All articles by Shaun Lintern – Page 26

  • lecture

    New £2bn training supplier framework created for NHS


    NHS Shared Business Services creating new framework for apprentice training supplies The framework available free of charge to the NHS Potential market value for is estimated at £2bn by 2021 NHS Shared Business Services is creating a new framework for suppliers of apprenticeship training with a potential market ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: New agency staff rules put on hold


    NHS Improvement pauses new rules on employing agency staff RCN says plans were “ill conceived” and delay is welcome Jim Mackey says other planned changes announced in February will go ahead NHS Improvement has delayed “until further notice” bringing in new rules to prevent trusts from using agency ...

  • Workforce

    Plan to boost nurse numbers by 2020


    NHS England says health service will need more qualified nurses by 2020 NHS will launch fast track two year training programme and focus on retention Health Education England to publish workforce plan in April NHS England has said the health service will need more registered nurses by 2020 ...

  • Queen's Hospital, Burton
    HSJ Local

    Foundation trusts could consider merger


    Two NHS trusts in the Midlands are working on proposals to work closer together, including a potential full merger, HSJ understands.

  • calendar

    Exclusive: Treasury funding fears derail medical examiner launch


    Funding fears over medical examiner fees have delayed launch A national medical examiner service was first recommended by the Shipman inquiry Department of Health says it is committed to launching medical examiners Plans for a national rollout of independent medical examiners next year has been abandoned by ministers ...

  • Team meeting multidisciplinary working

    Report: Force NHS boards to publish gender balance data


    NHS organisations should be forced to publish data on the gender balance of their boards and senior management teams, a new report backed by NHS Improvement has said.

  • Theresa may

    Article 50: Theresa May warned to safeguard NHS workforce


    Coalition of health and social care organisations call for new post-Brexit immigration policy NHS Employers chief executive says government “must take all possible measures” to safeguard workforce supply Cavendish Coalition says policy should be based on workers’ “public service value” rather than salary A coalition of health and ...

  • purse

    Government told to end current pay restraint policy


    NHS Pay Review Body warns government action is needed on pay policy Ministers told the lack of a people strategy means workforce issues being neglected One per cent pay rise recommended for all NHS staff Ministers have been warned by the NHS Pay Review Body that action will ...

  • contract
    HSJ Local

    Trust and CCGs locked in costly contract dispute


    Mid Cheshire Foundation Trust and CCGs unable to resolve contract dispute All parties have had meetings with NHS England and NHS Improvement chief executives South Cheshire and Vale Royal CCGs has employed a well known QC to fight its case, which could cost trust £9m A foundation trust ...

  • pension_retirement

    NHS pension costs to shift from DH to employers


    Employer pension contributions will rise from 1 April to cover cost of new levy Department of Health considers the pension scheme a frontline operational service NHS Business Services Authority will receive £35m NHS employers will have to increase their contributions to the NHS pension scheme from next month ...

  • Plaster
    HSJ Local

    Hospital trust creates primary care company


    Chesterfield Royal Hospital FT to create new arm’s length company The new body will provide services to more than 30,000 patients Development follows trust taking on five GP surgeries Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust has created a new arm’s length limited company to provide GP services to more ...

  • Cardiac surgery

    NHS England warns of heart surgery infection risk


    NHS England says patients will be warned they could be at low risk Twenty-eight known cases of mycobacterium chimaera infection including 15 people who have died Infection risk identified in other countries linked to heater/cooler devices NHS England is writing to thousands of patients who have had open ...

  • Hospital sign

    Exclusive: Regulators to introduce 'A&E special measures' regime


    Trusts performing poorly against four hour target face new tough regulatory measures Trusts could be put in new “A&E special measures” if they do not improve by June Worst performing trusts face new weekly performance meetings with regulators Trusts performing poorly against the four hour target could be ...

  • Bristol Children's Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust agrees six figure settlement over child’s death


    University Hospitals Bristol FT settles case for £100,000 Deal was originally offered almost two years ago PHSO report heavily criticised the standard of care for Luke Jenkins A hospital trust guilty of major service failure related to the death of a seven-year-old boy has agreed to settle a ...

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Jeremy Hunt announces major overhaul of NHS quango


    NHS Litigation Authority to be renamed NHS Resolution from April New organisation will focus on earlier intervention in maternity cases It will seek to reduce harm through learning and sharing good practice Jeremy Hunt is to announce an overhaul of the NHS Litigation Authority aimed at reducing the ...

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    Whistleblowing charity intervenes in HEE court case


    Public Concern at Work granted permission to intervene in Court of Appeal case Chris Day claims he was victimised by Health Education England for whistleblowing Charity says the case could undermine whistleblowing legislation if it fails Whistleblowing charity Public Concern at Work has intervened in a Court of ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: The NHS faces a workforce Brexodus


    Contact me in confidence here. Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Dark hospital corridor
    HSJ Local

    New drive to make sure trust staff sleep on night shifts


    All 15,000 staff at Guys and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust encouraged to take their breaks Campaign based on research evidence link to patient harm from fatigue Staff can benefit from a 20 minute nap at night and reduce clinical errors All 15,000 staff at one of the country’s ...

  • community nurse

    Community providers face new staffing requirements


    Community service providers need better tools to meet safe staffing levels District nursing providers should review staffing annually and benchmark their services, NHSI says Report is the latest safe staffing guidance to be published by the regulator Providers of district nursing services lack the tools to plan staffing ...

  • Empty board room table
    HSJ Local

    Four non-executive directors resign at troubled trust


    Four non-executive directors at Southern Health Foundation Trust have resigned after a review by the trust’s latest interim chair.