All Service redesign articles – Page 169

  • News

    King's Fund identifies key NHS challenges


    The NHS needs to overcome five key challenges to create a viable, long-term future when lower growth in funding kicks in from 2008, according to the King's Fund.Its report, Funding Healthcare: 2008 and beyond, says the government must take action to reduce variation in performance and clinical practice in the ...

  • News

    Poll finds low awareness of choice options


    Public awareness of the ability to choose a hospital for a referral remains relatively low, although more patients say they are being offered choice and four in five of those are happy with the process, according to a poll by Ipsos MORI.The results of the September 2006 national patient choice ...

  • News

    Partnership agreement for joint working agreed


    The government, NHS Employers and unions have signed a partnership agreement to show their collective commitment to joint working.The Department of Health said the new agreement would provide a 'springboard' to promote effective partnership on the workforce implications of policy.Find out more here

  • News

    Institute launches new No Delays Achiever


    The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement has launched an improved second version of its No Delays Achiever, a web-based tool created to help NHS organisations achieve the 18-week target for GP referral to first treatment.More than 140 NHS organisations are registered as users of the free service, which was ...

  • Comment

    Top thinkers hail power of imagination


    If clinicians are the likely generators of the ideas that will transform NHS performance, managers need the confidence to create the space for them to blossom. Our main feature this week looks at a group of very different ideas with the potential to make a huge difference locally and nationally.

  • News

    Healthcare bodies in patient safety pledge


    Key healthcare organisations will today make a public commitment to partnership in improving patient safety.The pledge will be made at a summit hosted by the National Patient Safety Agency and the Healthcare Commission.Read the press release here

  • News

    Minister calls for action on BME mental health services


    Health minister Rosie Winterton has called for 'rapid improvement in the way mental health services respond to the needs of black and minority ethnic patients'.Ms Winterton said one in five BME patients treated in hospital for a mental health problem comes from a black and minority ethnic background.Read the press ...

  • News

    BMA sceptical over Blair's new push to meet 18-week target


    Doctors have warned that financial difficulties in the NHS could block plans to hit next year's maximum 18-week waiting target by using operating theatres round the clock.

  • News

    New Deal for Carers launched


    The government is to unveil its New Deal for Carers, which will see £33m used for measures to help people who care for elderly or disabled relatives.Most of the money, £25m, will go to local authorities to fund emergency respite care for people who need a break from the demands ...

  • News

    Cancer reform strategy board members announced


    The advisory board for development of the new cancer reform strategy was announced by health minister Rosie Winterton today.The board's membership is drawn from experts across the cancer field including chief executives of major charities, cancer patients, social care and NHS clinicians and managers. See a list of board members ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Infection control: an outbreak of innovation


    A robust outbreak escalation process has helped a trust cut Clostridium difficile cases by 50 per cent in the past year. Em Wilkinson-Brice and colleagues explain how it was done

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Cancer care: quick, clever and caring


    An ambulatory surgery service for women undergoing breast surgery has cut target times and saved money, as Jo Marsden and colleagues explain

  • News

    Thirteen areas make 18-week target pledge


    Thirteen local health communities today pledged to meet the government's 18-week treatment target a full year before the rest of the NHS.The government has said that by the end of 2008, patients can expect a maximum wait of 18 weeks from referral to the start of treatment. Eighteen weeks is ...

  • News

    Minister launches coding strategy


    Health minister Lord Hunt has launched a strategy document on using auto identification data capture technologies.Coding for success - simple technology for safer patient care encourages the NHS and medical industry to use a standard coding system to help prevent medical error, increase efficiency and save money.Read the press release ...

  • News

    Acute and PCT indicators extended


    The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement and the Department of Health want to extend the current 13 quarterly Better Care, Better Value indicators for primary care trusts and acute trusts to 30 from the start of the next financial year.DoH commissioning director Duncan Selbie and NHS Institute chief executive ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Restructuring: how to get closure with your local MP


    Anne Campbell offers pointers on how to get local MPs onside when your organisation

  • HSJ Knowledge

    David lee on acute mental healthcare


    One characteristic that differentiates acute mental health services from acute hospital services is the fact that we don't have inpatient waiting lists - essentially all of our adult admissions are emergency admissions.

  • News

    Hewitt defends fall in bed numbers


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt has been attacked for describing cuts to bed numbers as a sign of 'success' in a presentation to the cabinet.In a webchat this week she also highlighted how improvements in community nursing in Dudley to support those with long-term conditions had 'slashed' emergency admissions and meant ...

  • News

    SHA pays £2m for firm to size up PCT commissioning


    South Central strategic health authority has called in turnaround specialists PricewaterhouseCoopers to assess whether its nine primary care trusts should contract out their commissioning functions to the private sector.

  • News

    News anlaysis: germinators look to Europe for next ideas in superbug war


    The Dutch experience shows it is possible to get on top of MRSA and other superbugs - but it will be costly. Meanwhile, some UK hospitals are pioneering simple but effective strategies that could help turn the tide of deadly infections, writes Alison Moore