Service design – Page 64
HSJ Local
CCG chair fears maternity closure may be permanent
CCG chair has “very significant concern” suspension of maternity services at Alexandra Hospital could become permanent Jonathan Wells has written to arm’s length bodies requesting “external support” to reverse closure Removal of inpatient maternity services from Alexandra Hospital a key component of provider’s reconfiguration plans STRUCTURE: A clinical ...
HSJ Local
‘Super practice’ vanguard appointed to run A&E ‘front door’
PRIMARY CARE: The primary care ‘super practice’ and vanguard site Lakeside Healthcare has begun triaging ambulatory patients who arrive at Leicester Royal Infirmary’s accident and emergency department.
Why recovery in mental health is so important
Helping people with serious mental health problems back to leading normal lives is possible and crucial, says Lisa Rodrigues
HSJ Knowledge
Why the NHS must replicate retail
The health service has the greatest purchasing power in the UK
HSJ Local
Calderstones chief: brand was tarnished but we're not like Winterbourne View
INTERVIEW: The Calderstones Hospital ‘brand’ was so damaged that its closure became inevitable, its chief executive has conceded.
Bennett calls for freeze of foundation trust pipeline
The outgoing chief executive of the foundation trust regulator has called for a suspension of the FT pipeline.
HSJ Local
New provider federation to dilute trusts’ veto over Manchester decisions
Trust chiefs in Greater Manchester are set to create a ‘federation’ of NHS providers, as they aim to maximise opportunities for sharing services across the region.
Heart surgery ‘anticipated’ to be axed from at least one northern hospital
Health service leaders in the north have suggested that congenital heart surgery will be withdrawn from at least one hospital in the region.
Julie Moore will need years, not months, to turn Heart of England around
She needs time to make real changes
Exclusive: ‘Flawed’ perceptions of GPs impact recruitment, warns HEE
Junior doctors and medical students are being put off training as GPs because of ‘fundamental flaws’ in how the profession is perceived, the chief executive of Health Education England has told HSJ.
Mapped: Every NHS England vanguard project
HSJ has mapped all 50 vanguards that will introduce new care models across the country. Explore the map to see what changes each vanguard intends to make.
HSJ Local
Community hospitals face closure under Surrey CCG proposals
STRUCTURE: A review of five community hospitals by Surrey Downs Clinical Commissioning Group has set out four options for future community care, which include the closure of two hospitals.
Mapped: Acute care vanguards revealed
Thirteen bids have been chosen to take forward NHS England’s vanguard for future models of acute care.
HSJ Local
Wolverhampton trust drops foundation status bid
STRUCTURE: The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals Trust will no longer pursue a bid for foundation trust status, HSJ has been told.
Exclusive: Vanguards urged to quickly become ‘battering ram of change’
The urgent and emergency care vanguards are the ‘battering ram of change’ and should quickly test new ideas to be replicated nationally, the director of NHS England’s new care models programme has said.
Patients can offer so much more than just feedback
They must be involved in leadership itself
HSJ Local
Exclusive: CCG plans handover to 'accountable care organisation'
A clinical commissioning group is proposing to hand its budget and nearly all its functions to a provider led ‘accountable care organisation’, in what could be a first in the NHS.