Service design – Page 98
PCT benefits from ambitious knowledge and skills framework redesign
A Yorkshire primary care trust has successfully transformed the knowledge and skills framework into a tool to aid workforce planning and boost productivity.
HSJ Knowledge
Pathology Modernisation
A business critical briefing from HSJ’s Pathology Modernisation conference
HSJ Knowledge
Pathology Modernisation - conference sessions
A business critical briefing from HSJ’s Pathology Modernisation conference
Can healthcare spending thaw icy economies?
Health spending represents great value both as a short term economic stimulus and for its long term economic benefits.
Elder care pilot slashes hospital admissions
A pilot programme for improving care of older patients has slashed hospital overnight stays and accident and emergency attendances, and produced significant financial savings.
Cancer care plans could cut costs
Primary care trusts could make significant cost savings by adopting a more personalised approach to the follow-up care of cancer patients, national clinical director for cancer Professor Sir Mike Richards has said.
Four countries’ pulses beat to different tunes
The devolved nations of the NHS are showing striking contrasts in productivity and performance, with Scotland’s policy paths in particular appearing to have led its services into a much less healthy state than England’s. Alison Moore reports
Brian James: how to save NHS services in a recession
If politicians want to protect frontline services, they should ask those working there what they should do
PCTs face redesign backlashes as cost cuts loom
Primary care trusts face a tough year attempting to convince the public that service redesigns are in the best interests of patients and cost-saving measures are inevitable.
HSJ Knowledge
Trauma service transformation
The Healthcare for London programme is carrying out a clinically driven service reconfiguration that will ensure world class care at all stages of the patient journey. The Healthcare for London major trauma team explains how they have tackled the challenge of centralising trauma care in the capital.
HSJ Knowledge
Low clinical priority procedures
This article describes how a primary care trust’s low clinical priority procedures were implemented by a clinical health psychologist working across primary and acute settings.
Andrew Jones on healthcare Darwinism
What is the most important book ever written? Most clinicians will refer you to On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: Change by Design
In the context of the urgent challenges facing the NHS, Change By Design is both timely and significant. And, while booksellers’ shelves bow under the weight of organisational thinking and change management manuals, there is a sense of daring, optimism and humanity running through its chapters that strikes a more ...
HSJ Knowledge
How to make clinical commissioning work
In Kent, clinicians and managers are working together as teams to concentrate expertise on specific clinical areas
Demand for veterans PTSD service on the rise
A groundbreaking pilot scheme for military veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder is to continue in the next year if it can secure long-term funding.
Commissioners need to be ready for surge in population over 85
The number of 85 year olds will increase by a third by 2020, putting pressure on health and social services, researchers said today.
Operating theatre 'scheduler' could save trusts more than £5m a year
Appointing a dedicated operating theatre “scheduler” could save acute trusts more than £5m a year, latest information from the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement suggests.
Jon Restell: could the NHS ever be like this?
People tell me I am good at predictions, so here is my month by month forecast for 2010.
‘Avoid merger distractions’
The NHS must focus on patients when considering mergers with social care, the Department of Health’s new quality and productivity clinical lead has warned.
Advances in care for kidney patients
Over the past five years the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease has improved “significantly”, according to health officials.