All Service redesign articles – Page 172

  • News

    Draft workforce strategy reveals glut of consultants and shortage of nurses


    HSJ reveals the draft NHS pay and workforce strategy for 2007 spending review.

  • News

    Workforce plans predict 'bitter opposition' and 'volatility'


    The NHS is facing a huge oversupply of consultants and a shortage of thousands of nurses, junior doctors and GPs, a draft government strategy has revealed.

  • News

    Trusts falling short of 18-week target


    Trusts are currently only treating 35 per cent of patients within the 18-week target, the Department of Health has said.

  • News

    Ruth Hussey on sustainability


    'Sustainable development is good management. Consider the cost of energy - good management expects efficient energy use. Consider the difficulty in recruiting staff - good management develops skills to meet its needs from the local community. Consider disadvantaged communities - good management procures goods and services locally'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    No cash, lots of commitment


    Deprivation in leafy Staffordshire provided an interesting challenge for Dr Zafar Iqbal

  • News

    News Analysis: Next era of reform will hinge on Brown being as bold as Blair


    With Gordon Brown almost certain to take over as prime minister this year, and his reputation for springing surprises, people in the health service are beginning to wonder what it will mean for them and the NHS reform landscape. Daniel Martin looks for clues

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Two more dates confirmed for Good Management Live


    Two new dates have been confirmed for the next set of Good Management Live dates - dealing with the application of lean techniques and with length of stay.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    10 high-impact changes for service improvement and delivery


    'We sought evidence to show which areas realised the greatest benefit the 10 high-impact changes. We wanted to find out how these benefits changes might be measured in relation to the impact on service users and carers, staff and organisations, service delivery and social care outcomes'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    At your service


    The government and PCTs are contemplating the benefits of community foundation trusts, but are they really the future for provider services, asks Kaye McIntosh

  • News

    'I say what I think - it can be uncomfortable'


    Emergency access czar Professor Sir George Alberti has spent his career as an outspoken agent of change. Here he reveals how he prefers to eschew politeness and tackle controversy

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The safer sex


    Medium secure provision for women has been inadequate, but services tailored to their needs are now being provided. Emma Dent reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    What's quality?


    With the emphasis on financial turnaround and the 18-week target, the primary focus of most organisations is finance and delivery. Patient experience and service quality do not seem to get the same attention. But does better-quality healthcare cost more money, or less?

  • Comment

    Simon Stevens on powering reforms


    Almost everywhere you look, it is possible to see the NHS equivalent of electricity transmission losses

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Power of two


    A new bill will oblige councils and primary care trusts to work together. In a joint feature with Local Government Chronicle, Kaye McIntosh asks how it will work in practice

  • News

    Speak out


    'Choice is more complicated for cancer care than for a single surgical operation'

  • Comment

    Speak out


    The IPPR's Joe Farrington-Douglas says private companies may be able to give valuable support to commissioners - but decisions about who gets what healthcare must remain public and accountable

  • News

    SHAs to review need for PCT top-slicing


    NHS North West is the first strategic health authority to confirm that it will not top-slice money from primary care trusts this financial year.

  • News

    Mike White on politics


    'Would an NHS constitution require primary legislation? How would an arm's-length board be accountable? Tricky'

  • Comment

    Michael White on YouTube politics


    'Only 19 per cent thought the local service had improved and 52 per cent thought it had deteriorated. These results are rubbish.'

  • Comment

    Michael White on the IT programme


    Lord Hunt thinks trickling out the new IT network is better than the CSA’s doomed big-bang approach