All Service redesign articles – Page 117

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Bringing mental health under the NHS wing


    Successive governments have left mental health in the shadows. At the Liberal Democrat conference leader Nick Clegg will outline his plans to turn the sector around and make it truly patient centred

  • Leader

    No amount of health funding will be an antidote to poverty


    As the political parties mobilise for the conference season it is tempting to believe there is broad consensus about the future of the NHS. But three debates that go to its heart are raging.

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    Liberal Democrats voice support for top ups


    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has called for patients to be allowed to pay for extra treatment without losing the right to free NHS care.

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    Police cells 'unsuitable' for Mental Health Act detentions


    Twice as many people are detained in unsuitable police custody for assessment under the Mental Health Act as are taken to hospital by police for this purpose, a report published by the Independent Police Complaints Commission has revealed.

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    London Health Commission appoints chairman


    Councillor Mary O'Connor has been appointed chairman of the London Health Commission.

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    Think tank calls for NHS overhaul


    The NHS should be replaced by a health protection model in which the government acts as a regulator, according to a report by think tank Reform.The system proposed in the report would include incentives for healthy living, an insurance model to cover rare drugs and luxury items and clarity over ...

  • Comment

    Mark Goldman on raising the NHS bar


    It's official. The NHS provides the most equitable healthcare anywhere in the world. But there are 18 countries whose citizens have better outcomes following cancer treatment than we do.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lean thinking: get your house in order


    Steve Humphries, David Newby and Christine Vize ask whether techniques from manufacturing can improve healthcare provision

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health foundation trusts: F marks the spot


    Just under half of mental health trusts have achieved foundation status. Helen Mooney looks at the options for those that may not be able to make the grade

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient choice in mental health: your shout


    The views of mental health patients will become much more important over the next decade as they demand services tailored to their needs, writes Mark Gould

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Integrated care connections


    The Connected Care project involves healthcare organisations genuinely listening to local people. Paul Dinsdale tunes in

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Benchmarking out of hours healthcare


    Huge variations in the cost and quality of out of hours healthcare around the country have led to moves to benchmark these services. Kaye McIntosh reports

  • Comment

    Angela Greatley on tackling social exclusion


    There is a group of people who are chronically excluded from housing, work, relationships and the kinds of activity most people aspire to in 21st century Britain. They exhibit the most complex problems but they can be the most excluded from the very help they need.

  • News

    Alan Johnson approves A&E closure plans


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has given his backing to controversial plans to close the accident and emergency department at Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield, London.Proposals by Barnet, Enfield and Haringey primary care trusts, which had been referred to the independent reconfiguration panel, will see parts of the hospital rebuilt and ...

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    PCTs press for south London hospitals shake-up


    Primary care trusts have warned that delaying the proposed reconfiguration of hospitals in south east London could push services to breaking point.

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    London polyclinics to use 'federated' model


    None of London's first wave of controversial polyclinics will deliver all its services from a single new standalone building.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Get happy: the secret to a healthy old age


    There is clear evidence older people benefit from preventive healthcare. For the fulfilled old age that people want, services must spot depression early and support good diet and mobility

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    Accountancy firms win PCT board roles


    Three of the 'big four' accountancy firms have been selected to improve primary care trust boards' skills.KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young are all leading consortiums that have made successful bids to be on the Department of Health's new PCT board development framework.

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    Police need help dealing with mentally unwell - Sainsbury Centre


    Police staff should be offered training to help them respond better to people who are having a mental health crisis and take a more active role in diverting them to services, the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health has said.In a briefing note, the charity also said assessment suites should be ...

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    Children 'do not have say in mental healthcare'


    Few children have a say in their mental health treatment, although 97 per cent of professionals, parents and young people say they should, according to a survey by charity Young Minds.