All Service redesign articles – Page 144

  • News

    New proposals to improve cancer care


    A new cancer reform strategy published this autumn will set out proposals to improve cancer care, the Department of Health has confirmed.

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    Pilots make all the difference


    The article 'Pilots making little difference' states that, according to research, pilot projects that have focused on the government’s policy of shifting services from hospitals into the community have made little difference.In reality, far from achieving little, the pilots have helped identify key learnings that will enable NHS organisations to ...

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    Dismissing improvement programmes misses the point


    Alan Maynard's criticism of the quality improvement efforts under way for more than a decade in the NHS, and specifically of the role of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in that work, abounds with misunderstandings, write Stephen Thornton and Don Berwick

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health hotel: the road less travelled


    What is the safe distance to a hospital? Adrian O'Dowd examines the implications of reconfiguring services

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Health hotel: exploring inequalities


    At the 'Access to all areas' event speakers will address the uneven picture of public health, and ask why - despite some progress - gaps are still widening. Helen Mooney reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Staying informed on healthcare


    Christine Halpin talks about establishing a health information service for disadvantaged groups.

  • News

    Darzi citizens' jury gives PM and Johnson wish list


    The prime minister this week joined the health secretary and health minister Lord Darzi at one of a series of ‘citizens’ juries’ on health.Gordon Brown, Alan Johnson and Lord Darzi talked to around 120 patients and selected members of the public about their priorities for the health service at an ...

  • News



    The Independent Reconfiguration Panel has put into action new powers that give it a greater say over which service changes go to it for a full review.Members of the group this month gave health secretary Alan Johnson members’ opinion on whether it should embark on a review of service changes ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Born under a bad sign


    Perinatal depression is gaining a higher profile, with a drive to increase awareness and provide wider access to specialist provision. Emma Dent reports

  • Leader

    Time to come clean on the private sector


    ‘The role of independent providers under Gordon Brown is one of the most opaque areas of health policy’

  • Comment

    Old-style GPs may go the same way as Britain's motor industry


    ‘Dr Buckman is in danger of doing for primary care what Derek ‘Red Robbo’ Robinson did for the British motor industry in the 1970s’

  • News

    Colleges back clinical case for specialist acute service centres


    England's clinical leaders have backed moves to reconfigure specialist acute services - but urged caution over changes to the district general hospital.

  • News

    Stroke service start


    A 24-hour stroke service in north London has been launched at University College London Hospitals foundation trust in a joint initiative with the Whittington Hospital trust.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Trading places


    After an exceptional week spent in each other's roles, the chief executives of a primary care trust and its main acute provider agree the idea works. Daloni Carlisle reports

  • News

    Human rights let down by existing law


    Human rights should be enshrined in health service delivery, according to a report calling for new duties to protect the rights of older people in hospitals and care homes.A joint committee on human rights report this week said existing legislation does not sufficiently protect and promote the rights of older ...

  • Comment

    Is it the end for district general hospitals?


    Will more care at home and new 'polyclinics' spell the end of district general hospitals? Patient benefit must drive services, says Ian Gilmore, while Anthony Harrison suggests local hospitals still have a place

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Day-case rates


    Recent research by Dr Foster and the NHS Institute analyses productivity opportunities across a range of key areas such as reductions in emergency admissions, statin prescribing and increases in day-case rates. For the last of these there the most recent quarter shows an opportunity of£12m, down from£16m in Q1 2006. ...

  • News

    SNP calls for fast-track reforms


    Scotland's new SNP health secretary has called on NHS boards to accelerate the pace of change to give patients the services they deserve.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Maggie Rae on building trust


    Competence-based work and well-defined skills are key to an effective workforce. My civil service colleagues benefit greatly from the Professional Skills for Government training they get. Of course, experience and creative thinking are also part of a well-rounded person.However, you can have all the skills, intelligence and qualifications you like, ...

  • News

    PCTs to consult on Darzi's London blueprint


    NHS London has asked the capital's primary care trusts to form a joint committee to carry out consultation on junior health minister Lord Darzi's report, A Framework for Action.The joint committee would be responsible for approving the consultation document, considering the impact the proposals would have on health inequalities and ...