All articles by Shaun Lintern – Page 23

  • University Hospitals of North staffordshire Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    CCG leader appointed director of troubled STP


    Simon Whitehouse to be director of Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent STP Mr Whitehouse was accountable officer for South Cheshire and Vale Royal CCGs Staffordshire STP has struggled to recruit a chair and North Midlands trust faces a £119m deficit this year A commissioning leader from the North West has ...

  • Houses_of_Parliament

    Queen's speech: Doubt over promised health reforms


    Queen’s speech includes only a “draft bill” to give powers on to new safety investigator This is likely to mean significant delay for the changes Plans to consult on mental health and older people’s social care, but no legislation proposed The government has no firm plan for any ...

  • Nottingham
    HSJ Local

    Single leader to be appointed across four CCGs in ACS area


    A single leader will be appointed to drive health service commissioning across the greater Nottingham health economy, HSJ has learned.

  • Flag of India

    NHS in talks with Indian hospital firm to source nurses


    HEE in talks with Apollo Hospitals in India about training qualified nurses in NHS Ian Cumming says no agreement has been reached but training would be for a fixed period HEE and Apollo signed a memorandum of understanding in 2015 Talks between Health Education England and one of ...

  • Ian Cumming

    Health Education England chief targets NHS workforce surplus


    HEE chief executive said retention was the key factor to improving NHS workforce supply Professor Ian Cumming revealed ambition for UK to be self-sufficient across healthcare professions Flexible working, fall in the pound and EU referendum all factors in losing staff Health Education England’s chief executive has said ...

  • ultrasound

    Hundreds of babies suffer avoidable harm in NHS, study warns


    RCOG study found more than 550 babies born in 2015 may have had a different outcome Only a third of local investigations involved families or patients Quarter of local investigations were not good enough to assess quality of care Hundreds of babies who died during or shortly after ...

  • Celia Ingham Clark

    Revealed: New national patient safety director


    Senior NHS England clinician Celia Ingham Clark has been appointed as interim national patient safety director for England in a joint appointment across NHS England and NHS Improvement, HSJ has learned.

  • Danny Mortimer

    Workforce 'is the challenge of the next decade'


    NHS Employers chief says NHS must focus on being an attractive employer Priority is to secure EU nationals rights post Brexit says Danny Mortimer But he urged NHS to do more to tackle the ”challenge of the next decade” Making the NHS an attractive employer as part of ...

  • purse

    Jeremy Hunt hints at lobbying for end to pay restraint


    The welfare and support of staff is the “number one priority” for the NHS, the health secretary Jeremy Hunt said today, hinting he could lobby for an end to pay restraint.

  • Newham hospital
    HSJ Local

    Staffing gaps a factor in patient's death


    Consultant told coroner short staffing in ICU affected patient’s care Inquest heard Errol Mann died of a pulmonary embolism that was not properly investigated Barts Health Trust says it has increased consultant numbers to maintain patient safety Staffing gaps in an intensive care unit run by the largest ...

  • EU flag

    Former DH chief to lead alliance to stand up for NHS in Brexit talks


    Former DH permanent secretary Sir Hugh Taylor to co-chair Brexit Health Alliance with NHS Confederation chief executive Niall Dickson Alliance will aim to safeguard NHS interests as the UK government negotiates Brexit Calls for the government to make commitments on research and funding An alliance of healthcare industry, ...

  • uhnm fire 3
    HSJ Local

    Man charged with starting fire at NHS hospital


    Police have charged a 39 year old man with arson and intent to endanger life after a fire was deliberately started at a major Midlands hospital.

  • Keith conradi 3x2

    Exclusive: HSIB chief will challenge regulators on patient safety


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch chief investigator says he will challenge regulators Keith Conradi says NHS has been “defensive” and incident investigations seen as a “bolt on” HSIB “will go where the evidence leads” The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will focus its efforts on challenging system regulators and policymakers ...

  • ambulance

    Revealed: First investigation by new body launched after patient death


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch starts its first investigation after patient death Investigation will focus on the transfer of deteriorating patients between different hospitals Concerns raised about the transfer of patients between services earlier this year The new Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch has launched its first investigation into the ...

  • Queen's Hospital, Burton
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trusts move step closer to full merger


    Derby Teaching Hospitals and Burton Hospitals agree outline business case for merger Both trusts need to develop more sustainable footing for services in future Full business case expected in the autumn Two hospital trusts in the Midlands have approved an outline business case to merge.

  • Mid_Stafford_hospital_sign
    HSJ Local

    Trusts need millions in extra funding for Mid Staffs dissolution


    UHNM and Royal Wolverhampton trusts both seeking millions in additional funding linked to dissolution of Mid Staffordshire FT UHNM forecasting a year-end deficit of £119m in 2017-18 Mid Staffs trust special administration process ended in March after £300m extra funding Trust leaders in the Midlands are seeking millions ...

  • nurse discussion

    Exclusive: 'Crash' in EU nurses working in UK since Brexit referendum


    New data shows “crash” in the number of EU nurses registering to work in UK Professor Jim Buchan warns the situation is the worst for 20 years Fall in recruitment of nursing staff after Brexit could exacerbate existing workforce shortage There has been a “crash” in the number ...

  • uhnm fire 3
    HSJ Local

    Police arrest man on suspicion of arson at hospital


    A man has been arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life following a fire at a major NHS hospital.

  • kate and rhiannon davies colour
    HSJ Local

    Inquiry chair revealed amid families' criticism of regulator


    Senior midwife Donna Ockenden appointed to lead review into deaths of 15 babies and three mothers Parents criticise NHS Improvement for setting “narrow” terms of reference and excluding families Jeremy Hunt set up review after concerns over deaths and lack of investigations A senior midwife has been appointed ...

  • uhnm fire 3
    HSJ Local

    Patients evacuated in beds last night after hospital fire


    Major fire at Royal Stoke University Hospital on Wednesday night Patients were evacuated from the building in their beds until the fire was put out Some patients were still in the hospital and being evacuated an hour after the fire started Patients were evacuated from a hospital in ...