All articles by Sharon Brennan – Page 25

  • David Behan

    CQC told to change culture after data loss 'never event'


    Independent security review says July’s loss of 500 people’s data should be a “wake-up call” “Mismatch” between CQC policy and staff behaviour CQC considering second review next year to check on progress of organisational change An independent review has told the Care Quality Commission it needs a “culture ...

  • Lungx x-ray
    HSJ Local

    Trust's mortality concerns persist despite multiple improvement drives


    East and North Hertfordshire Trust had outlier SHMI rates in five out of the eight reporting periods since 2014 “Large difference” between HSMR and SHMI rates due to palliative care coding Latest quality account report raised concerns over information governance, lower rate of incident reporting and never events ...

  • Nursing home

    Nursing home bed numbers fall for first time in five years


    CQC figures show nursing home bed capacity dropped by 400 after small annual increases since 2013 More care homes closed their nursing units in first half of 2016 than in all of 2015 People delayed from leaving hospital due to lack of nursing home availability up by 60 per ...

  • Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Specialist hospital rated 'one of the best trusts in England'


    Liverpool Heart and Chest hospital is the first specialist acute hospital to be rated outstanding One of only eight English trusts to receive highest quality rating Specialist acute hospital trusts currently outperforming non-specialists, with 78 per cent rated good or outstanding Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Foundation Trust ...

  • Lister Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust makes controversial pension offer to reduce vacancies


    East and North Herts Trust to offer a higher salary to new nurses if they opt out of NHS pension NHS Pension Board previously raised concerns that similar scheme at Oxleas FT “induced” staff to choose pension opt-out NHS Improvement aware of ENHT’s decision for “some time” A ...

  • Chris Hopson

    Hopson: New care models 'a 15 year journey'


    Chief executive of NHS Providers said “there is little evidence” new care models will “release sufficient savings” He expects timeline of service reconfiguration to take five to 15 years Current operational pressure on NHS is “sucking up” management capacity to implement change New care models are “not going ...

  • David Smith

    County CCG plans 'significant' hospital consolidation


    HSJ told Horton General Hospital is “not sustainable in its current form” Transformation plans looking at reducing the number of community hospitals and centralising inpatient care CCG savings taskforce looking at “all areas of spend” to generate funds to invest in service reconfiguration Oxfordshire health services ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Exclusive: Hunt's 'avoidable deaths' data subject to major delays


    High profile commitment to publish trust level avoidable deaths data subject to major delay Original tender for national work was not awarded and alternative project will not begin until next year Department of Health and NHS Improvement declined to provide a timeline for trust level data A high ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt names 12 'digital excellence' trusts in line for funding


    Twelve trusts will receive funding of up to £10m each to fast track digital innovation Twenty more trusts to receive up to £5m to act as national digital champions Initiative comes as response to Wachter review published today Jeremy Hunt is today due to name 12 trusts that ...

  • Premature baby
    HSJ Local

    Oxfordshire hospital confirms maternity unit downgrade


    Doctor led maternity services will be suspended at Horton General Hospital from 1 October Oxford CCG is reviewing “long term future” of maternity services at Horton as part of STP John Radcliffe Hospital will remain as the only obstetric service in Oxfordshire STRUCTURE: Horton General Hospital will suspend ...

  • Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Southern Health services continue to be disbanded


    Hertfordshire Partnership University FT will take on some of Southern Health’s specialist learning disability services Contract covers people living in Buckinghamshire and will focus on community care Southern Health divested of services after recognising it could no longer offer the area a “safe and effective” service RECONFIGURATION: Hertfordshire ...

  • Colchester Hospital

    CQC launches inquiry into trusts failing to improve


    Only six out out of 21 trusts re-inspected by the CQC in 2015-16 showed overall improvement Review commissioned to discover “underlying reasons” why trusts are struggling to improve Colchester chief executive calls for single “oversight committees” to become more common The Care Quality Commission has set up an ...

  • Gillian Fairfield
    HSJ Local

    South Coast trust in special measures after serious leadership failings


    QUALITY: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust is to be placed in special measures after the Care Quality Commission rated it inadequate.

  • Mother and baby
    HSJ Local

    Doctor shortage may see maternity unit downgraded


    WORKFORCE: A shortage of doctors may lead to an Oxfordshire maternity unit being downgraded next month.

  • Milton Keynes Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Local A&E review scrapped in favour of STP


    Standalone review of A&E services at Bedford and Milton Keynes hospitals merged into regional STP Decision made between NHS England and CCGs after draft STP submitted at end of June Bedford Hospital appeared unaware review was ending just two weeks prior to announcement ACUTE CARE: A standalone review ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Third of 'excess pay growth' trusts were told by CQC to improve staffing


    CQC warned about understaffing at least 22 out of the 63 trusts told to review their pay bill growth by NHS Improvement Concerns were raised at three hospitals rated good by the regulator CQC and NHS Improvement say patient safety remains “top priority” More than a third of ...

  • Sir David Dalton
    HSJ Local

    CQC confirms inadequate rating for Greater Manchester trust


    Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust has been rated inadequate by the Care Quality Commission Trust avoids going into special measures following appointment of Sir David Dalton as interim chief executive Serious concerns raised around safety and leadership PERFORMANCE: Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust has been rated inadequate by the Care ...

  • Luke March

    Chair appointed to 'facilitate' accountable care system


    Luke March appointed as chair of West Berkshire accountable care system Chair will be a “facilitation role” and does not have powers to mandate cooperation ACS is developing new alternative payment approach and GP clinical strategic group An independent chair has been appointed to Berkshire West’s accountable care ...

  • Hospital operation

    CQC failing to record duty of candour breaches


    Patient safety charity found CQC only offers improvement recommendations to 41 per cent of trusts criticised under duty of candour Seven per cent of CQC reports made no mention of duty of candour CQC looking to improve oversight of duty of candour concerns The Care Quality Commission has ...

  • David Behan

    Board member: NHS Improvement using CQC's name 'indiscriminately'


    Board member Michael Mire accuses NHS Improvement of using CQC’s name “indiscriminately” Asks if regulator’s name was included in recent pay growth review to make it “more acceptable” Mr Mire hints at wider concerns about how the CQC will manage future challenges A senior Care Quality Commission board ...