All articles by Sharon Brennan – Page 22

  • drugs

    NICE goes ahead with controversial drug affordability test


    NICE approves plans to defer treatment implementation if the cost per year is higher than £20m in any of the first three years of implemention Consultation responses warn that this could lead to treatment access “inequity” especially for those with rare diseases New “light touch” fast-track appraisal method also ...

  • Angela_Hillery

    Pioneering trust and GP tie-up to bid for new care model contract


    Northampton Healthcare FT creates new organisation with 3Sixty Care GP federation New partnership will bid and deliver contracts together and is “keen” to secure a local MCP contract once released The organisations have an “equal” share in the new company with three board directors each A Midlands trust ...

  • virus__sick.jpg

    Analysis: Over 100 trusts report rise in E coli infections in a year


    106 trusts report increase in E coli rates, with more than 10 per cent increases at 60 PHE data casts doubt over feasibility of government target to halve infections by 2020 Across England the infection rate has increased by 6.7 per cent in 12 months and by 12.7 per ...

  • Nottingham

    Community social enterprise first to be rated outstanding


    Nottingham CityCare Partnership rated outstanding CQC says it has rated four community interests companies, with Nottingham CityCare the first to get the top rating The partnership was singled out for the responsiveness of urgent care services and support offered by end of life services The Care Quality Commission ...

  • court

    CQC brings first ever prosecution of NHS trust over safety


    Southern Health is being prosecuted by the CQC after a patient sustained serious injuries falling from a roof Prosecution will be the first time the CQC has used its regulatory powers to pursue a criminal case against an NHS trust In April 2016, the CQC said that the trust ...

  • Ed smith

    NHS Improvement starts search for new chief executive and chair


    NHS Improvement confirmed this afternoon that its chief executive Jim Mackey will stand down from his role this autumn as originally planned, with preparations underway to begin the search for his successor.

  • News

    Pay gap between medical and nursing directors widens at largest trusts


    Medical directors at largest acute trusts in line to receive a median salary over a quarter higher than those at the smallest Median pay differential between nursing directors even higher at 39 per cent between the largest and smallest acute providers Medium sized mental health trusts expected to offer ...

  • Pay

    £190k salaries for leading trust operating officers and finance directors


    70 percent salary discrepancy expected between the chief operating officers of the largest and smallest acute trusts Of all acute trust leadership roles, COOs are expected to see the biggest pay differentials between different sized acute providers Finance directors also expected to see a 25 per cent salary difference ...

  • Watford hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust to remain in special measures despite rating upgrade


    West Hertfordshire trust now rated requires improvement, 15 months after it was rated inadequate CQC recommends it remains in special measures as it “was clear” that the trust had benefited from the support regime Concerns raised about emergency care across all three of the trust’s hospital sites but praise ...

  • Kettering general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust 'in real trouble' loses finance director


    Finance director leaves Kettering General Hospital FT during period of £13m deterioration against financial plan in three months Trust currently under CQC warning notice following inspectors identify ”sub-optimal care” Kettering has missed deadline to start reporting RTT data again after it was suspended in December 2015 Agency spend, A&E ...

  • Laptop computer

    Two-thirds of hospital inspectors not confident in CQC data


    Less than a third of CQC inspectors believe pre-inspection data can confidently identify patient risk More than half have concerns the data does not “reflect” inspection findings CQC is reviewing how information is collected and analysed following concerns with parts of its new data monitoring approach More than ...

  • Payslip

    Exclusive: CQC patient experts to have pay cut further


    Remploy to cut pay for experts by experience to £10.44 an hour despite other contract provider keeping rate at £15 an hour HSJ has seen correspondence in which Remploy blames the CQC for the move There has been long running controversy surrounding contract tender Some of the Care ...

  • meeting
    HSJ Local

    Trust gets cash for staff standing up in long meetings


    Bedford Hospital Trust “requires” people to stand once a meeting runs over 60 minutes Step is to comply with indicators in staff health CQUIN worth £900,000 to the trust NHS England regional team says it “does not set out” activities trusts must do to receive the funding A ...

  • Tim Briggs

    Exclusive: Huge expansion of scheme to cut NHS variation


    Getting It Right First Time programme to reduce unwarranted variation in the NHS grows New specialities include acute and emergency medicine, cardiology, intensive care and mental health Clinical leads announced for 12 specialities currently in progress The Getting It Right First Time programme, designed to reduce unwarranted variation ...

  • surgery scissors

    NHS England admits staffing risks in heart surgery shake-up


    At least 900 surgeries to be relocated under CHD proposals, despite concerns over staffing at affected hospitals Three out of the 10 sites singled out for the “risks” they pose to patients NHS England review into PICU services accelerated as closure of some CHD services will impact national critical ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Council refers long running reconfiguration to Jeremy Hunt


    Oxfordshire health overview and scrutiny committee refers Horton General Hospital maternity downgrade to secretary of state Committee chair told HSJ the referral was the “only solution” to the ongoing emergency downgrade four months ago Oxfordshire CCG consulting on plans to make the downgrade permanent The ongoing controversial decision ...

  • Breast cancer radiology

    Patient safety fears after trust moves to radiology consortium


    Kettering General Hospital dealing with major reporting backlogs affecting thousands of scans, including urgent and cancer MRI and CT scans At least one serious incidence and 68 other incidences of potential harm identified, with patients waiting up to 3 months for routine MRI scan results Fault attributed to flagship ...

  • Sir_David_Dalton

    Exclusive: David Dalton warns social care crisis will 'compromise' patient care


    Sir David Dalton says A&E crisis is caused by delayed transfers of care and a new social care funding model is “urgently required” Despite interest from new cabinet office team, Sir David says integrating health and social care funding will not solve crisis Financial and care performance will be ...

  • clipboard_meeting_notes_writing

    National audits 'drain' NHS resources


    Local audit network criticises increasing burden of national audit programme The annual survey of audits finds negative perception outweighs positive for the first time Concerns include lack of timely data reporting, poor methodology and incompatible IT infrastructure The national audit programme is a “drain” on hospital trusts’ resources ...

  • Heart

    New consultation on future of specialist heart surgery imminent


    NHS England to launch consultation on congenital heart disease services “soon” It has not publicly changed its controversial plans but said “no decision” will be made before consultation is completed Royal Brompton and University Hospitals of Leicester trusts remain at risk of losing their services NHS England is ...