All Service redesign articles – Page 165

  • News

    NHS Employers call for revamp of overseas staff rules


    All healthcare occupations should be wiped off a list of roles the Home Office says can be filled quickly by people from overseas, according to NHS Employers.

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    BMA recommends GPs get PBC guarantees from primary care trusts


    Advice to GPs to demand assurances in writing from primary care trusts over possible savings from practice-based commissioning could see doctors and PCT managers reach an impasse.

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    RCN will back closures - as long as patients benefit


    The Royal College of Nursing will give its support to hospital closures but only if they are in the best interests of patient care, its new general secretary has said.

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    Doctor's union responds to regulatory fees announcement


    The British Medical Association has responded to the Healthcare Commission's announcement to reduce its registration fees for independent doctors.The proposed reduction in the yearly registration fee is from £2,240 to £1,335.Read the response here

  • News

    Abortion research leads to call for better education


    New research conducted by Southampton University shows that because of myths about what having an abortion is like, women can be too frightened to seek counselling or treatment earlier.Many do not know where to get impartial information about unintended pregnancy or abortion. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service is calling for ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David Amos on grievances


    Groups of professionals find it remarkably difficult to talk about anything other than the day job. A cluster of doctors will swap stories - in confidence of course - about interesting and demanding patients.

  • Comment

    Jasbir Sunner on academic health science centres


    Our vision and strategy for an AHSC, strongly supported by clinicians, bodes well for the future of hospital services in north west London

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Best practice: lessons from US on patient safety


    Whether its superbugs, medical error or the rise in diabetes, the US health system faces strikingly similar problems to the NHS. Andrew Castle switches on to documentary series Remaking American Medicine, which shows how we can tackle them.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Take the strain from DVT care


    With DVT-related admissions costing Luton PCT around £1m a year, action was needed. Alison Meynell and colleagues report

  • News

    Ruth hussey on offender health services


    The growing prison population is a significant issue for both primary care and acute trusts. Just as general healthcare is moving towards prevention, so is criminality. We need to look at what the NHS and social care can do to stop people committing ...

  • News

    DoH responds to mental health report


    The Department of Health has published its response to a Joint Committee on Human Rights report on the Mental Health Bill. The report was published in February.The response took the form of a letter from health minister Rosie Winterton to the committee chair.Read the letter here

  • News

    Why bed-blocking is making an unwelcome comeback


    Fines for social services departments brought early success in reducing bed-blocking, but the numbers are creeping up again as more difficult problems - which may be a result of targets and choice - rise to the surface. Alison Moore investigates.

  • News

    Nurses want more time on patient care, says survey


    Three-quarters of staff nurses in acute trusts say they do not spend enough time on direct patient care, according to research by HSJ and Nursing Times. And nine in 10 of those believe this has an adverse impact on patients.

  • News

    New national IT setback as devolution is delayed


    The national programme for IT is facing another setback as it emerges that plans to enhance the role of strategic health authorities have been delayed.

  • Comment

    Why the talking cure can help ease the reconfiguration blues


    A list is circulating - despite Department of Health denials - of 18 trusts that have been deemed unviable in their present form and on which strategic health authorities will be acting. There will probably be few surprises in the names and no surprise that major restructuring of acute services ...

  • News

    New wave of community hospitals and services


    Health minister Andy Burnham has unveiled a £50m wave of new NHS community hospitals and super surgeries.Six new health centres, two new community hospitals and eight refurbished community hospitals will open across the country as part of a drive to increase capacity for minor operations, medical tests and follow-up care ...

  • News

    WHO praises price cuts for HIV drugs


    The World Health Organisation has welcomed the decision of Abbott Laboratories to significantly reduce the price of lopinavir/ritonavir, a second-line antiretroviral therapy to help in the fight against HIV/AIDS.WHO has reaffirmed its commitment to universal access to HIV prevention services and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS by 2010.Read more ...

  • News

    Hewitt unveils patient choice plans


    Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has announced new measures to increase patient choice.The NHS Choices website will go live in July, and a pilot will see trained librarians helping the public to access choose and book.Ms Hewitt also said there will be 'free' choice of any hospital provider in the country ...

  • News

    Hospices in line for refurbishment programme


    Hospices are to receive £40m from the Department of Health to carry out improvement works. The money will go to 191 projects in 146 adult hospices in England.It will be spent on refurbishing and upgrading hospice areas including wards, dining facilities, gardens and IT. A further £10m will be made ...

  • News

    Scottish Labour party vows to halve waiting times


    The Scottish Labour party has pledged to halve waiting times to 18 weeks from referral to treatment by 2011. The promise comes in the party's new manifesto, launched today.There is also a specific commitment to cut waits to see physiotherapists, clinical psychologists and chiropodists to nine weeks by the same ...