All Service redesign articles – Page 174

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on the right targets


    Once upon a time the word target used to have many in healthcare reaching for their crucifixes, or whatever else was needed to ward off evil spirits.

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    'Turnaround teams' - a sticking plaster for a severed limb?


    The ability to commission effective and efficient services is completely divorced from strategies to implement and provide cost-effective services, argue Angela Bate and Cam Donaldson

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    Target-chasing managers suffer 'pathological' levels of stress


    Too many new policies, a lack of coherent strategy and invasive performance management are creating 'pathological' levels of stress among NHS middle managers, an NHS Confederation report has warned.

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    Trust scores legal victory


    A hospital trust has won its battle to reconfigure its service - after a judicial review upheld the legality of its decision.

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    We will keep it local, says Scots minister


    Scotland's cabinet secretary for health and well-being has announced the new executive government would take 'an assumption against centralisation of services'.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Special report on ISTCs: Opportunity knocks


    Independent sector involvement in the NHS has sparked fierce criticism. But consultants Andy Mullins and colleagues argue that it will be a catalyst for the innovation needed to ensure the long-term survival of the service

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    Protestors slam IPPR reconfiguration report


    An umbrella group of health workers, unions and patients opposed to privatisation and closure plans have rubbished Institute for Public Policy Research reconfiguration claims.

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on a year of imagination


    'I'd like us to look back on a time when people came to a big shed and had 10 minutes with the expert'

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    Your Humble Servant: the new SHA


    To: Don Wise, chief executiveFrom: Paul Servant, assistant chief executiveRe: Strategic hip authority

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    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on teaching hospitals


    'It is likely that the teaching hospital group will segment into different roles'

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    Noel Plumridge on PFI passions running high


    'Call a handyman to fit a notice board? Oh no, you'll need a quote from the PFI company'

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    Hewitt slates 'media myths'


    Health secretary Patricia Hewitt used her speech to the NHS Confederation's annual conference to acknowledge a 'difficult, often bruising' year and to attack media 'myths'.

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    Hemel Hospital to lose key services


    Hemel Hempstead Hospital is to be stripped of its acute services despite a 30-year campaign to keep services in the town.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Get together


    A new inspection regime - the comprehensive area assessment - is to be rolled out for a range of local services. HSJ and sister title LGC collected the great and the good to discuss how it will affect their work

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    Petitioners could get right to a response


    Primary care trusts will be forced to react to petitions from service users and the public if controversial proposals from the Department of Health get the go ahead.

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    Foundation will take on troubled Good Hope


    Heart of England foundation trust has been given the go-ahead to take over Good Hope Hospital in Birmingham.

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    A freedom framework will unite former foes


    With the debate about freedom from political interference raging, strategic health authority chief executive Mark Britnell outlines his model for compromise and wonders what an NHS charter might contain

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    No fence for LINks


    Funding for local involvement networks will not be ringfenced, the government has announced. In its response to consultation to its July proposal to establish the networks, the Department of Health said that funding to local authorities would be 'allocated as a targeted but not ringfenced grant'.

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    Reprieved Macclesfield faces new review


    A hospital which won a last minute reprieve for its maternity services is now to face a new challenge.

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    Patient rights expected to be upheld in new report


    The Commons health select committee is expected to recommend that visiting rights of patients' groups should be restructured, when it publishes its report on patient and public involvement tomorrow.