All articles by Sharon Brennan – Page 21

  • Whistle

    Revealed: CQC inspects 40 providers after whistleblower concerns


    Whisteblowing complaints to the CQC resulted in 15 NHS and 25 independent providers having an inspection instigated or bought forward Twenty per cent of private providers and 9 per cent of NHS providers subject to a complaint had an inspection unexpectedly scheduled Between 1 April 2016 and 17 February ...

  • Kettering general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Four trusts enter special measures in six days


    Kettering General Hospital FT rated inadequate after “serious concerns” found in A&E, staffing, risk management and treatment delays Trust is fourth to enter special measures in six days New interim chief executive was appointed at trust after incumbent left within six months A Midlands trust has been placed ...

  • map of london

    Hurley Group practice put in special measures


    High profile GP partnership has practice rated inadequate by the CQC but the group is appealing the decision Hurley Group is led by NHS England primary care director Arvind Madan, who is also listed as partner for the group All Saints Practice in East London criticised for patient access ...

  • pills

    Specialised commissioning process 'lacks transparency', NHS England told


    Specialised commissioning is “very hard to probe”, resulting in “unusual decisions”, stakeholders warn NHS England made funding U-turn on two treatments it had previously deemed “unaffordable” but provided little detail about why FOI request for minutes of specialised commissioning funding body denied ABPI says “major reassessment” of whole process ...

  • Computers

    Trusts to team up with 'exemplars' to copy IT systems


    Majority of hospitals will no longer choose their own IT vendor and systems They will instead partner with leading hospitals and roll out their ‘blueprints’ Next Steps plan also confirms four more global digital exemplars NHS England has outlined fresh details of a major shake-up of how trusts ...

  • Dorset

    First nine 'accountable care systems' revealed


    NHS England identifies the first nine likely “accountable care systems” NHS Improvement and NHS England to adopt “one stop shop” approach to regulation Developing accountable care organisations will “not be a focus of activity” for most places Individual organisations will not be allowed to hold up progress NHS ...

  • graph_arrow_down

    CCG deficit forecast sinks by £180m in two months


    CCG sector’s forecast deficit is now £550m, worsening by nearly 50 per cent in two months £800m risk reserve may not be “adequate” to achieve financial balance with current trust deficit forecasts “tantalising close” to that figure Audit committee chair says “integrity and accuracy” of 2017-18 financial plans is ...

  • Southampton General Hospital

    Revealed: NHS England intervenes at 10 trusts over DTOC rates


    Ten trusts visited by NHS England “central support” team to “accelerate” delayed transfers of care initiatives FOI revealed the team initially shortlisted 33 trusts at “high risk” of delayed transfers NHS England also drew up a list of trusts that must “prioritise” plans to implement A&E streaming services ...

  • Bolton Town Hall

    GP quality – North: Greater Manchester and surrounds lags rest of region


    Manchester region has eight out of the top 11 CCGs with the highest number of GP surgeries rated requires improvement or inadequate by CQC Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby in north Yorkshire tops the list with 27 per cent of surgeries receiving the lowest two CQC ratings North Tynside CCG ...

  • London city hall

    GP quality - London: CQC ratings confirm challenge in East London


    Four out of the five worst performing CCGs for primary care are in East London, according to aggregated CQC ratings Tower Hamlets bucks the trend though with 10 per cent of all GP surgeries rated outstanding North West London has four out of the five top CCGs with the ...

  • Southend pier

    GP quality: Best and worst CCGs in the Midlands and East


    Poor quality GP surgeries scattered across the Midlands and East region, with the worst three performing CCGs in Essex, Nottinghamshire, and Lincolnshire Three neighbouring CCGs in south Essex appear in the 10 CCGs with the highest percentage of inadequate or requires improvement CQC ratings Nottingham West outstrips all other ...

  • Ascot horse racing

    GP quality: The best and worst areas in the South


    Borders of Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey have the majority of worst CQC rated GP surgeries Almost a third of surgeries in South Reading require improvement or rated inadequate South East England an enclave for GP surgeries rated outstanding East Berkshire and bordering areas in Hampshire and Surrey have ...

  • Waiting room

    Mapped: CCGs and STPs with the best and worst GPs


    First time that CCGs and STPs have been ranked by CQC ratings for best and worst performing GP surgeries in their region Huge variation uncovered: five CCGs with 10 per cent of more surgeries rated inadequate, and four CCGs with 20 per cent of more rated outstanding Nuffield Trust ...

  • Corby urgent care centre
    HSJ Local

    Urgent care centre may close this week over tariff argument


    Corby Urgent Care Centre may close on Thursday due to Corby and Nene CCGs refusing to pay national tariff rate for the work The centre will continue the contract if the CCGs agree to legal adjudication over fees as the centre claims it loses £30,000 a month running the ...

  • magnifying glass

    CQC to pay up to £191k to new chief inspector of hospitals


    The CQC will pay the new chief inspector of hospitals £161,000-£191,000 a year Sir Mike Richard’s replacement to be a “highly influential” clinician or board executive with “political acumen” Successful applicant will need to deliver new inspection model and determine the data needed to spot care failings The ...

  • wheelchair

    Thousands of disabled people forced to wait months for wheelchairs


    Between October and December, 21 per cent of children and 15 per cent of adults waited more than 19 weeks for wheelchairs to be delivered Waiting times of nine weeks-plus for wheelchair prescription and then delivery Longest waits for those with high or specialist needs for prescriptions and delivery ...

  • emergency ambulance

    Private providers warned over 'fundamental' safety concerns


    CQC warns safety concerns during inspection of independent ambulance providers may “not be isolated findings” Over three-quarters of providers inspected so far have faced CQC enforcement action Concerns include drivers not holding the correct licence, failure to carry out DBS checks, unclean vehicles and not following “fundamental safety processes” ...

  • NHS staff and services

    Revealed: Staff at inadequate trusts worst for reporting patient harm


    CQC analysis of 2016 NHS staff survey against its ratings show staff at inadequate trusts most likely to witness harm but least like to report it Staff at inadequate trusts most likely to experience bullying and harassment from staff and public Data suggests open reporting culture is part of ...

  • Whistle

    New law to ban 'blacklisting' of NHS whistleblowers


    New law would prevent whistleblowers being discriminated against by potential employers Move follows recommendation by Sir Robert Francis’s review, which found evidence of whistleblowers being “blacklisted” The law would allow applicants to seek compensation from trusts for discriminatory employment processes It could become illegal for NHS trusts to ...

  • Stephen Dorrell

    Dorrell: New NICE policy will 'decelerate' access to drugs


    NHS Confederation chair says new NICE affordability policy would “decelerate” drug access Stephen Dorrell says Treasury was looking for “anything at any price to control cash flow” Also warned Brexit would “undermine patient welfare” Former health secretary Stephen Dorrell has warned allowing NHS England to postpone access to ...