All Service redesign articles – Page 130

  • Leader

    Welsh health service set on different path


    Proposals to abolish the internal market, end the purchaser provider split and fund services from the centre are setting Wales' health service on a different course from the rest of the UK.

  • News

    Vascular checks could mean insurance hikes


    Thousands of people face higher health insurance premiums and may unwittingly invalidate their policies if government plans for vascular checks get the green light.

  • News

    Breaking away: Wales maps out its own future


    The Welsh Assembly has plans for a third way between an internal market and a command and control system, with local health boards losing control of the commissioning purse strings. Alison Moore explains

  • News

    Audiology waiting times slashed at last minute


    Trusts' last-minute push to hit an audiology assessment target has led to a dramatic fall in waiting times for diagnostic services.

  • Leader

    London's red alert on Darzi will affect other regions


    NHS London has highlighted concerns over the implementation of Lord Darzi's proposals for healthcare, raising its rating of the risks of insufficient leadership from amber to red.

  • Comment

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on acute trust challenges


    The financial year just gone has not been the easiest for acute services, with tough targets, population changes and possible structural shifts all putting pressure on trusts.

  • News

    Wales announces autism plans


    The Welsh Assembly has announced wide-ranging efforts to tackle autism and improve services for those affected by the condition.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Restructuring: united for growth


    The idea behind the UK's first academic health science centre is to combine research and service delivery. Ann McGauran met the team who sowed the seeds of its success

  • Comment

    Andrew Jones on the next big shift in healthcare


    I often wonder what will drive the next quantum shift in healthcare. If we ran a poll today, world class commissioning or the Darzi review would probably top the list. These ideas are fine, but it seems to me that they represent an incremental nudge rather than a quantum shift.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Getting up to speed on 18 weeks


    As the deadline for the 18-week referral to treatment target gets closer, David Beeson explains what trusts can do to ensure compliance and guarantee the best possible access to care

  • News

    NHS Confederation calls for calm in polyclinic debate


    A report published by the NHS Confederation today looks at why the polyclinic model has caused so much controversy and calls for common sense in the debate.

  • Comment

    Simon Jones with news from the NHS in Wales


    I suppose, as this is the first of my missives from Wales, it would be just as well to bring the less than ardent follower of things Welsh quickly up to date on where we are in the principality.

  • Comment

    Is your trust tackling inequalities?


    Is your trust making real progress in overcoming health inequalities? Read Robina Shah's commentary and join the discussion by posting your thoughts below

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Restoring trust in the healthcare profession


    Patients need to believe in their doctor to get the best care, but how can real trust be built if they are always seen by different GPs? It is time to return to old-fashioned good manners and small practices

  • News

    Severe mental illness unit to close


    A national service for people with severe personality disorders is to close. South West London and St George’s Mental Health trust is ‘temporarily’ closing Henderson Hospital in Surrey next Wednesday due to insufficient referrals and income.

  • News

    IT a challenge for polyclinics


    The patient record and information systems created by NHS Connecting for Health will be a 'significant challenge' to the realisation of the vision for polyclinics.

  • News

    Targets create ambulance staff tension


    Government targets and organisational change have been blamed for 'disappointing' staff survey results from ambulance trusts.

  • News

    Diagnostic waiting times halved, new statistics show


    The number of patients waiting longer than six or 13 weeks for 15 key diagnostic tests in England has halved in the past month, statistics published by the Department of Health show.

  • News

    Let fathers bond with newborns, says think tank


    Fathers are shut out at the birth of their children and are often prevented from bonding with them, according to a report by think tank the Fatherhood Institute.

  • Comment

    David Peat on facing up to health inequalities


    I suppose it is human nature to try to focus on the feel-good sides of life and shield ourselves from difficult or unpalatable realities.