All Service redesign articles – Page 120

  • News

    People with learning disabilities let down by NHS, inquiry finds


    The independent inquiry into access to healthcare for people with learning disabilities has published its findings and its recommendations have been welcomed by the NHS Confederation.Healthcare For All says people with learning disabilities have higher levels of unmet need and receive less effective treatment, despite the Disability Discrimination Act and ...

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    Wales publishes report on organ donation


    The Welsh Assembly's health, well-being and local government committee has published a report on organ donation.

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    Welsh trust told to review its performance


    Welsh health minister Edwina Hart has told Cardiff and Vale trust to undertake reviews of its processes, leadership and governance, as well as its waiting list management.

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    Hospital malnutrition doubles in two years


    The number of serious incidents related to poor nutritional care of hospital patients has almost doubled, figures show.

  • News

    Scotland may need transfer service for pregnant women


    Scotland should look at the need to establish a service to co-ordinate transfers of pregnant women in labour or close to giving birth from one unit to another, a report from NHS Quality Improvement Scotland has said.

  • News

    Boards 'need sexual health representative'


    Primary care trusts should have a board member responsible for sexual health, a report by the Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV has said. It also said commitment was needed to ensure improvements in sexual health services moved beyond clinical work to reducing stigma and social exclusion.It added ...

  • News

    West Sussex PCT 'disappointed' over reconfiguration decision


    The chief executive of West Sussex primary care trust has said he is disappointed that the local council has decided to refer a reconfiguration decision to the health secretary.

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    Auditor general for Wales on home oxygen services


    The NHS in Wales was not sufficiently prepared to implement changes to the supply of home oxygen services in 2006, the auditor general for Wales has concluded.

  • Comment

    Simon Jones on the future of the health service in Wales


    Wednesday 16 July saw two important events in the Senedd in Cardiff. The first was health minister Edwina Hart's announcement of her conclusions following the consultation on the future structure of the health service in Wales.

  • News

    Council will oversee Kingston PCT finances


    Kingston council and Kingston primary care trust have agreeed to an interim joint director of finance post.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS constitution - signed and delivered


    The proposal tucked away in the Darzi report for an NHS constitution could be one of the most historic elements of the next stage review, limiting the health secretary's power and guaranteeing patient rights

  • News

    Committee grills Darzi over finances and spin


    Lord Darzi was quizzed by MPs last week over whether his vision was not merely ‘warm words’ and how it would be costed.

  • Comment

    Sophia Christie on public health leadership


    For much of the last 20 years, public health has faced a huge challenge of marginalisation. A state active model of health was always going to struggle under a government that denied the concept of society.

  • News

    Wales sets out plan to tackle cancer


    A three-year programme to help prevent cancer, improve early detection and increase access to treatment has been published by the Welsh Assembly.

  • News

    Mental health being neglected in the elderly


    Older people's mental health and well-being is being severely neglected, claims a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research.Its report Older People and Wellbeing estimates 2.4 million older people have depression and predicts the number with mental health problems will rise dramatically over the next 20 years. This will ...

  • News

    A shot in the arm for community health services


    The government is promoting the social enterprise model of service provision, but there are other options available to primary care trusts. Ingrid Torjesen offers an overview

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    Welsh trusts successful in call for their own abolition


    NHS trusts in Wales have succeeded in their unanimous push to bring about their own demise.

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    Abolition of consultant and GP contracts is a 'logical' move


    Abolishing consultant and GP contracts will be the 'logical conclusion' of successful integrated care organisations, NHS director general for commissioning Mark Britnell has claimed.

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    18-week pathway figures published


    The Department of Health has published data for patients who completed their referral-to-treatment pathway during May 2008.

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    Volunteers save trusts £700,000


    A report by Volunteering England has calculated the economic value of services provided by volunteers to the NHS.