Service design – Page 91
The NHS Commissioning Board: biggest of the big spenders
The NHS Commissioning Board’s greatest influence on quality will be through how it splashes its cash
'Time to scrap GP exception reporting'
We must now scrap exception reporting by GPs in the quality and outcomes framework.
'We all know what’s wrong with the NHS'
There are too many hospitals swallowing up too much money for too little return. Which is fine until you try to close or downsize one, and all hell breaks loose.
HSJ Knowledge
The HSJ and Capgemini Liberating Ideas Award Winners - Winning ideas are going places fast
The HSJ and Capgemini Liberating Ideas Award celebrates the best local innovations and set the challenge for national adoption. Read about the winners here
Nick Bosanquet: Five steps to security
The pre-Christmas snow shower of documents did little to gather momentum towards better services. Rather, it added to the risk of planning blight for new organisations which have to find personnel and trial their powers and budgets. These are my five steps to rescue the change programme:
LINks effectiveness questioned
Figures claiming to show a potential fourfold return on investment in Local Involvement Networks have been described as “back on an envelope” calculations, raising questions about how cost effective new Healthwatch arrangements will be.
DH calls for volunteers to pilot NHS 111
The Department of Health is planning a rapid expansion of the NHS 111 service next year in order to achieve universal coverage by April 2013.
Computer models could help NHS save £20bn
The NHS could use computer simulations to help find £20bn savings needed by April 2015.
Call for action on teen pregnancy services
The number of teenage girls falling pregnant will rise unless the government takes action, experts have warned.
'Don't allow healthcare and public health improvement to be divided'
The raison d’être of local government is that elected councillors best represent residents’ concerns.
Mental healthcare requires 'radical' overhaul
There must be “radical” changes to how mental health services are organised with less “unnecessary use” of hospital beds, an expert has said.
HSJ Knowledge
How to reduce COPD admissions with personal care plans
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the second most common cause of emergency admissions to hospital; one in eight acute emergency admissions is the result of an acute exacerbation of the condition.
HSJ Knowledge
COPD care: how to save millions
With seasonal capacity issues rising, this quarter’s HSJ Change Forecast focuses on COPD and explores how a proactive approach to care pathway management could save over £800m on COPD inpatient care alone.
Trust loses cancer screening service over biopsy failings
The breast screening service in north Cumbria is to be restructured after an investigation concluded it failed to carry out needle biopsies in enough cases, leading to delays in diagnosing 16 patients.
Your Humble Servant: home front
‘We’re invading your privacy at home, and turning it into the outpatient clinic’
The NHS needs to re-invent itself to cope with funding cuts
The NHS’s funding increase is actually a 0.5 per cent cut - efficiency savings of 4-5 per cent will have to be found.
HSJ Knowledge
Achieving whole hospital change
Peter Homa explains how Nottingham University Hospitals Trust is achieving more from less with a whole hospitals change programme
NHS efficiency savings could get a rough ride
What is the difference between a cut and an efficiency saving? And will patients be able to tell the difference?
HSJ Knowledge
NHS referral management: how to get it right
Referral management can save money but its guiding principles must be about quality - not just blanket cuts in numbers referred, say Chris Naylor and Candace Imison
Risk management will be flash point for PCTs and GP consortia
The management of risk will be the main area of tension between fledging GP consortia and primary care trusts over the coming months, a report on the lessons learnt from practice based commissioning suggests.