All Service redesign articles – Page 116

  • News

    Cases of legionnaires' to rise


    More cases of legionnaires' disease are likely as a result of climate change, researchers predict.

  • News

    Patient information consultation begins


    Connecting for Health has launched a consultation on the use of patient information. It wants the public and health professionals to give their views on the use of patient information for purposes such as health research and managing and planning care.

  • News

    Scottish walk-in pharmacy services launched


    Eight Scottish pharmacies are piloting walk-in services such as immunisation, health checks, nurse-led minor injury clinics, sexual healthcare and smoking cessation. The pharmacies will stay open until midnight six days a week during the pilot, which is due to run until March 2010.

  • News

    Scotland holds annual quality improvement review


    The annual review of NHS Quality Improvement Scotland will be held in public today, chaired by health secretary Nicola Sturgeon. The review will include a question and answer session with members of the public.

  • News

    Stroke care improvements 'must continue'


    There has been a major improvement in the organisation of stroke care over the past two years, according to the latest National Sentinel Organisational Audit of Stroke.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient safety records: silent witness


    General practice logs just 0.4 per cent of all patient safety reports. Are GPs keeping quiet to protect their businesses or are patients reluctant to complain? Mark Gould investigates

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health system integration: straight to the point


    Data analysis is revealing why people make inappropriate calls to the emergency services and prompting the discovery of new solutions to the problem, reports Stuart Shepherd

  • Comment

    Steve Field on the case for a GP-led health service


    Lord Darzi's review of the NHS advocates a healthcare system led by clinicians and centred on patients - and rightly so.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    View from the floor: end of life care


    Helene Hibbert is a Macmillan occupational therapist. She works in end of life care at St Mary's Hospital in London's Imperial College Healthcare trust

  • News

    Stroke services imporved


    Stroke services have shown marked improvement in the last two years, an audit by the Royal College of Physicians has shown.The audit of 224 hospitals in all areas of the UK except Scotland found near universal provision of specialist stroke beds.About 30 per cent are offering thrombolysis for stroke and ...

  • News

    NHS home oxygen service a hit


    The first national patient survey of the home oxygen service has found high levels of satisfaction.

  • News

    DH publishes plans for failing NHS trusts


    The Department of Health has published its proposals for managing failing NHS hospitals and trusts.

  • News

    Chair of NHS co-operation and competition panel named


    The first chair and director of the NHS co-operation and competition panel will be Lord Carter of Coles. He will take up the post in October.

  • News

    Rethink maternity service plans, panel tells PCTs


    A government panel has slammed two primary care trusts for failing to consult on plans for a radical re-design of maternity services.

  • News

    London's first polyclinic locations are unveiled


    Healthcare for London has revealed the locations of the capital's first five polyclinics.

  • News

    Lord Darzi puts next stage show on the road


    Lord Darzi began a 'roadshow' tour of strategic health authorities this week, visiting NHS South East Coast and NHS Yorkshire and the Humber.

  • Comment

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on his last column


    This will be my last column. While working in London I could sustain the roles of foundation trust chief executive, a member of various national boards, HSJ columnist and playing in my band.

  • News

    Nick Clegg rejects NHS insurance plans


    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has chosen the launch of a report calling for primary care trusts to be replaced by a health insurance style system to flesh out policies on healthcare reform.

  • News

    Care integration must tackle inequality


    Organisations in integrated care pilot schemes will be expected to deliver measurable improvements on health inequalities, the Department of Health has revealed.

  • News

    Personal health budgets


    Anna Dixon's article on personal budgets cites US evidence on health savings accounts to suggest recipients of personal health budgets will forego care.