All Service redesign articles – Page 147

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    Alan Maynard on medical safety


    'It may be efficient to let marginal patients die from avoidable infections'

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    Alan Maynard on medical safety


    ‘It may be efficient to let marginal patients die from avoidable infections’

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The waiting game: technology and the 18-week target


    Most agree the 18-week target is a worthy one, but how can it be measured? Lyn Whitfield asks whether current technology can keep up with the good intentions

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    Media Watch


    There's a whiff of former health secretary Patricia Hewitt's infamous map of NHS-trouble-spots-which-could-cost-Labour-MPs-their-seats to the weekend's coverage of service changes in Greater Manchester.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    PCTs under pressure to open doors wider


    With the disappointing results from last month's primary care access survey, the government is expecting a fast response from PCTs. David Stout suggests competition between practices could be the answer

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    Pilots making little difference


    Pilots designed to drive the government's flagship policy of shifting services from hospitals into the community have made little difference, according to research.

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    Pilots making little difference


    Pilots designed to drive the government's flagship policy of shifting services from hospitals into the community have made little difference, according to research.

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    Johnson praised for backing reform plans


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has been commended for backing managers' plans to reconfigure hospital services in Manchester - as Conservatives face the fallout from a row about district general hospitals.

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    Johnson praised for backing reform plans


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has been commended for backing managers' plans to reconfigure hospital services in Manchester - as Conservatives face the fallout from a row about district general hospitals.

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    Out-of-hours services are unsustainable, report claims


    The out-of-hours GP service in Scotland is unsustainable in its current form, a report by Audit Scotland says.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lean principles


    Lean working principles have enabled Airedale General Hospital cut referal to diagnosis times for suspected bowel cancer patients.Developed by staff at Airedale NHS Trust, the project saw the Lean Healthcare Academy, based at Airedale General Hospital, West Yorkshire, working with its founding partner, The Virtual College in Ilkley, to streamline ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Strategies for managing the market


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership has rolled out a pilot information-gathering project in East Lancashire to help commissioners and providers work together for patients. Tony Ryan and colleagues explain

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    Welsh minister announces early years recruitment drive


    Welsh children's minister Jane Hutt has launched a recruitment drive covering the early years sector.

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    Academic health science centre gets go-ahead


    TheUK’s first academic health science centre has been given the green light by health secretary Alan Johnson.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Heroes face up to a day full of crisis


    The HSJ Challenge gave participants a series of hair-raising 'problems' to resolve, report Charlotte Santry and Victoria Vaughan

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Andrew Castle on the perfect process


    'Just knowing what should be happening, or what we think is happening, does not help us make informed decisions'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Green shoots of recovery


    In the last of our series on organisational turnaround, we peer through the breaks in the clouds around two once-troubled trusts

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    New prescribing powers for optometrists


    Optometrists will now be able to train for independent prescribing powers.

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    Manchester reconfiguration decision


    Two hospital reconfigurations in Greater Manchester have been given the go-ahead by the independent reconfiguration panel.

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    Conservatives pledge to save district generals


    The Conservatives have pledged to save the district general hospital, in what is being widely seen as an opening salvo in the run-up to a possible autumn snap election.