All Service redesign articles – Page 168

  • News

    DoH publishes partnerships guidance


    The Department of Health has published guidance on the role of third sector providers in health and social care.The guidance includes case studies on how effective commissioning of the third sector can lead to a more innovative and dynamic service.Read the guidance here

  • News

    PCTs have 'taken their eye off the ball' on audiology


    Some primary care trusts and strategic health authorities have 'taken their eye off the ball', and allowed waiting times for audiology services to lengthen, health minister Ivan Lewis has told the Commons health select committee.Mr Lewis told the committee's investigation into audiology services that the provision of hearing aids had ...

  • News

    United on the streets in day of protests


    With placards, banners and, in some cases, daffodils, campaigners took to the streets on Saturday to protest over, well, just about everything. NHS job cuts, service closures, marketisation - all were targets of the day of action which saw rallies and marches take place across England and Northern Ireland.

  • Comment

    Restoring confidence requires an end to financial fudges


    .'With the NHS moving .towards a more transparent. market, top-down decisions. on the distribution of funds. must not become the norm.'.

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    IPPR: honesty over unsafe hospitals is the best policy


    A 'conspiracy of silence' over the poor safety of hospitals is fuelling opposition to reconfigurations, the Institute for Public Policy Research has warned.

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    'Psychiatric asbos' slammed


    The Department of Health has published a report on the international experience of community treatment orders commissioned from the Institute of Psychiatry a year ago. But it has been greeted with outrage by pressure groups and the Conservatives who say the report shows 'psychiatric asbos' do not work and therefore ...

  • News

    News analysis: Primary care chiefs: a reorganisation too far


    In the second of a three-part series, Victoria Vaughan turned to primary care trust chief executives for their views on Tony Blair's legacy to the NHS. They were found angry and disheartened by continued change.

  • News

    Audiology waits 'unacceptable' says minister


    Patients face 'unacceptably long waits' for audiology services, according to care services minister Ivan Lewis in his foreword to today's Improving Access to Audiology Services in England national framework.He calls for a 'radical reduction' in waiting so that the most complex cases are treated within the end-of-2008 18-week target, and ...

  • News

    Organisational energy


    I agree totally with Helen Bevan's article on organisational energy but can't help thinking about the amount of energy being wasted in primary care trusts across the country as they grapple with the Commissioning a Patient-Led NHS.reconfiguration.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Backs for the future


    When Ipswich Hospital trust saw a need for change in back pain care, a working party set about transforming the service, with outstanding results. John Skinner and colleagues explain

  • News

    Air conditioning on the NHS


    Patients with breathing problems could soon be prescribed air conditioning on the NHS to help them cope with hot weather, health secretary Patricia Hewitt is expected to announce today. Those with a lung condition that worsens in warm weather could be given a £500 portable cooling unit for their homes.

  • News

    Day of protest tomorrow


    Over 40 protests against health service cuts, closures and marketisation will take place tomorrow as part of the national day of action being co-ordinated by NHS Together, the campaign alliance of NHS staff unions and associations.Read more here

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    Waiting-list fall contiunues


    The Department of Health has published performance data showing that waiting lists and cancelled operations continue to fall while the number of critical beds available is at a record high.The number of people on the inpatient waiting list from January 2007 was 774,000 - 2,000 less than the previous month ...

  • Comment

    Unity will unlock gateway to success


    Sir Ian Carruthers' two-month review of England's reconfiguration proposals urges much greater co-ordination of effort - a more united front to replace a series of skirmishes.

  • News

    Carruthers sets reconfiguration recommendations


    NHS South West chief executive Sir Ian Carruthers has completed a report on recommended processes for local NHS reconfigurations.The findings are outlined in a letter to strategic health authorities from NHS chief executive David Nicholson.Read the letter here

  • News

    Lansley rejects beds claim


    Conservative health spokesman Andrew Lansley has rejected Tony Blair's claim during yesterday prime minister's questions that the reductions in the number of NHS beds were an indication that the NHS was treating people faster.Mr Lansley claimed the current rate of bed closures could not be justified by the government. Read ...

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    'Raise bar' on consulting


    Trusts and strategic health authorities must 'raise the bar' on the quality of local service consultations, says Sir Ian Carruthers in his national review of current reconfiguration proposals.

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    Chest cancer framework published


    A framework for improving care received by people with mesothelioma, a chest cancer related to exposure to asbestos, has been launched.The framework includes advice on how to build on structures of care already in place for lung cancer patients.Read the framework here

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    Campaigners plan weekend protest


    Campaigners are calling for the public and NHS staff to protest against service reforms in south London.Protestors will be demonstrating against service reviews at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals trust.Find out more here

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    Alliance chair joins cancer board


    NHS Alliance chair Dr Michael Dixon has been appointed to the new cancer reform strategy board.Dr Dixon said he aimed to 'breaking down the barriers' between care pathways across secondary and primary care.