All Service redesign articles – Page 185

  • News

    Scarborough to axe 600 jobs in bid for foundation status


    An NHS trust is axing a third of its workforce in a bid to avoid having its finances scrutinised by the health secretary.

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    Nottingham University Hospitals trust to lose 450 posts


    About 450 whole-time equivalent posts are to be cut at one of the UK's largest hospital trusts.

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    Barometer: PCTs April 2007


    Primary care trust chief executives expect continuing wrangles over negotiating contracts with acute trusts, according to the latest Barometer survey.

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    Barometer: Public Health April 2007


    While confidence in sexual health services has continued its rise in the latest Barometer survey of public health directors, the most significant increase for April is public health funding for 2007-08, with the overall number up from 3.85 to 4.85 out of 10.

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    Barometer: acute trusts jan 2007


    Confidence in achieving the 18-week target was high among our panel of acute trust chief executives, with the average figure rising from 6.2 to 6.72 since October 2006.

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    Barometer: mental health September 2006


    Mental health chief executives surveyed for Barometer report high levels of confidence on recruitment of medical, nursing and therapy staff.

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    Labour to take 18-week wait over border


    Labour has pledged to halve maximum waiting times to 18 weeks from referral to treatment by 2011. Its Scottish election manifesto, launched on Tuesday, also commits to cut waiting times to see physiotherapists, clinical psychologists and chiropodists to nine weeks.

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    £30m available to boost women's ward safety


    Up to £30m is to be spent this financial year on single-sex facilities for mental health wards to improve women's safety, mental health director Professor Louis Appleby has promised.

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    Government launches media offensive amid £500m deficit


    The government has embarked on a media offensive promoting the importance of reform as it posted year-end figures showing a net deficit for the NHS of just over £500m.

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    Trusts face 15 public productivity rankings


    All acute and primary care trusts are to have their performance publicly ranked against 15 efficiency indicators from this summer.

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    Foundation trusts generate £130m surplus


    Foundation trusts generated a £130m net surplus for the last financial year although three were shown to be in deficit, according to figures released yesterday.

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    Senior managers have been awarded a 1.3 per cent pay rise.


    Chief executives were informed in a letter by health minister Lord Hunt last week that their annual increase would be in line with raises set for other senior public sector staff, including medical consultants and senior civil servants.

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    With European law and the emphasis on work-life balance already shaking things up, what does the future hold for medical education? Three experts predict the shape of things to come

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    Barometer - Mental health April 07


    With the start of the new financial year comes a new record in this Barometer survey of mental health chief executives. The highest result has been recorded, with a confidence score of 9.47 for achieving break even by the end of the financial year.

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    'Deficits have cut 22,000 jobs' claim


    More than 22,000 nursing jobs have disappeared in the past 18 months because of deficits, the Royal College of Nursing has alleged.

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    Trust offers 6,000 staff voluntary redundancy


    Wage slips received last week by almost 6,000 staff at County Durham and Darlington foundation trust also included a letter offering them voluntary severance deals.

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    Conservatives call for free hospital parking for vulnerable people


    Hospital car parking should be free for the most critically ill patients, say the London Assembly Conservatives responding to the latest Department of Health guidelines.Elizabeth Howlett, Assembly Member for Merton and Wandsworth and deputy chair of the assembly health and public services committee said:'We are calling on the government to ...

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    Think tank slams NHS reform


    The think tank Reform has accused the NHS of failing to develop a coherent vision for change, and warned that unless the government tackles 'centralised, dysfunctional bureaucracy', its funding and policy achievements will go to waste.Author Ian Smith, a private sector manager interviewed for the NHS chief executive's post this ...

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    DoH puts safety first


    The Department of Health has issued a report on improving support patient safety in the NHS.Safety First - a report for patients, clinicians and healthcare managerssays the National Patient Safety Agency should be 'refocused' on collecting and analysing information through its national reporting and learning system, and that this should ...