All Service redesign articles – Page 10
‘Unfit’ unit to be replaced with new £38m hospital
An outdated mental health unit will close next month after a new hospital was given £38m in government funding.
The way we design NHS buildings and services needs a radical rethink
Terry Young shares three things you need to know about designing ICSs as leaders move deeper into the era of health as an information industry
Ending the short termism in health inequality policy
Toby Lewis on what it will take to tackle the waste and harm caused by health inequalities
More people are dying at home – here’s how ICSs can help
An increasing number of people have palliative care needs in their home – better integrated care, and sharing knowledge — is vital to getting them the support they need, writes Craig Duncan
HSJ Partners
Drawing together local and global experience through the Safety and Innovation Hub
Sometimes a change of scenery can help produce new solutions to old problems. And healthcare leaders are finding that getting out of the hospital can sometimes focus minds and lead to a breakthrough. At BD we have created a Safety and Innovation Hub at our site near Reading, drawing together ...
Let ICSs decide how to deliver 'neighbourhood care'
Post Baroness Camilla Cavendish’s endorsement of the Buurtzorg model, Brendan Martin explains how this Dutch model will face the challenge of adapting to Britain’s institutional environment and should be replicated after learning how to achieve it
HSJ Partners
Can the NHS COVID App’s scale and impact be a model for NHS digital transformation?
Developed during the pandemic, the NHS COVID App illustrates how major policy changes can be embedded into patient-focused digital technology in a short time frame.
Achieving net carbon zero is a moral imperative for our trust
Transformation of any kind requires the right infrastructure to enable it to happen, and this is where the interface between sustainability and digital transformation is so important, writes Joe Harrison
HSJ Partners
New report to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on inequalities in cancer care
This is paid-for content from our commercial partners. Find out more The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer care and treatment across the globe has been significant. According to Cancer Research UK, almost three in 10 cancer patients had their treatment disrupted when the ...
Establishing proportionate accountability for integrated care systems
Partnership with local authorities and meaningful engagement with people and communities are the best way of ICSs earning a mandate to push back. By Chris Ham
For the public, good healthcare is about relationships
John Hall gives an insight into the revelations from Engage Britain’s recent ‘People’s Panel’ where members of the public discussed health and care challenges faced across the country
HSJ Partners
Shifting the dial on inequality
How data will help ICSs support those most at risk, writes Markus Bolton
HSJ Partners
Extended access changes: How can CCGs and PCNs adapt?
For the second time, the planned transfer of CCG-commissioned extended access services to PCNs has been postponed by a further six months, until October 2022.
HSJ Interactive
Is cybersecurity now an urgent patient safety issue?
With cyber attacks constituting a risk to clinical care, a recent HSJ webinar in association with Sophos argued cybersecurity should be the business of everyone in the NHS. Claire Read reports
Would putting GPs under the command of hospitals work?
The pitfall of trying to design a ‘one size fits all’ model of primary care should be avoided, write Robert Ede and Sean Phillips
Levelling up must include action on variation in GP services
Unless urgent action is taken, failure to provide general practice according to people’s needs will likely widen disparities further, write Becks Fisher and Lucinda Allen
HSJ Partners
Communication systems must be updated if patient initiated follow up is to work effectively
This approach to appointment management has enormous promise, says Jane Tyacke, but getting it right means updating how the NHS communicates with patients
Community referrals can relieve burden on primary care
The pandemic has worsened health and wellbeing for many and widened inequalities further. Link workers can improve outcomes for people whom GPs may struggle to support and help achieve better results, writes Julie Bass
Trust seeks £30m for hot/cold split of orthopaedic services
An acute trust is seeking £30m in national funding to build a new elective care centre which it says would cut outsourcing costs and increase activity across its integrated care system.
From 'hospitality to health', enabling career change
Anchor institutions create local economies that serve people, place and planet, writes Conrad Parke