All articles by Shaun Lintern – Page 34

  • Shaun Lintern

    Analysis: The magical thinking of Hunt's medical training move


    Jeremy Hunt’s commitment of around £100m to increase annual medical training numbers by 25 per cent is a keenly political move. He is fresh from the battlefield with the British Medical Association, and needs to make an impact in a post-Brexit referendum world.

  • Older woman

    Regulator launches investigation into cost of patient falls


    NHS Improvement launches investigation into cost of inpatient falls to the NHS Regulator is planning to share good practice to help providers improve care New “falls collaboratives” will be set up to take forward improvements NHS Improvement has launched an investigation into the cost and prevalence of inpatient ...

  • Mop and bucket
    HSJ Local

    Nurses forced to clean wards after private company fails to improve


    Nottingham trust says company has made “insufficient progress” Nurses are cleaning after Carillion staff to maintain standards, trust says Board will discuss future of £200m cleaning contract later this month Nurses at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust are having to clean wards after cleaners from a private company in ...

  • Man holding a box of office belongings

    Government plans cap on NHS exit payments


    Treasury announces bid to reduce NHS redundancy payments Changes could affect all NHS staff including doctors and senior managers Legislation will cap exit payments and claw back payments from returning staff The Treasury has revealed plans to substantially cut the size of redundancy payments made to public sector ...

  • Calculator
    HSJ Local

    Special measures CCG must 'think the unthinkable' to avoid £31m deficit


    Shropshire CCG reports £12.2m deterioration from plan in first four months of the year Legacy debts and acute provider overspends are largest cost pressures CCG faces a year-end deficit of £31m if it fails to make sufficient savings Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group is facing a potential £31m deficit ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern’s Risk Register: Going, going but not yet gone


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Updated: Hunt acted lawfully over junior doctors' contract, court rules


    Junior doctors lose legal case to stop new contract Judge rules health secretary’s decision was “within the scope of his lawful powers” Jeremy Hunt criticised for “loose” language during contract dispute Jeremy Hunt acted lawfully in his decision to press ahead with the new junior doctors’ contract, a ...

  • Leeds General Infirmary
    HSJ Local

    Hospital IT crash won't be resolved until end of the week


    Leeds and Bradford trusts cancel 132 operations IT system may not be fully restored until the end of this week Other hospitals in Yorkshire now providing pathology services to Bradford hospital and Leeds GPs Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust has said it has now successfully cleared a backlog of ...

  • Cleaner
    HSJ Local

    Hospital cleaning company faces loss of £200m contract over poor standards


    A privately provided cleaning contract worth £200m will be discussed by board members at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust this week amid “significant concerns” over standards, HSJ has learned.

  • Dame Julie Mellor

    Exclusive: New investigation reveals full extent of watchdog’s failures


    PHSO was warned twice about concerns over her deputy’s involvement in cover-up Dame Julie Mellor did not read tribunal judgement until HSJ exposed her deputy’s actions in February Investigation concludes the PHSO’s structure “does not represent current thinking about good corporate governance” NHS ombudsman Dame Julie Mellor was ...

  • New Cross Hospital
    HSJ Local

    City leaders push for accountable care model covering 250,000 people


    A Midlands hospital trust is seeking to establish an accountable care model in partnership with its local metropolitan borough council and clinical commissioning group.

  • Man looking through microscope
    HSJ Local

    IT failure leaves teaching hospital with 10,000 tests backlog


    Leeds and Bradford trusts cancelling non-urgent operations IT system may not be up and running until the end of next week Test results are being hand delivered but some are going to the wrong place with incorrect patient information One of the country’s largest teaching hospitals faces a ...

  • Bethlem Royal Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Coroner: Trust neglect contributed to patient's fatal self-harm


    Neglect by South London and Maudsley Foundation Trust contributed to the death of a 15 year old mental health patient, a coroner has ruled.

  • Blodd test
    HSJ Local

    GPs told to cancel blood tests after teaching trust's IT failure


    CCGs tell all GPs in Leeds to cancel routine blood tests after hardware fault at Leeds Teaching Hospital GPs expect to have to recall some patients for testing as samples become unviable Fault is also affecting Bradford Teaching Hospitals and caused “critical” internal incident at Leeds All routine ...

  • Researcher using microscope
    HSJ Local

    IT crash causes 'critical incident' at major teaching hospital


    Operations and appointments have been cancelled after a “critical” fault with Leeds Teaching Hospitals’ pathology IT system Test results are having to be hand delivered to clinical teams with significant impact on patient flow Fault is also affecting Bradford Teaching Hospitals and local GPs who use the trust’s pathology ...

  • boardroom

    NHS managers face crackdown on conflicts of interest


    NHS England consultation document suggests number of areas where declarations of interest should be made Senior managers face declaring shareholdings, paid positions, family relationships and political memberships Doctors could have to declare private practice earnings but other staff are not included NHS executives earning money from consultancy, advisory ...

  • Doctor looking at xray

    HEE unveils measures to 'improve quality of life' for junior doctors


    Health Education England revels plans to improve junior doctors’ quality of life Proposals include new targets for trusts to provide information, reviewing rotation periods and annual competency checks Doctors have expressed discontent with education and training system The number of times junior doctors rotate through NHS hospitals could ...

  • Julie Mellor

    PHSO admits it failed to follow rules for £100k contract


    PHSO accepts errors in handling of contract worth more than £100,000 The board should have approved contract for onsite cafe last year The regulator was criticised by the NAO for contract failings in 2015 The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman failed to follow its own procurement guidance when ...

  • Sir David Dalton

    David Dalton disputes BMA claim on seven day services


    DH releases confidential documents from Acas talks showing BMA was offered detailed statement on seven day services Statement including pledge for more clinical staff and that focus of seven day services would be emergency care only Sir David Dalton said the BMA asked for the statement not to be ...

  • Paula Clark
    HSJ Local

    Midlands trust reveals new chief executive


    APPOINTMENT: The chief executive of a major West Midlands acute trust is to take on the top job at the University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust.