As 18 Week Support celebrates its 10th anniversary, the organisation reflects on a decade of transformative impact on NHS patient care

Founded in 2014 by Conal Perrett, a consultant dermatologist, 18 Week Support emerged in response to frustrations over lengthy patient waiting times. Dr Perrett, motivated by the delays patients faced, championed the concept of clinical insourcing – an approach designed to provide timely, high-quality care within NHS facilities by utilising existing NHS capacity.

The principle was simple, yet profound: patients should receive prompt treatment without compromising clinical excellence. Dr Perrett’s vision was to ensure that NHS trusts had access to sustainable solutions that could effectively meet growing demand without the need for external outsourcing.

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From its early days, 18 Week Support distinguished itself by addressing critical bottlenecks in elective care, working to reduce referral to treatment waiting times to the organisation’s namesake 18 weeks. The insourcing model, which leverages existing NHS infrastructure, has proven to be a successful approach.

By deploying expert clinical teams within NHS facilities during evenings and weekends, 18 Week Support has been able to significantly reduce waiting times and clear backlogs, ensuring that patients receive the care they need when they need it. This approach not only maximises the utilisation of NHS resources but also ensures that care is delivered within the trusted environment of NHS hospitals.

Proven impact and NHS integration

18 Week Support has grown into a critical partner for NHS trusts across the UK, providing specialist services across 15 specialties, including ENT, ophthalmology, and endoscopy. The organisation’s model focuses on maximising existing NHS resources by delivering care within NHS facilities, often during evenings and weekends, thus reducing waiting times and eliminating backlogs.

This approach has proven highly effective, particularly in specialties where demand has historically outstripped capacity. For instance, at North West Anglia Foundation Trust, 18 Week Support played a pivotal role in clearing an ENT backlog within eight months, a clear demonstration of the organisation’s ability to deliver impactful, timely solutions.

Central to the success of 18 Week Support is its commitment to seamless integration with NHS processes. In addition to providing extra capacity, the organisation works closely with NHS trusts to tailor its services, ensuring alignment with the NHS’s standards.

This collaborative approach has fostered long-term partnerships with NHS trusts across the country, relationships built on mutual trust, and a shared commitment to improving patient outcomes. The organisation’s ability to adapt to the specific needs of each trust has solidified its reputation as a reliable and effective partner in tackling the most pressing challenges in elective care.

Aligning with the new NHS guidance on insourcing

In August 2024, the NHS introduced new guidance on insourcing, reaffirming the importance of this approach in managing elective care backlogs. The guidance highlights key principles such as rigorous clinical governance, cost-effectiveness, and seamless integration – core values that have underpinned 18 Week Support’s operations from the very beginning. This alignment between the organisation’s practices and the NHS’s strategic goals positions 18 Week Support as a leading provider in the field of clinical insourcing.

Supporting Labour’s ambitious healthcare agenda

With the new Labour government in power, the focus on reducing waiting times and improving access to care has never been greater. Labour has committed to delivering 40,000 new NHS appointments per week, a target that requires innovative solutions and expanded capacity within the health service.

18 Week Support’s mission aligns perfectly with these priorities. By enhancing NHS capacity through insourcing, 18 Week Support can not only help to meet these ambitious targets but also contribute to the financial sustainability of the NHS by optimising the use of existing resources and reducing the need for outsourcing to private providers.

As 18 Week Support enters its second decade, it remains steadfast in its mission to deliver timely, high-quality care that enhances the lives of NHS patients. With a proven track record, alignment with NHS guidelines, and a shared vision with the new government, 18 Week Support is poised to continue driving advancements in patient care for years to come.

The organisation’s journey over the past 10 years exemplifies the power of innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to clinical excellence – principles that will guide 18 Week Support as it builds on its legacy and looks to the future.