All Service redesign articles – Page 124

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Increasing productivity in nursing


    In a programme that pre-empted the Productive Ward initiative by a year, Ipswich Hospital trust improved its nursing services by changing the ward sister role

  • News

    Confed report looks at innovation in the NHS


    An NHS Confederation report published at the body’s annual conference examines changes and innovations that could redefine how the NHS works.

  • Comment

    Updating top-up rules need not be a dagger to the heart of NHS


    Just days before its 60th birthday the NHS is being forced to re-evaluate its founding principle - that treatment is based on clinical need not the ability to pay.

  • News

    Integrated care heightens provider monopolies risk


    Primary care trusts will need to hold powerful monopoly providers to account if Lord Darzi gives integrated care systems the go-ahead.

  • News

    Capital's PCTs give Darzi the thumbs up


    Polyclinics are likely to be up and running across London by April 2009 following primary care trusts' endorsement of proposals in Lord Darzi's Healthcare for London.

  • News

    Regions braced for change as plans put Darzi's vision on map


    The strategic health authorities have set out their stalls but is there anything new in the proposals and are they likely to make regional variations in care inevitable? Alison Moore investigates

  • Leader

    BMA campaign trades on fear and ignorance


    One has to admire the British Medical Association. Getting people to campaign against health service closures is easy, but it takes a particular talent to get the public to campaign against service openings.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How Confed can make the next big change


    The NHS Confederation has changed shape many times in its history. As it dances a line between its members and government, can it finally evolve to meet the challenges of the next few years?

  • News

    Don't alienate private sector, warns panel


    Ministers must spell out the future direction of NHS reform or risk losing the interest of the private sector, an influential panel has warned.

  • News

    888 could be the new 999


    The NHS Confederation's ambulance network has called for an 888 number to make it easier for people to access appropriate care.

  • News

    NHS leaders fear rising costs, Confed survey claims


    Rising costs and further structural change are among the biggest threats to the future success of the NHS, according to a survey by the NHS Confederation.The poll of NHS leaders was published at the start of the organisation's annual conference today.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Labour market research


    As the rapidly changing face of healthcare provision presents new challenges for workforce planners, Skills for Health has created labour market intelligence manuals, constantly updated online

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New roles in the health sector


    A series of projects under the Skills for Health banner is developing new roles to support the ever-changing health service

  • HSJ Partners

    The future focus for social care information


    Demands and expectations on the social care system in England have changed significantly over the last decade. Our population has grown dramatically and its composition has evolved greatly in terms of age and ethnicity. In deciding how best to address these needs, providers need to consider how to offer a ...

  • News

    London PCTs back Darzi vision


    London's 31 primary care trusts have endorsed health minister Lord Darzi's Healthcare for London proposals and agreed to move ahead with a network of polyclinics and specialist hospitals.The move follows a six-month consultation on the plans. NHS London stressed it is a 'framework and not about specific services'. However, the ...

  • Comment

    Angela Greatley on what Darzi can do for mental health


    Introducing the latest proposals for the next stage review last month, Lord Darzi said: 'The nature of healthcare means services will always need to change, and sometimes that means reorganising how services are provided.'

  • News

    NHS reforms need more time to deliver, report claims


    NHS system reforms have improved management of the health service but need more time to deliver significant benefits for patients.A report published today by the Audit Commission and the Healthcare Commission says reforms such as payment by results and foundation trusts are beginning to work. But patient-focused changes such as ...

  • News

    PCTs under fire on new GP scheme


    Independent providers have slammed primary care trusts' attempts to procure new services under a flagship Department of Health scheme. They say the equitable access to primary medical care scheme is 'appallingly poorly managed'.

  • News

    Familiar ring to private takeover talk


    I am staggered at the fuss over the announcement that failing hospitals may be handed over to private sector management teams or taken over by successful trusts.

  • News

    County council tries to wrest control of PCT


    A county council has launched an audacious bid to take over its local primary care trust.