All Service redesign articles – Page 176

  • News

    Doctors question NHS Direct


    Doctors have called on the government to re-evaluate NHS Direct as it is increasing their workload.

  • News

    Trusts urged to tackle patient dignity issues


    The Healthcare Commission has called on the NHS to look again at how it respects patient dignity, in relation to hospital food, help with eating and mixed-sex wards.

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    A different kind of revolution


    Northern Ireland's streamlining of its public sector promised to be a less brutal process than England's. But some big holes in performance measurement brought challenges of its own, writes Daloni Carlisle

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    Think tank slams 'dysfunctional' DGH reforms


    The government has been criticised for its dysfunctional handling of hospital reconfiguration in a report by the Institute for Public Policy Research this week.

  • News

    ISTCs: wave three under way despite doubts


    The Department of Health is pushing ahead with wave two of its independent sector treatment centre programme despite scant evidence of value, HSJ understands.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Design for living


    The targets may have been narrowly missed, but meticulous planning of care pathways and a focus on sustainability are driving radical improvements to cancer treatment. And Daloni Carlisle says there's more to come

  • News

    Emma Dent


    There are some people who you cannot imagine using a nickname. I used to date a man whose first name you would no sooner shorten than suggest he ditch wine and earnest films in favour of bitter and rugby league.

  • News

    Lansley demands health inequalities drive


    Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley has called for fresh policies to reduce health inequalities across London.

  • Comment

    In defence of e-patient records


    It hasn't been often over the last few years that I have found myself agreeing with ITRichard Granger (News, 3 May) but here here!

  • Comment

    Managers must dig deep for new skill set


    Overcoming complex NHS management challenges - insularity, short-termism and a sometimes crippling hierarchy - will require major changes to the way managers operate, argues Nigel Edwards

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    Johnson stalls on Manchester decisions


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has postponed a crunch decision on two contested service changes in Greater Manchester.

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    'Micro-management' fears spark debate on regulation


    Fears are growing that trusts could be shackled by increasing control from the centre as government and regulators attempt to get a tighter grip on performance.

  • News

    Simon Stevens on the great pbc debate


    PBC is desirable but sadly not workable as a universal mechanism. It wasn't in the 1990s, and it isn't now

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    Nuffield pulls out of theatres deal


    The second wave of the Department of Health's independent sector treatment centre programme has been dealt a further blow, with Nuffield Hospitals pulling out of negotiations to provide mobile operating theatres across the West Midlands.

  • News

    The SHA interviews, David Nicholson: 'I can be direct. I drive things hard'


    Laura Donnelly interviews the then new chief executive of London SHA

  • News

    Patient data records proof 'patchy'


    Evidence to suggest the NHS care records service will save thousands of lives is 'patchy', the government has admitted.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Danger signals on safety


    There is little doubt that theHealthcare Commission's healthcheckrating is far more searching than its predecessor, the star-ratings

  • News

    Deficit forces cuts rethink


    North and East Hertfordshire trust is planning extensive changes to services to reach break-even.

  • News

    MP wants medics in uniforms to cut infection


    Doctors should change into uniforms on entering hospital to help stop the spread of infections, according to an MP whose local hospital became the first to be served with a hygiene improvement notice.

  • News

    Efficiency: realising potential to cut waste


    Three factors are key to rapid improvement in NHS productivity and efficiency: a focus on what is known to work; follow the lead set by the best; drive improvement through measurement.