All Service redesign articles – Page 155

  • News

    Alan Johnson named as new health secretary


    Prime minister Gordon Brown has appointed Alan Johnson as next health secretary. With the NHS declared as Mr Brown's top priority, Mr Johnson's appointment was expected to be among the first of the new cabinet. The first cabinet meeting is due to take place this afternoon.

  • News

    Trust battles with council over 'disastrous' A&E closure plans


    West Sussex primary care trust is heading for a battle with the county council over plans to close two accident and emergency departments.

  • News

    £35m ISTC deal scrapped


    The Department of Health has pulled the plug on one of the biggest wave-two independent sector treatment centre schemes. And there are rumours that more cancellations are on the way, with the entire surgical component at risk.

  • News

    Ambulance trusts eligible for foundation status


    Health minister Andy Burnham has announced that ambulance trusts will be able to apply for foundation trust status from 1 April 2009. He also announced that a medal has been created to honour NHS ambulance workers.

  • News

    DoH rolls out continuing care framework


    Funding decisions related to continuing care will soon be fairer, faster and easier to understand, according to the Department of Health.

  • News

    Easier access to services in North West


    Health minister Andy Burnham has announced the next five areas where the Fairness in Primary Care Procurement programme will be rolled out.

  • News

    The virtual ward


    The Virtual Ward website provides access to information about positive and innovative practice, as well as.examples of how policy and training can underpin practice. It is available to everyone and can be adjusted to fit.local circumstances.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The direct payments solution set


    The Care Service Improvements Partnership now features.a direct payments solution on its Knowledge Community website, giving information on all aspects of direct payments and how to access them, including easy-to-read versions for people with learning disabilities.

  • Comment

    David Woodhead on gathering evidence


    'Science might come up with some interesting ideas, but ultimately the likelihood of adopting evidence is driven by our values. Mass sterilisation of young men might be an effective method of reducing teenage pregnancies, although for good reasons it would not be considered practical'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    New offerings on the CSIP website


    The Care Services Improvement Partnership has expanded its website. It now provides.updates on all key areas of work - including how to increase direct payments uptake for people with learning disabilities and news on the new psychological therapies pilot sites.

  • News

    Concerns raised over DoH 'direction of travel'


    Serious concerns have been raised about the Department of Health's 'direction of travel'.

  • Comment

    Chris Ham on integrating to compete in the NHS


    'Instead of separating the roles of buyers and sellers in the NHS, the government needs to encourage closer integration between hospitals and GPs'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Climate change: NHS heeds the global warning


    Caring for the environment and caring in health often go hand in hand, as many trusts have shown, writes Alison Moore

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lessons learned in out-of-hours care


    A successful out-of-hours care service relies on careful planning, a strong network of support for staff and a clear understanding of patient needs, explains John Harrison

  • News

    Minority recruitment key to patient care


    Recruiting more people from black and ethnic minority communities would improve patient care, increase skills and cut costs, according to a report by the Department of Health Race for Health programme.

  • News

    Most believe the NHS has not improved, survey reveals


    A survey released by the British Medical Association claims that 42 per cent of people believe there has been no improvement in the NHS. Over a third, 34 per cent, said they thought the NHS had improved.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving access to psychological therapies


    The Department of Health is extend the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies pilot programme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Kate Silvester on tackling the 18-week target


    To achieve a total process time of 18 weeks from GP referral to first treatment, there must be no waiting list delaying any of the hundreds of administrative and clinical tasks required to get a patient safely through the system. So what is the process?

  • News

    Robinson slams NHS strategy obsession


    NHS leaders must learn to lead their organisations on a 'day-to-day basis' and not get confused with a health service 'grand plan', management guru Sir Gerry Robinson has said.

  • News

    Think for yourselves, Nicholson tells managers


    Local managers should look to the Department of Health less for guidance and 'get on' with their job, NHS chief executive David Nicholson will tell the NHS Confederation's annual conference today.