All Service redesign articles – Page 162

  • News

    One in five trusts still have mixed-sex wards


    Almost one in five trusts has failed to eliminate mixed-sex wards from their accommodation, a Department of Health report has found.A total of 28 trusts are receiving extra DoH support to provide single-sex accommodation. Best practice guidance on privacy and dignity will be released later in the year.Read the report ...

  • News

    DoH rejig indicates future direction of policy


    After many tremors below the surface, the detail of the restructuring of the Department of Health has emerged this week. NHS chief executive David Nicholson has created a new NHS leadership team, with new posts, and some clear water from the rest of the department (read news item on Nicholson's ...

  • News

    NHS chief executive Nicholson creates new team to lead 'third stage of reform'


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson has promised that the creation of a new senior team within the Department of Health will deliver a 'different kind of leadership to support local NHS staff'.

  • News

    Reduced government funding leads to significant drop in smoking cessation efforts, FOI figures show


    A 41 per cent cut in Department of Health funding for smoking cessation advertising last year was accompanied by a marked drop in the numbers of quitters, figures obtained by HSJ can reveal.

  • News

    BMA sets out plan to close purchaser-provider divide


    The British Medical Association has proposed the creation of an organisation to bridge the gap between purchaser and provider and move towards single-system working.

  • News

    Final fitness for purpose results name at-risk PCTs


    Cumbria and Western Cheshire primary care trusts are at the greatest risk of being unable to meet baseline performance goals in the next six to 12 months, according to the third and final wave of primary care fitness for purpose results.

  • News

    Emergency czar backs A&E closure


    National emergency access director Professor Sir George Alberti has backed controversial proposals to shut a north east London accident and emergency department.

  • Comment

    1997 and all that: Blair remembered


    The NHS has transformed remarkably since Tony Blair entered Number 10 in May 1997, reinvigorating a struggling monolith with record investment.

  • Comment

    David Nicholson on service transformation


    'We can only deliver genuine transformation of health care services if our staff understand what we are trying to do'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Provider service specifications


    The Commissioning from Foundation Trusts Network requested examples of service specs for primary care trust.provider services or other documentation that might help to develop service specifications from a PCT perspective.

  • News

    Sharing good practice at the Patient Information Forum


    The patient information forum is a multi-sectorial network with over 500 members that share a common aim; working to improve the way we communicate with patients and with the public about healthcare.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Reaping the rewards of e-learning


    Airedale Trust has been working with the Lean Healthcare Academy to develop a series of pilot projects using a new training facility based at Airedale General Hospital.

  • Comment

    David Peat on Life on Mars (NHS-style)


    'Much has been achieved in medicine and health, yet we have major issues surrounding obesity, alcohol abuse, sexual behaviour and drugs. We can't moralise, but some of the difficulties of 1970s society have morphed into new and sometimes exaggerated forms'

  • News

    Critical decisions on critical care capacity


    Historically, additional critical care capacity in a trust has usually occurred in response to repeated crises. This reactive approach is clearly less than ideal and a better solution involves planned or staged alterations in bed capacity to anticipate changes within the trust.

  • News

    DoH launches national special interest framework


    A national accreditation framework for GPs and pharmacists with special interests has been launched by the Department of Health. It aims to ensure standards of care in the community are equivalent to those in the acute sector.

  • News

    Respect patients' right to die at home, says report


    Patients nearing the end of their lives who choose to die at home should have their preferences respected, according to a paper published in the May issue of the Journal of the RoyalSociety of Medicine.Leading palliative care experts say that despite most people saying that they would prefer to die ...

  • News

    Community foundations set for pilots, but names under wraps


    Pilot community foundation trusts are being considered by the Department of Health, with the aim of the first one going live by the end of 2008, although the DoH will not confirm who is on the list.

  • News

    NHS chief warned over 'damning' contract report


    MPs are preparing a scathing indictment of the consultant contract, NHS chief executive David Nicholson was warned this week.

  • News

    Cash-strapped contraceptive services plead for a target


    Contraceptive services are struggling as PCTs direct budgets to the GUM target. Family planning needs a target of its own, reports Helen Mooney

  • News

    Sir George in call for service closures


    National emergency care director Sir George Alberti is expected to call today for the closure of accident and emergency and maternity services at Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield, north London. This is despite a campaign by junior Home Office minister Joan Ryan to retain services at the hospital, which ...