All Service redesign articles – Page 173

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    Michael White: the IT programme


    'I suspect that the NHS IT programme will come good - after further tribulations'

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    Michael White on politics


    It is the Hewitt-Blair vision of US-style competing hospitals which causes offence to activists in Wales

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    Michael white on politics


    Devolving power to the front line is a crucial test for Brown, an instinctive centraliser.

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    Michael white on politics


    'Mr Dorrell cited that withering phrase used in school reports that Ms Hewitt is 'too easily satisfied with her own work''

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    Michael White on politics


    'One insider said Gordon Brown is obsessed with the NHS and he'll have his hands all over it. That figures'

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    Michael White on politics


    'Alan Johnson's been put there to talk to staff and take people with him, explains one ally'

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    Michael White on politics


    'Labour MPs like Johnson, indeed they would have made him deputy leader'

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    Michael White on politics


    'Alan Johnson is keen on neglected causes like stroke so his startling brevity in the debate implies no disrespect'

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    Michael White on politics


    'It is hard for health professionals to admit it, but the Daily Mail is not always wrong'

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    Michael White on politics


    'The key is persuading voters that many changes are driven by medical purposes, said Gordon Brown'

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    Michael White on politics


    We've said it here before, and it won't go away. When trust fades, the effect is like dry rot. It creeps into corners of the infrastructure, including the politics of resource allocation with the NHS, and becomes very hard to drive out. It ceases to be a matter for Tony ...

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    Michael white on politics


    'The GMC last month took the historic step of abandoning the principle of self-regulation. It has yet to do so officially'

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    Michael White on politics


    Tony Blair made an interesting speech in Nottingham the other day, entitled 'Healthy Living: whose responsibility?'. It didn't get a lot of attention in the newspapers that I read, though Number 10 tells me that such discussions generate huge local attention as they affect real people's real lives.

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    Michael White on politics


    'Voters are losing patience with Labour's performance - and its excuses'

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    Media Watch: 'NHS penpushers'


    'NHS penpushers are paid £1.5m for doing nothing' the Daily Mail told its readers as the tabloids frothed earlier this week over news that the Department of Health is paying £1.5m to civil servants whose jobs have been made redundant.

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    Michael White: media spin


    'Judicial review looms on the consultation process and voters don't need media spin to feel cheated'

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    Media Watch


    Thousands of junior doctors are to be shipped abroad, The Daily Telegraph said this week as it claimed 'up to 10,000 young doctors unable to find NHS jobs could be offered voluntary work overseas'.

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    Media Watch


    What Gordon Brown's premiership will mean for the health service has yet to be seen, but one thing is certain: the NHS is bound for more tumultuous times.

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    Media watch


    The Timesreported that the proposed deal has 'astonished critics of Novation in the US'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Storing up trouble: the problem with materials


    Seven months ago I joined the NHS from a role in operational management in manufacturing. One of the first things I noticed is that we seem to have missed the point on managing materials.