All Service redesign articles – Page 136

  • News

    Commission calls for power to suspend non-executives


    Chairs and non-executive directors of hospital and primary care trusts that have lost the confidence of their local communities could face suspension in future.

  • Comment

    Noel Plumridge on resource allocation


    Buried on page 39 of the 2008-09 operating framework are two bland statements. The first says primary care trusts will receive an increase of 5.5 per cent or £3.8m in revenue allocations in 2008-09, with allocations announced for one year and no changes to PCT baselines.

  • News

    Auditors sceptical about cull of arm's-length bodies


    Finance experts have questioned the value for money of a major Department of Health review aimed at cutting spending on arm's-length bodies.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    CSIP Positive Practice Awards


    The 2007 CSIP Positive Practice Awards aim to celebrate excellence in health and social care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    High-Impact Changes in Mental Health Award


    Category: High-impact changes in mental healthWinner: People using specialist eating disorders service by improving flowContact: Ruth Carson, tel 0151 4717751E-mail: Ruth.Carson@merseycare.nhs.ukA year ago at theLiverpooland Sefton Eating Disorders Service, part of the Merseycare trust Eating Disorder Clinic, clients could expect to wait 33 weeks or more for an appointment.Clients and ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New Ways of Working Award


    Category: New Ways of WorkingWinner: The Bromley and Greenwich New Ways of Working projectSince 2002, Oxleas foundation trust's mental health services in Bromley andGreenwichhave been operating aNew Waysof Working programme.Feedback from service users, carers and GPs revealed that a review of outpatient clinics and acute inpatient services was needed to ...

  • News

    Ann Keen pledges to support Productive Ward


    Health minister Ann Keen has pledged her support to the Productive Ward programme, which is designed to help ward nurses release more timefor direct patient care.

  • Supplements

    Service transformation special report


    The NHS Integrated Service Improvement Programme has brought about big changes, but the need for an integrated approach to service transformation has never been stronger.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Strength in numbers - mental health partnerships


    The providers of services for people with schizophrenia in Liverpool saw ISIP as a great chance to bring the NHS and local authority together, as Helen Mooney explains

  • HSJ Knowledge

    At the heart of change - reducing coronary heart disease


    ISIP is helping to pull together existing work on prevention and treatment to tackle Hull's high mortality rates, reports Alison Moore

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Emergency care - steady progress, urgent need


    To help simplify highly complex emergency care processes, one health and social care community has signed up to a whole-system change programme. By Daloni Carlisle

  • HSJ Knowledge

    View from the front line: redesigning care


    Understanding the concerns and challenges facing staff on the ground is essential to good management. In this new series HSJ goes back to the floor to get the views and opinions of frontline workers

  • News

    Patients report poor access to GP services


    One in five patients is still finding it difficult to get a convenient appointment to see their GP, a survey by consumer campaigners Which? has found.

  • News

    Darzi seeks patients' views on NHS


    Junior health minister Lord Darzi is today meeting NHS staff, patients and members of the public.More than 1,000 people will be asked to give their views on the NHS in general and particularly on their feelings about GP access and opening hours.

  • News

    Lib Dems set out plans for future NHS


    Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has outlined plans for a £2bn 'care guarantee' plan for elderly people, a new patient contract and directly elected health boards as part of his proposed NHS reforms.

  • Comment

    Hospital beds - dispelling myths


    Throughout the NHS's history, politicians have been under pressure to protest against proposed hospital closures. But having more beds is not always better. In fact, too many hospital beds can lead to imbalances in overall health service provision and damage the quality of services, argues Richard Banyard

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Business improvement qualification helps lean champions aim higher


    Airedale trust's lean champions have earned national vocational qualifications in business improvement techniques, helping them in their drive to eliminate wasteful practices and enhance patient care.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Will community treatment orders work?


    Compulsory treatment orders are on their way but critics claim there is a worrying lack of evidence that they can help 'revolving door' patients, writes Mark Gould

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Helen Bevan on the productive theatre


    Hot on the heels of the successful Productive Ward, the NHS Institute has begun the Productive Operating Theatre programme in response to great demand.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Age-appropriate mental healthcare - making strides


    Services for children and teenagers have long been neglected but extra funds - and a drive to keep these users off adult wards - are positive steps, says Mark Gould