Service design – Page 67
HSJ Local
Acute trust teams up with GP-led provider on care pathways
COMMERCIAL: Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation Trust is developing a memorandum of understanding with a GP-led provider on pathways of care linked to community services.
HSJ Knowledge
What the future NHS hospital should look like
Two hospitals challenging assumptions about how care is delivered
HSJ Local
Calderdale reconfiguration rejected in council report
STRUCTURE: There is ‘not convincing evidence’ that proposals to reconfigure services hospitals services in Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield would ‘produce better health outcomes for our population or represent good value for money’, a council commissioned report has found.
HSJ Partners
Three steps to better care for the terminally ill
The electorate wants to ease the burden on A&E – and it is achievable
HSJ Knowledge
Trust chiefs speak: How to tackle winter pressures and election turbulence
2015 is set to be a turbulent year for the hospital sector, especially as the NHS looks likely to be the battleground for the election. Richard Vize speaks to trust chief executives about their plan of attack
Stevens: New care vanguard must bring in GP lists
The involvement of GPs is the most important and most challenging factor facing any area wanting to trial one of the new models of care detailed in the NHS Five Year Forward View, Simon Stevens has said.
HSJ Local
Leicester to pilot extended GP opening hours
PRIMARY CARE: Patients across Leicester have been offered increased weekend access to a number of GP practices as part of a pilot scheme running until the end of February.
New care model proposals 'must involve patients'
Proposals to develop new health and social care models will need to demonstrate meaningful clinical and patient involvement to get NHS England support, HSJ has been told.
Putting pathology to the test: an HSJ conference
What is the role of diagnostics in a changing NHS?
Mental health supplement: ‘The rooms are part of the therapy’
Designing a future proof mental health hospital room
NHS England to trial employing pharmacists in A&E
The urgent and emergency care review being led by NHS England will conduct a national pilot in the spring to trial employing pharmacists in an emergency department setting.
Schism emerges over Stevens' integrated care organisation models
Plans to introduce a range of new care models into the NHS over the next parliament has split the opinion of provider chiefs and clinical commissioning group leaders
Reconfiguration of clinical services is important but insufficient
Hospitals play a minor part in determining outcomes
HSJ Knowledge
Ebola lesson 4: development of interprofessional teams and leadership skills
Teamwork can accelerate leadership development
HSJ Knowledge
Ebola lesson 3: how to use volunteers' Ebola experience in the UK
The NHS needs to draw on staff with the appropriate training, experience and confidence to handle this kind of situation safely
HSJ Knowledge
Ebola lesson 1: the importance of infection control
The Ebola crisis has revealed some inadequacies with screening and the flow of patients through processes like decontamination. Infection control must be the bedrock of all health systems
HSJ Knowledge
Ebola lesson 2: dealing with the psychology of Ebola
A campaign of consistent, clear and calm messages can help overcome hysteria caused by a crisis
HSJ Knowledge
The Ebola crisis: four lessons for the NHS
How a British team in Sierra Leone helped boost the health system
Redefining innovation: Cutting tech doesn't scan
Ageing imaging equipment is cause for concern
HSJ Knowledge
Collaboration is at the heart of mental health transformation
How London is sharing expertise and responsibility