All Service redesign articles – Page 129

  • News

    Health managers seek clarity on PCT assets


    Health managers are calling for clarity on how primary care trusts should manage their assets when separating commissioner and provider functions.

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    Social enterprise investment fund enters round two


    The Department of Health has opened the second round of bidding through its social enterprise investment fund.

  • News

    Londoners back polyclinics, survey shows


    The majority of GP practices in London should become part of a polyclinic, either physically based in one or networked with one, say 51 per cent of respondents to the largest-ever consultation on health services in the capital.

  • Comment

    Aleix Bacardit on palliative care and place of death


    The publication of the cancer reform strategy is a sign of the government's commitment to developing world class cancer services, but questions remain over using place of death to inform management decisions.

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    David Lee on mental health heroes


    As every good HSJ reader knows, good management is not about heroics or donning a Superman costume. Good management in mental health is about supporting local innovation and frontline service improvements.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health history: taking over the asylum


    In our latest feature marking the NHS’s 60th anniversary, Mark Gould charts the journey from Victorian asylums to the national service framework and recent backward steps

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    Neil Goodwin on academic health science centres


    A quiet revolution due to take place across university hospitals will fundamentally change the relationship between doctors and managers in the NHS.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Building a successful radiology network


    Last March, a pilot project was set up to establish England's first radiology network in Kent and Medway. During its first year, the network made cash savings, delivered quality improvements and laid the foundations for new models of radiology service delivery for the future, writes Moira Crotty

  • News

    Research and development network for Leicester


    A new network is being launched in Leicester to support and develop clinical research in the region.

  • News

    NHS constitution should include financial charter - Reform


    Think tank Reform has published a report calling on the government to ensure that the NHS constitution being prepared to mark 60 years of the NHS includes a financial charter.

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    Jon Restell on information overload


    Outsiders in their first few months in the NHS as, say, non-executive directors, are often aghast at the vast amount of information reporting that is required.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS constitution should focus on value for money


    The NHS constitution should include a financial charter setting out how commissioners must achieve value for money, rather than just a set of anodyne values, a think tank has claimed.

  • News

    Doubts over community foundation trusts


    Conflicts of interest, difficulties in demonstrating autonomy and low pay are just some of the potential problems facing community foundation trusts.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Integrated care - lessons from America


    The US healthcare industry is often ranked below the UK system in international comparisons. But the UK health service still has much to learn from America about integration and partnership working

  • News

    Nurses vote to end private cleaning contracts


    Nurses want hospital cleaning brought back into the NHS rather than contracted out to private firms, according to a poll of delegates at a Royal College of Nursing conference.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Five days that shook the NHS


    The NHS has weathered countless scandals, speeches, policy launches and inquiries. Peter Davies and Daloni Carlisle discuss five landmark events and talk to those involved.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Sexual health - protection plea


    Stuart Shepherd visits Nottingham to see how the NHS is coping with a surge in sexually transmitted infections, amid calls to keep them top priority

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health equality drive


    Partnerships with imams are breaking down barriers between mental health workers and Sheffield's Pakistani community

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient satisfaction - how do you score?


    An area's population profile shapes patients' perceptions of service quality, with greater diversity bringing a wider array of demands. This suggests trusts should make more effort to understand their public

  • News

    London must focus on prevention


    Service reform in the capital must go beyond Healthcare for London proposals and focus on prevention if fatal strokes are to be avoided, the London health observatory has warned.