Service design – Page 97
PCT provider plan deadline stands
The Department of Health will not extend the deadline for primary care trusts to finalise plans for their provider arms.
Jenny Owen on a new solution to health and social care funding
A solution to social care funding must be agreed to get the most benefit from joint working
Noel Plumridge on the rules of payment by results
A rules-based system. That was the aspiration in 2004 when payment by results was introduced to England’s NHS.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS targets vs patient needs
Government targets have led to real changes in the quality of NHS services, but national indicators are not sufficient to tell us whether performance against them actually affects the health of the local population.
NHS market reforms are not linked with better care
The introduction of competition to the NHS cannot be shown to have improved the health service, and may have produced extra costs.
David Nicholson calls for 'more urgency' in stroke care
NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson has said trusts must put “more urgency” into meeting the requirements of the national stroke strategy.
Michael White: NHS reorganisation row
By chance I stumbled on an NHS row which intrigues me. It is the sight of Labour ministers and their Tory shadows and wannabe successors joining forces to denounce disgraceful “scaremongering” about a hospital reorganisation.
HSJ Knowledge
Lean in radiology
Using lean to make an ongoing difference, achieve targets and improve staff morale
HSJ Knowledge
Transforming community services for people with long term conditions
Community healthcare is widening the focus from just a patient’s condition to their whole life, says Stuart Shepherd
Alan Maynard: could the Tories give PCTs bite?
The ‘toothless bulldogs’ of the NHS might hope for more control over purchasing under the Conservatives
NPSA halts search for chief executive
The National Patient Safety Agency has put off its search for a new chief executive amid a Department of Health clampdown on senior appointments at arm’s length bodies.
Independent review of Cornwall reconfiguration
The Independent Reconfiguration Panel is to review a controversial reconfiguration of upper gastro-intestinal cancer services in the South West.
HSJ Knowledge
Transforming community services: handover heralds a flexible future
Transferring community services to a foundation trust allows one PCT to focus on choice, say Jamie Foster and Jane Gateley
Stephen Eames on NHS merger turkeys
Most evidence of the impact of mergers is mixed and suggests benefits do not always materialise.
Janice Stevens on same sex hospital accommodation
Same sex facilities call for changed attitudes more than new buildings
Report highlights trauma care variations
Up to 600 victims of stabbing, shooting and road accidents die each year due to “unacceptable” variations in how NHS hospitals manage trauma cases, according to an official report.
Trusts told to monitor use of safer surgery checklist
Many acute trusts could be failing to monitor the use of a mandatory patient safety tool, HSJ understands.
Home care ‘could save NHS more than £1bn a year’
The health service could save more than £1bn each year by increasing the number of patients it treats at home rather than in hospital, according to a report seen by HSJ.
Provider arms given timetable to vertically integrate
Most primary care trust provider arms will be expected to integrate with acute or mental health trusts by the end of March 2011, HSJ has learned.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS improvement: find the right ways to do things differently
With trusts under increasing pressure to improve performance on tighter finances there are some aspects they should all be tackling now, says David McArtney