Service design – Page 79
Nigel Crisp: the most precious commodity of all
On achieving a workforce skill mix to safeguard healthcare.
Long term conditions care - an HSJ supplement
This latest HSJ supplement looks at key aspects of care for patients with long term conditions.
Ruth Carnall: take the shakes out of the shake-ups
Revamping NHS organisations will always be intense but these lessons from London can help to make things easier.
John Deffenbaugh: why the NHS and local government jigsaw can fit together this time
There have been many attempts to bring the NHS and local government closer together.
Ciarán Devane: out with the old
A hypothesis for us: if we want to do more, we need to do less.
HSJ Knowledge
A few words on self-management
Multilingual peer educators in north west London are helping people in hard to reach communities manage their diabetes, say Sunder Chita and colleagues.
HSJ Knowledge
How CCGs can tackle the ever-shifting procurement regime
Mark Fitzgibbon and colleagues look at how CCGs can address operational issues around procurement without compromising performance.
HSJ Knowledge
Ten years of care trusts: six key findings
Ten years on from the establishment of the first care trusts, the Health Services Management Centre carried out a series of interviews with care trust leaders to see what could be learnt about integration.
HSJ Local
Mid Yorks begins talks on reconfiguration
STRUCTURE: Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust has begun talks on major service change with its local commissioners, stakeholder and community.
HSJ Knowledge
The ideas and innovations taking health services by storm
The Liberating Ideas Award was established to encourage the spread of service improvements. Alison Moore catches up with the 2011 winners to find out how they have fared.
HSJ Knowledge
How one trust's efficiency programme benefitted its foundation bid
As part of its foundation trust bid, Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals Trust embarked on a challenging three-year efficiency programme. Chief executive David Loughton explains what it achieved and how.
Insights into oral chemotherapy service redesign
This exclusive article looks at the benefits of optimising oral chemotherapy service design.
The benefits of centralised emergency services are less than clear
Small hospitals face growing threats, says Nigel Edwards.
Turning the NHS into a lean, mean, healthcare machine
Manufacturing and healthcare appear to be poles apart but when it comes to reducing waste and improving efficiency, the gap is not as wide as it seems, John Neill tells Andrew Snowball.
HSJ Knowledge
How HealthWatch can help support local economies
Ross Griffiths explores how HealthWatch bodies have the opportunity to support local health economies and their scope for innovation in delivering care.
HSJ Knowledge
How patient perspectives can help improve service design
Patient opinions are a precious source of information. Natalie Cook and Keith Miller explain how to make listening to them a fundamental part of service design.
HSJ Knowledge
An innovative approach to redesigned oncology services
Developing a successful acute oncology service to admitted patients and those in A&E called for some innovative thinking, explain Rob Smith and colleagues.
HSJ Knowledge
How to implement evidence-based stroke care
Alec Fraser and colleagues discuss four challenges that were overcome in successfully implementing better stroke services.
HSJ Knowledge
How to improve commissioning for long term conditions
Don Redding of National Voices identifies three types of people who can enhance the commissioning of services for people with long term conditions.