts suggests.
Trusts, council and GPs battle for £80m new care model contract
Two foundation trusts and a consortium formed by the county council and local GPs are set to compete for an £80m community services contract, HSJ can reveal.
Worrying signs that STPs' reach could well exceed their grasp
Projected forward trends of NHS activity and demand offer a sobering perspective on the likelihood of sustainability and transformation partnerships achieving their goals, writes Nigel Edwards
Seven days services study to review thousands of patient notes
Four thousand patients’ notes will be reviewed by experts as part of a project to study the quality of seven day services in the NHS.
HSJ Local
Pioneering acute and community trust hails 'successful' first year of home care
An acute and community trust that was the first in the NHS to enter the home care market says the first year of its new service has exceeded its expectations.
HSJ Local
CCGs move closer to controversial A&E reconfiguration
Commissioners in the West Midlands want to move to public consultation on the controversial reconfiguration of acute services in Shropshire, following months of delays.
HSJ Local
CCG tenders scaled back contract for 'multispecialty community provider'
Commissioners in Yorkshire are advertising an £80m “multispecialty community provider” contract – much scaled back from their initial proposal of a £1.3bn deal.
HSJ Local
Financially challenged CCG must not get 'distracted', says outgoing chief
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group, one of England’s largest commissioners, must not get “distracted” by designing new structures following its improved rating, its outgoing chief officer has warned.
HSJ Local
GPs oppose 'huge and unwieldy' STP plans
GPs in North Staffordshire have said they want to see a new multispecialty community provider set up for the region instead of the larger organisation covering the whole county outlined in its sustainability and transformation partnership.
HSJ Local
Plans confirmed for biggest ever CCG merger
A merger of three clinical commissioning groups would streamline commissioning across Birmingham and Solihull with some functions shifting to accountable care organisations.
HSJ Local
CCGs abandon £535m flagship prime provider contract
A tender worth half a billion pounds for end of life care services in Staffordshire has been abandoned due to the development of the area’s STP and difficulties, satisfying the new national scrutiny process, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Local
New trust 'foundation group' formed across counties
Two West Midlands trusts have formed a “foundation group” to create twin accountable care organisations despite being separated by an entire county.