Service design – Page 72
HSJ Knowledge
What have hospitals and a 1970 Morris Minor got in common?
McKinsey’s John Drew introduces a new series of videos on hospitals’ uphill struggle
HSJ Knowledge
The simple – but compelling – case for quality governance
Boards must demonstrate they are focused on quality if they want to avoid becoming another Mid Staffordshire
HSJ Knowledge
Everything must flow: how emergency care can meet demand
Problems must be fixed throughout the system
How we bridge the gap between community and acute care
Berkshire trust chief explains their new service model
HSJ Knowledge
Why the strength of the A&E brand is its Achilles' heel
One way to cope with overloaded emergency care units
HSJ Knowledge
Winter pressures and the NHS: the story so far
How the NHS is coping with the winter surge in demand
HSJ Knowledge
How Barts Health streamlined its outpatient pathway
The trust has improved services in three years
Define a clear role for hospitals in integrated care
One north London acute trust shows the way forward
HSJ Knowledge
Hospitals have big plans for 2014
The year ahead will see trusts battling to balance care reform with stringent finances
HSJ Knowledge
Seven day services: An alternative perspective
An alternative view of seven day services
HSJ Partners
Innovative use of data can improve end of life care
A shift in thinking can lead to a better patient experience
Analysed: Practices urged to work at greater scale
NHS England’s planning guidance, which calls for GP practices to “work at a greater scale”, will not mean the end of single-handed practices, the national body has said.
HSJ Knowledge
Why services aren’t working seven days a week
The challenges and changes needed to make seven day working in the NHS work
Lord Carter's pathology review is more relevant than ever
The obstacles in the way of reconfiguration
Lord Darzi: A global response to the healthcare crisis
Patient-driven care stimulates innovation and boosts quality
HSJ Knowledge
Improving quality governance: tips from the top
Five NHS leaders share their recommendations
HSJ Knowledge
When an inspector calls: CQC hospital inspection programme under way
Mike Richards has started his new hospital inspections regime
HSJ Knowledge
Take outpatient clinics out of the system
Four ways make mental health care fit for the 21st century