All Service redesign articles – Page 118

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Adolescent services: smells like teen spirit


    The teenage years are not the easiest: testing boundaries, asserting your independence and taking risks - and this age group often falls between child and adult healthcare. Claire Laurent reports on moves to target services for young people's needs

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    Andrew Jones on achieving quality care


    Piloting the NHS towards quality requires robust regulation and inspection, and the DH has already set up overlapping organisations to provide this, presumably with a thinly spread budget. But if Lord Darzi's plan is to be accomplished, it will require action rather than rhetoric, and action requires funding.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NICE awards promote shared learning


    With the next stage review promoting quality over cost, now is the time to develop better ways of sharing best practice. As the closing date for the annual NICE awards nears, HSJ talks to last year's winners

  • News

    World Health Organisation warning on health inequalities


    Social injustice 'is killing people on a grand scale', according to the World Health Organisation.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Super patients should use their powers wisely


    The government is set to empower patients with personal budgets for care, but clear rules must guarantee choices are well informed and cost-effective, say Anna Dixon and Rebecca Ashton

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on a family tragedy


    When the mobile phone leaps into life before 8am, it's usually ominous. Yesterday was no exception, with a text from my sister Amy: 'Tony has been in a terrible accident and is fighting 4 his life. Everyone pls pray 4 him.'

  • News

    Entrepreneurial GPs are due respect


    Sophia Christie's allegations that GPs are 'venal' and 'breathtakingly callous' are unfair. I am a GP of 26 years' standing. I am vice chair of our (large) local medical committee and a board member of our practice based commissioning consortium. I have spent considerable time recently, with a great deal ...

  • News

    Dragons' Den inspires trusts


    I read with interest the item 'PCT 'dragons' hunt fresh ideas'. Last autumn in South West Essex primary care trust provider services, we launched a 'new innovations initiative' which was based on the TV series Dragons' Den. We established our initiative to help with developing a culture of innovation across ...

  • News

    Innovative commissioning leads to cost savings


    It is not just surgery where the NHS must speed up its innovation. Imaginative approaches to commissioning exist and early indications from Northern Ireland suggest significant cost savings are available to those prepared to embrace them.

  • News

    Huge contrasts found between UK nations


    Patients in the UK’s four nations have dramatically different experiences of the NHS, HSJ can reveal.

  • Comment

    Michael White on the golden age of the NHS


    I have been sitting in patchy sunshine reading Rejuvenate or Retire? the Nuffield Trust's anthology to mark the NHS 60th anniversary.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    National service: health policy performance across the UK


    A&E attendances and emergency admissions have shot up in recent years - but only in England. Alison Moore asks why the record is so inconsistent across the UK

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Service integration - the future of the NHS


    Working with the North West Clinical Leaders Network made redesigning local services on the Wirral less of a struggle, as David Rowlands explains

  • Comment

    Jon Restell on keeping managers in the NHS


    Sixty per cent of the people who will make up the NHS workforce in 10 years are already employed in the service. This is the latest fancy dan statistic to drop into any workforce discussion.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Delivering 18 weeks: the steps to success


    Meeting the December 18-week referral to treatment target will be a challenge for many hospitals, especially those that missed the March milestone. Heather Lawrence, Kieran Brett and Michael Macdonnell explain how Chelsea and Westminster foundation trust hit the target nine months early

  • Leader

    Young promises new regime will deliver speed and independence


    The language used by the chair of the Care Quality Commission in her interview with HSJ was typically clear, robust and ambitious.

  • News

    Guilty by emission as carbon cuts loom large


    The NHS emits a million tonnes of carbon a year, but it must cut this figure drastically. Helen Crump asks whether trusts are giving this issue the priority it requires and highlights some innovative ideas.

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    Cornwall cancer treatment centralisation plans


    Your comment on our proposals to relocate upper gastrointestinal cancer surgical services to improve clinical outcomes was very perceptive in setting out the challenges we face.

  • News

    Disgusted by Cornwall cancer conflict


    I read with disgust your comments on the planned removal of cancer services from Cornwall to Plymouth.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving quality: a perfect 10 from patients


    The next stage of NHS reform will be about improving quality - and an ambitious outcomes measurement regime will be crucial, say Jon Sussex and Adrian Towse