All Service redesign articles – Page 166

  • News

    Best practice: joining up community sport and health services


    A lottery grant for school sport in Merseyside has sparked the creation of a landmark in community sport: a patch of wasteland has been transformed into a £5.2m sports and health hub, where cardiac rehabilitation happens alongside.track events and football matches. Jonathon Ives reports

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    Andrew Jones on aligning incentives


    'After a few cycles in the policy washing machine, you would have thought we would all have come out looking the same colour and trying to iron out the same creases'

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    Pioneers race on but progress is measured by the backmarkers


    'It is notable that not one of the 13 early achiever sites comes from NHS London or NHS East of England'

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    Dentists calls for contract overhaul


    The British Dental Association has demanded an urgent response from the government to the overwhelming consensus that its NHS dentistry reforms are failing.In a letter to chief dental officer for England Barry Cockcroft, BDA general dental practice committee chair Lester Ellman cites the weight of evidence against the new contract ...

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    Conservatives call for IVF clarification


    The Conservatives have called on the government to explain when IVF guidance will be implemented.Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said: 'Many NHS patients are receiving only one cycle of IVF and this will be difficult for them. Labour need to explain when they will provide three cycles of IVF, as ...

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    Audit sets out cancer care improvements


    The treatment and care of cancer patients could be improved if more were done to improve record keeping, according to a report from the Information Centre for health and social care.The report found that care for one quarter of patients with throat and mouth cancer is not recorded at multi-disciplinary ...

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    No improvement in services, finds survey


    The National Health Report, a quarterly review of the UK public and patients' opinions on healthcare, has found that 73 per cent of the public does not believe there has been any improvement in NHS services over the last five years.The report, by Health Squared Communications, also examined people's biggest ...

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    New guidance on youth-friendly services


    Guidance from the Department for Health has set out principles designed to help health services become young people friendly.The You're Welcome criteria covers areas to be considered by commissioners and providers of health services.Read the guidelines here

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    Healthcare Commission praises pathology departments


    A Healthcare Commission review has praised pathology departments for quick processing of tests and longer opening hours.But the review also urges departments to consider consistency of services and value for money.Read the review here

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    Increased choice for maternity care


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has announced that by the end of 2009 all women will have a choice of maternity care, including the choice of a home birth. She made the pledge in the new Department of Health document Maternity Matters: choice, access and continuity of care in a safe ...

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    Best practice: lessons from one of the UK's biggest consultations


    A six-year consultation with 3.1 million residents of Greater Manchester and beyond, on maternal, children's and neonatal services, a rich source of learning on how to involve the public in.complex and difficult decisions

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Lose/win situation


    It is still possible to operate financially viable care packages when some procedures are not viable alone, say Bill Bagnall and Nigel Coates

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    RAB axed as Hewitt defends year of pain


    Has the NHS finally emerged from its financial quagmire? Patricia Hewitt argues the new post-RAB system has never been more fair and open. Nick Edwards talks to a buoyant health secretary

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    Controverisal critical care centre axed


    Hospital managers have scrapped plans for a £450m critical care centre and a network of community units across south London on the grounds of affordability.

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    NHS human rights framework launched


    A human rights framework has been launched by the government to help NHS organisations apply a human rights-based approach to delivering healthcare.Launching Human Rights in Healthcare - a framework for local action, health minister Rosie Winterton said it had been developed with help from the British Institute of Human Rights ...

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    North West Wales trust lands award


    North West Wales trust has won the sustainable procurement category at the Local Government Chronicle and HSJ Sustainable Communities Awards 2007 for its combination of an apprentice buyer scheme, green buying and its work in creating opportunities for small local companies.The winner of the headline partnership award for sustainable communities ...

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    Doctors to issue 'information prescriptions'


    Doctors and other health professionals will prescribe information as well as pills under a new schemed launched by health secretary Patricia Hewitt.People with long-term conditions or social care needs will receive 'information prescriptions' to guide them to relevant information about their condition.Find out more here

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    Blair sets out principles for public service reform


    Prime minister Tony Blair told a public service reform conference yesterday that changing public services must give people more power, ensure diversity of supply and offer specific help to those most in need.Mr Blair said massive increased investment in services had been needed, and had yielded more hospitals, lower waiting ...

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    Computer says 'yes' to more accessible therapy


    Computer-based therapy for milder, but more common mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety should be made available to any patients in England who could benefit from it from April, according to health secretary Patricia Hewitt.Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy is a first-line treatment for people with anxiety and depression, ...

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    Hewitt to host public summit


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt is hosting a citizens' summit today for 90 members of the public who were involved in the listening exercises for the Your Health, Your Care, Your Say white paper.They will have the opportunity to discuss the implementation of the white paper since last January and the ...