All articles by Shaun Lintern – Page 38

  • Busy hospital

    Exclusive: NHS Improvement accused of 'dismantling' NICE safe staffing work


    NHS Improvement to revisit NICE safe staffing work on acute and maternity wards Chief nursing officer had said NICE guidance would not be re-examined by NHS Critics say move will confuse providers and risks undermining evidence based work NHSI has eight “safe and sustainable staffing” committees NHS Improvement ...

  • Nurse treating patient

    DH to scrap nursing advisory team


    Nursing policy unit to be scrapped as part of DH cost cutting drive Decision criticised by unions as an “appalling message” to professions Sir Robert Francis QC raised fears over a weak nursing voice in 2013 The Department of Health is planning to axe its nursing, midwifery and ...

  • Peter Homa
    HSJ Local

    £2.5bn PFI costs are not part of merger, chief executive insists


    Peter Homa says Sherwood Forest’s PFI costs “will be dealt with nationally” Nottingham University Hospitals and Sherwood Forest share chief executive and plan to merge Mr Homa to address Sherwood Forest’s “discontinuity” of leadership Nottingham University Hospitals Trust has refused to take on a £2.5bn private finance deal ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern’s Risk Register: Listen and learn to save lives


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Keith conradi 3x2

    Exclusive: Air Accident Investigation chief set for top NHS role


    Keith Conradi, chief inspector at the Air Accident Investigation Branch, named as preferred candidate MPs on the Commons public administration committee will hold an appointment hearing next week Mr Conradi will be responsible for a £3.6m budget carrying out approximately 30 investigations a year The existing head of ...

  • Peter Homa
    HSJ Local

    Top hospital chief takes same role at neighbouring trust


    Nottingham University Hospitals Trust chief executive Peter Homa will take on the same role at nearby Sherwood Forest Hospital Foundation Trust next week.

  • Xray

    Medical examiners 'would have spotted Mid Staffs earlier'


    Pilots in Sheffield and Gloucestershire reveal benefits of medical examiner service Four fifths of medical causes of death recorded by doctors were changed after being reviewed Medical examiners have helped identify patient safety issues requiring action by providers Poor care at the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust would have ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Did doctors strike on a false manifesto?


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Macclesfield district general hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust takes 'unviable' HR service back in-house


    East Cheshire Trust agrees to take back outsourced human resources service Arvato told the trust it would need to pay £2.4m a year to continue contract Decision comes as Carter review encouraged more outsourcing of non-clinical services East Cheshire Trust is to bring human resources services back in ...

  • johann malawana

    Exclusive: BMA pushed for further concessions after juniors' contract deal agreed


    BMA junior doctors’ committee chair tried to secure fully funded shared parental leave for doctors after contract deal was agreed Attempt was rebuffed by health secretary Jeremy Hunt this week News comes as resignation letters from two JDC executive members reveal concerns about lack of democracy and “dishonest” political ...

  • Whatsapp icon

    Exclusive: Huge leak reveals BMA plan to 'draw out' junior doctors dispute


    The strategy adopted by junior doctors’ leaders in their historic contract dispute with the government is revealed in a huge leak of more than 1,000 pages of private messages.

  • Mick Martin

    Deputy ombudsman's resignation payout revealed


    The former deputy Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman Mick Martin, who resigned in the wake of his involvement in a sexual harassment cover-up being exposed, received a payment of at least £67,500 after stepping down, HSJ can reveal.

  • Interim Report

    NHS to face new patient safety investigations from autumn


    Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will have a budget of £3.6m in first year Expert advisory group calls for process to resolve historical complaints Mike Durkin hails launch of HSIB as “a huge leap forward” The new Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch will be operating from this autumn with a ...

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Hunt rejected expert advice on independence of safety branch


    Expert advisers urged health secretary to make new investigation branch independent They also called for all relevant information to be shared with patients and families Government actions risk undermining “effectiveness and public confidence”, says charity boss The health secretary rejected the advice of safety experts who urged him ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: War and peace


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    NHS Improvement: Trusts lost £65m of activity during strikes


    Provider sector lost £65m of activity during strike days Emergency department performance improved on full walkout days NHS Improvement says it cannot be certain there were no clinical incidents for several weeks Strike action by junior doctors cost the NHS provider sector £65m in lost in activity, NHS ...

  • Mark Porter

    Exclusive: BMA was told contract dispute spending 'not sustainable'


    British Medical Association council told in March the junior doctors dispute had cost the union £2.9m Union treasurer Andrew Dearden said the costs had not been budgeted but were manageable Document shows he also warned spending was “not sustainable” in the long term Senior leaders at the British ...

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Junior doctors contract: 16 key agreements


    On Wednesday evening the government and the British Medical Association reached an agreement on the junior doctors contract.

  • agreement, handshake,merger,merge,takeover

    Deal reached on junior doctors contract


    A deal has been reached between the government and junior doctors, bringing to an end the three year dispute that has seen thousands of patient operations cancelled.

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Two steps forward


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern