All Service redesign articles – Page 123

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Patients first


    The views of the most important person in the health service were scarcely considered in the early days. Don Redding looks at how patient power has evolved

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: The team dream


    The germ of multidisciplinary teamworking existed even in 1948 and has blossomed in recent years, reports Stuart Shepherd

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Retrospective


    Former chief executives and health authority leaders compare their challenges and ambitions with the picture they see emerging for managers today. By Alison Moore

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: The expert patient


    Just as the internet has evolved into a web of ordinary people sharing information, we are entering a new age of user participation in health services, says Humana's Tom Granatir

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Frontline pharmacy


    The community pharmacist’s invaluable role in dispensing prescriptions and advice is sure to expand into delivering some primary healthcare services, says Lloydspharmacy

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Oil in the wheels


    The Tribal consultancy says policy change sets off an emotional cycle in those affected - but resistance can be smoothed out

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: If the care fits


    Experts predict a future in which primary care will be delivered by a variety of suppliers in integrated packages tailored to individual needs, reports Ingrid Torjesen

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Déjà vu


    Healthcare has moved on apace since 1948, with treatments that would have amazed medics of the time. Yet in other areas time seems to have stood still, says Niall Dickson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prison mental health services - jailhouse blues


    Faced with huge numbers of mentally ill offenders, London's forensic mental health services are struggling to cope. Rebecca Norris reports

  • News

    New tool to assess patient involvement


    The Social Care Institute for Excellence has developed an audit tool to help service providers assess how they involve people in the way they run services.

  • News

    Royal College sets out alternative to polyclinics


    The Royal College of GPs has published its alternative model to polyclinics - primary care federations, in which groups of GP practices would work in partnership primarily in existing buildings to deliver better patient care.

  • Comment

    Michael White on public health


    The other weekend I found myself discussing the public sector with an old leftie who had worked most of his life in housing and hated what he feels the Blair-Brown governments have done. In a word, marketisation.

  • News

    Darzi set to put commissioning at centre stage


    Lord Darzi's next stage review is expected to put primary care commissioning centre stage and set national standards for the quality of treatment.

  • News

    Radical ideas can keep service out of casualty


    On the eve of Lord Darzi's next stage review, the new director of the Ambulance Service Network says ambulance services' impact can extend far wider than just emergency care and help reduce inequalities

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Media Watch: the service's 60th anniversary


    Coverage of the health service's pending diamond jubilee spans the good and bad.

  • News

    Pilot trusts hire PR firm to keep project in public eye


    The six pilot community foundation trusts have hired a public relations firm to promote their primary care trust provider model.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    View from the floor: neuroscience services


    Jon Sussman is a consultant neurologist at Salford Royal foundation trust and one of the team at the hospital's neuroscience integrated clinical assessment and treatment service, which is helping to save time and money

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Anyone here a doctor who speaks nurse?


    Tower of Babel-esque communication problems in the NHS are more than just a nuisance - they cost lives. How can the service prevent acronyms, tribes and egos putting patients at unavoidable risk, asks Mark Gould

  • News

    Lansley outlines Conservatives' plans for NHS


    A future Conservative government would state the outcomes it wanted the NHS to achieve, but would largely leave NHS managers and clinicians to decide how that was delivered, shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley told the NHS Confederation conference on Friday.

  • News

    Sustainability is key to NHS success, Confed hears


    Patient experience will only improve if the NHS can sustain the gains from delivery of the 18-week referral to treatment target, delegates at the NHS Confederation conference have been told.