All articles by Sharon Brennan – Page 20

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Exclusive: Sir Mike Richards confirms July CQC exit


    Professor Sir Mike Richards will leave his role as chief inspector of hospitals at the Care Quality Commission at the end of July, he has told HSJ.

  • Police
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust may face police probe


    Kettering General Hospital may face a police investigation over whistleblower allegations it deliberately manipulated RTT data Trust “absolutely refutes” allegations but admits 138 patients experienced harm due to overly long waits for operations Northamptonshire Police says it is “working in partnership” with the CQC and NHS Protect to review ...

  • Hospital room

    The best and worst performing trusts on patient experience


    Of the five NHS trusts underperforming for overall patient experience, two are in CQC special measures Five trusts are outliers for poor experience of community support after hospital discharge Five NHS trusts have been identified by the Care Quality Commission as having significantly poor overall patient experience scores.

  • Hospital room

    Inpatient survey: Longer waits and growing worries over discharge


    Overall patient experience of hospital care has held up despite rising concerns over long waits and support after discharge, according to the 2016 national inpatient survey.

  • push button technology switch innovation choice

    New CQC inspection model depends on £9m IT upgrade


    CQC said that if the IT project fails ”we won’t be able to deliver our programme on a reduced budget” “Relatively high” risk levels surround the project due to “fundamental gaps” in current skills and technology and potential to delay roll out of inspection dashboards Work to first begin ...

  • Mike_Richards

    Independent hospital provider to NHS rated outstanding


    The Horder Centre independent provider to the NHS is rated outstanding Over 96 per cent of its outpatient and inpatient activity is funded by the NHS CQC praised the provider’s leadership as well as its involvement in a NHS England national vanguard orthopaedic service redesign project An independent ...

  • Household patients

    Conservatives: CQC given bigger role in social care and discharges


    Conservatives pledge to extend the “scope” of CQC’s oversight of local authorities Pledge will “take one step further” the CQC’s monitoring of local authority measures to reduce DTOCs Spokesman suggests role will be to reduce “variation in social care performance” The Conservative party has pledged in today’s manifesto ...

  • cyber security

    CQC set to strengthen tech inspection - but says no need for 'additional powers'


    The CQC has said it does not need extra powers to ensure the NHS is better protected against cyber attacks It confirmed it had ”not been approached” by government to do additional spot checks on trusts CQC has already consulted on additions to its inspection regime in relation to ...

  • nhs improvement

    Analysis: Fall in number of trusts top-rated by NHS Improvement


    Number of trusts receiving top NHS Improvement rated dropped by 14 per cent since October 2016 17 trusts have seen their rating drop, 18 have seen it improve The trusts that have either entered or exited the worst rating of four closely align with the CQC’s special measures regime ...

  • knee replacements

    Independent provider to NHS rated 'outstanding' by CQC


    The Benenden Hospital Trust rated outstanding by the CQC About a fifth of its activity is for the NHS CQC praised its staff satisfaction levels, recovery pathways and infection control but raised concerns over admission and theatre schedules The Care Quality Commission has rated Benenden Hospital, ...

  • pills

    Exclusive: NICE to routinely review drugs' budget impact for NHS England


    NICE asked by NHS England to analyse the “finance impact” of new potential treatments Second programme in which a NICE review of treatment costs could potentially impact access NICE will grade clinical evidence available for each treatment, which may impact rare disease medicines The National Institute for Health ...

  • boardroom night

    Fit and proper person enforcement action taken against just one NHS trust


    Five CQC “enforcement actions” taken against hospital providers for breaching fit and proper person regulations, but only one relates to an NHS trust St George’s was issued with a warning notice for failing to meet the regulations CQC is yet to take action against a NHS trust because of ...

  • Stevens at pac

    Simon Stevens: NHS will 'roll up sleeves' on service reform after election


    NHS England chief executive reasserts commitment to “operational priorities” of Next Steps regardless of election outcome Stevens: 2017-18 will be a “sleeves rolled up year” in which integrated care is “made real” There is “a lot of work to do” on workforce, capital and infrastructure NHS England to announce ...

  • Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    Revealed: Trusts chosen to pilot new efficiency rating


    Two trusts chosen to pilot the joint CQC/NHS Improvement use of resources rating National implementation of the rating delayed due to general election, with no new timetable confirmed Metrics for assessing a trust’s use of resources appear to have been tweaked since December consultation launch Two trusts have ...

  • Colchester Hospital

    Four in five trusts spent over a year in special measures


    Fewer than one in five trusts removed from quality special measures within 12 months Initial expectation was trusts would come out within 12 months Ten trusts have spent two years or more in the regime Mike Richards says: ”What is most important is that the right changes are made ...

  • Jon Ashworth

    Election 2017: Labour pledges 'new law' for NHS safe staffing


    If Labour wins the general election it will bring in a “new law” to make safe staffing legally enforceable and ask NICE to recommence its work Party will lift the 1 per cent pay increase cap for NHS staff and set pay levels that “reflect the complexity of the ...

  • board

    CQC board should 'revisit its purpose', review finds


    “Effectiveness” review finds concerns with the role and function of the CQC’s board Report says although the board is “effective” it should “evolve” to better interrogate its performance and offer focus on each sector it regulates equally Review says board members’ behaviour should be more “consistently” in line with ...

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Successor to Mike Richards expected to be chosen in June


    The Care Quality Commission will likely agree a successor to Sir Mike Richards in early June, a “confidential” document seen by HSJ reveals.

  • Wheelchair

    Updated: 10 areas named for continuing healthcare improvement regime


    NHS England letter reveals continuing healthcare improvement plan to “address… reducing growth in CHC expenditure” Charities have expressed concern that any aim to cut spending would have “hugely detrimental impact” on people eligible for CHC NHS England confirms 10 regional sites to take part in improvement programme Analysis by ...

  • Truvada prep hiv

    HIV prevention drug subject to 'extremely worrying' delays in England


    NHS England’s “implementation” trial of HIV preventative treatment delayed by at least three months with no start date fixed Trial may generate a “postcode lottery” and prevent eligible people from accessing the drug, charity warns National commissioning of PrEP delayed until 2020 and charities say the commissioning process is ...