All articles by Shaun Lintern – Page 33

  • Peterborough City Hospital, Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS FT
    HSJ Local

    Hospitals cancel hundreds of appointments after 'critical' tech crash


    Two hospitals in the Midlands have had critical internal incidents declared after a major technology failure, which is affecting all trust IT and telecoms systems.

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    Health secretary: Trusts told to employ more full-time nurses


    Health secretary says he expects the number of permanently employed NHS nurses to increase Says NHS has overused agency and locum staff Tells trusts to look beyond “binary choice” between savings and quality Health secretary Jeremy Hunt expects the numbers of qualified nurses in permanent NHS employment to ...

  • scales_of_justice

    Drive to cut litigation costs may be extended 'throughout the NHS'


    Health secretary says aim of maternity plans is to improve learning and reduce incidents of harm New “safe space” legislation to protect clinicians will not prevent families receiving information, says Jeremy Hunt Safe space will not stop action being taken against people where there are risks to patients or ...

  • hospital

    Government negotiating on employment contracts for one million NHS staff


    Jeremy Hunt says “constructive” negotiations under way with NHS unions on further contract reform The junior doctor dispute with the BMA was “wholly avoidable”, says health secretary Mr Hunt claims proposed changes will improve flexible working, quality and morale The government is having “constructive” negotiations with NHS staff ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt: Trusts to be told how to do better investigations


    Health secretary says problems around poor investigations seen at Southern Health likely to exist across the NHS Jeremy Hunt reveals plan to issue new guidance to trusts on how to carry out effective investigations NHS complaints system is “unfinished business” Jeremy Hunt has said “we are kidding ourselves” ...

  • Classroom

    Hunt vows to act on NHS's 'biggest area of weakness'


    Health secretary Jeremy Hunt brands children’s mental health services the NHS’s “biggest area of weakness” Mr Hunt took on mental health portfolio after being reappointed as health secretary He tells HSJ there were “big problems” with CAMHS capacity and one solution is integrating more NHS services into schools ...

  • Jeremy hunt new website

    Hunt: I want to be health secretary until 2019


    Jeremy Hunt has said he would “love to serve another two to three years” as health secretary. In a major interview with HSJ he also set out wide-ranging plans for the next phase of his tenure.

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    CCGs tell hospitals not to request non-emergency transport after 6pm


    CCGs sent letter to 127 wards telling staff not to request non-emergency patient transport discharges after 6pm Patient transport service has been run by South Central Ambulance Service since 2014 Commissioners say the service requires a four hour turnaround and staff must identify patients for discharge earlier More ...

  • Warrington Hospital

    Hospital director denies 'impropriety' over 'irregular' payoff deal


    The trust director who agreed an unusual and “very irregular” exit deal for a senior midwife at the centre of a care scandal has denied any “impropriety”.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt aims to 'dismantle' maternity litigation culture


    Health secretary to announce voluntary compensation scheme to “dismantle” litigation culture Families to be offered independent investigations and new support under scheme Actions include new investment to help halve rates of neonatal death, stillbirth, maternal death and brain injuries by 2030 Families who suffer harm after failings in ...

  • Jackie Daniel

    Royal college issues new 'threatening statement' to hospital trust


    Royal College of Midwives says it is considering taking action after exit deal revealed RCM accused of making “threatening statement” against the trust Former Morecambe Bay chair Sir David Henshaw says he had no knowledge of deal The Royal College of Midwives has today suggested it could take ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern’s Risk Register: Thinking like a patient, acting like a taxpayer?


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Payslip
    HSJ Local

    Financially stricken trust to cut pay bill by 10 per cent in six months


    St George’s University Hospitals FT to cut pay costs by 10 per cent by March Vacancies will be left unfilled but essential posts will continue to be recruited to The trust had an overall vacancy rate of 16 per cent in August A south London teaching hospital plans ...

  • Jackie Daniel chief executive of University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust

    Trust chief threatened with injunction by royal college


    Royal College of Midwives threatened to injunct University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Trust Midwife Jeanette Parkinson was a union official for the RCM and received an “irregular” exit payment in 2012 Trust chief executive Jackie Daniel: “My judgement was clear about doing the right thing” The Royal College ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust

    Exclusive: 'Irregular' payoff deal revealed at scandal hit trust


    Internal review at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay uncovers unusual exit payment deal Jeanette Parkinson, a senior midwife involved in the care failings at the trust, left it after the deal in spring 2012 It appeared to include a significant overpayment and a commitment by the trust not to ...

  • Law

    NHS England accused of 'abuse of public money' over legal appeal


    NHS England to appeal High Court judgment requiring it to prescribe a drug to teenager with narcolepsy Patient is soon to turn 18 and has already been told her local CCG will fund the drug from then Father says appeal is “ridiculous” and “abuse of public money” NHS England ...

  • Stafford Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Stafford hospital children's emergency services to be reviewed


    Royal college to review children’s emergency service at Stafford hospital after safety fears led to suspension Trust has opened new minor injuries unit to treat children but those with severe illnesses will be transferred Report to be published next year after trust visit and analysis of data A ...

  • Mother and baby

    NICE criticised for 'missed opportunity' with PTSD guidance


    NICE has rejected considering postpartum PTSD as a specific category in forthcoming review Birth Trauma Association and RCGP say this is a “missed opportunity” BTA says postpartum PTSD affects 10,000 new mothers a year Mothers who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder after giving birth will not be specifically considered ...

  • Contract 3x2

    Final interviews for top regulator job next month


    Adverts for new ombudsman posted in national press and online Dame Julie Mellor has appointed Amanda Campbell as new PHSO chief executive Final panel interviews for successor to take place at end of November The search to replace Dame Julie Mellor as the parliamentary and health service ombudsman ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary
    HSJ Local

    IT crash trust had tech problems in pathology service since March


    Automated pathology system suffered faults from March, letter reveals Problems led to 400 samples not being tested and a backlog of 2,000 tests at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust says the issue was unrelated to major hardware fault last month IT problems at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust’s blood sciences ...