Service design – Page 47
Exclusive: Warning over 'neglected' elderly mental health services
New royal college president elect vows to address neglected mental health services for older people Wendy Burn takes over as president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in June The president elect of the Royal College of Psychiatrists has warned mental health services for older people are being ...
Pioneering trust and GP tie-up to bid for new care model contract
Northampton Healthcare FT creates new organisation with 3Sixty Care GP federation New partnership will bid and deliver contracts together and is “keen” to secure a local MCP contract once released The organisations have an “equal” share in the new company with three board directors each A Midlands trust ...
We’re witnessing the greatest opportunity for reform in a generation
The answers to easing the extreme pressures on the NHS already exist – now we need to use them, says Natalie Douglas
Housing is ready to step up – will health meet us halfway?
Supported accommodation can play a key role in preventing issues such as unnecessary hospital admission, but it can’t achieve great results on its own
'Devo health' is pushing national legislation to its limits
Greater Manchester shows that if local areas can build strong relationships between partners around an ambitious local reform plan, they can make very real progress
£100m to fund national rollout of 'Luton' A&E model
Chancellor Philip Hammond has announced £100m for capital investment specifically in accident and emergency departments.
Shifting from a culture of encouraged dependency to informed responsibility
STP proposals present an important opportunity to prepare for the future despite our inclination to cling to the familiarity of the past.
HSJ Local
Merger trusts set course for 'significant' service changes
Essex mental health trusts plan huge shake-up if merger goes ahead First year would focus on governance changes and back office cuts Trusts hope new clinical model could be in place in April 2018 Two Essex mental health trusts set to merge in April are planning a “significant” ...
How a vanguard is transforming acute care for mental health
Samantha Jones explains how the new care model vanguards are making great strides in changing crisis care
HSJ Local
Community service transfer may be scrapped
NHS Improvement has said it could terminate the planned takeover of Liverpool’s community services by Bridgewater Community Healthcare Foundation Trust, and will consider if “a more beneficial transaction” could happen.
NHS officials 'treated like idiots' by councils in STP process
Councils engaged in efforts to integrate health and social care should stop competing for resources with the NHS and believing increased funding for the health service is “theft”, the chief executive of the Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy has said.
HSJ Local
CCG rows back on service closures following local backlash
Cambridgeshire minor injuries units reprieved following public outcry New model to be piloted in spring involves expanding units to take pressure off A&Es Move comes despite leaked CCG paper last year saying closures represented “only realistic option” Three Cambridgeshire minor injuries units threatened with closure could be reprieved ...
Why the forward view's target is in danger of being missed
The NHS must radically rethink its approach to productivity during the Five Year Forward View refresh in March, or key assumptions underpinning the high level plan will unravel
Take the less trodden path of volunteering overseas
Laura Spratling shares her experience of volunteering in a hospital of Sierra Leone
Act now to give CCGs a good death
Clinical commissioning groups’ demise must be handled carefully and their achievements preserved
HSJ Local
Success regime will not solve region's problems, warn senior medics
Essex success regime proposals will not address workforce or sustainability problems, warn senior medics East of England Clinical Senate said a “bolder” plan and extended timescale is needed Success regime said it was “delighted” the senate agreed with its “direction of travel” Plans for a major acute reorganisation ...
HSJ Knowledge
How specialist nurses can bring services closer to home
Shrewd service redesign by specialist nurses can lead to greater efficiency for providers and better care for patients
HSJ Knowledge
Get the support to self-manage with specialist nurses
The support of a specialist nurse can equip IBD patients to better manage their condition, thereby reducing dependency on hospital services
The dangers of tying reconfiguration to seven day standards
It is essential that commissioners and STP leads learn the lessons of the London Quality Standards, says Silvia Machaqueiro
STP 'guerrilla marketing' campaign to fight public perception of cuts
Humber, Coast and Vale STP invites expressions of interest to develop a £10,000 “social media and guerrilla marketing” campaign to promote its proposals The STP is looking for design and marketing agencies to help create the strategy One of the goals of the campaign is to “turn down the ...