All articles by Shaun Lintern – Page 39

  • johann malawana

    Junior doctors contract talks extended


    Acas talks extended to Wednesday 18 May after “real progress” this week Sir Brendan Barber, chair of Acas, says negotiations have been positive and constructive Both sides have agreed to suspend contract imposition and industrial action Talks to resolve the junior doctors contract dispute have been extended until ...

  • Bill Kirkup
    HSJ Local

    Kirkup outlines 'lamentable' NMC failures to health secretary


    REGULATION: The Morecambe Bay inquiry chair has written to health secretary setting out what he described as the “lamentable failure” of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

  • Richmond House
    HSJ Local

    DH tells nursing watchdog to review treatment of bereaved families


    Department of Health says NMC must review treatment of patients and bereaved families Professional Standards Authority has criticised “deficient” handling of hearings into two Morecambe Bay midwives The government says issues from the case will inform plans to reform professional regulation REGULATION: The Department of Health has told ...

  • Bev Humphrey

    NHS England 'risks being in parallel universe' on mental health


    New Mental Health Network chair highlights “disconnect” between national and local commissioning Stresses that pledge of £1bn for mental health by 2020 follows £600m funding decrease in recent years Mental health sector will not get extra funding in 2017-18 and CCGs’ investment is an “empty promise” The mental ...

  • Harry Cayton
    HSJ Local

    NMC criticised for 'deficient' handling of Morecambe Bay cases


    Professional Standards Authority criticises deficient NMC investigation and panel decisions Morecambe Bay midwives cleared despite relevant evidence not being presented James Titcombe calls for government intervention to overhaul professional regulation WORKFORCE: The Nursing and Midwifery Council has been criticised for its “deficient” handling of the case against two ...

  • Furness General Hospital
    HSJ Local

    NMC's clearance of Morecambe Bay midwives to be reviewed


    Professional Standards Authority reviewing decisions by Nursing and Midwifery Council related to two midwives linked to poor care at Furness General Hospital Morecambe Bay inquiry chair questions NMC process and says more contemporaneous evidence was available NMC chief executive Jackie Smith accepts process “not as it should be” ...

  • David Dalton

    Junior doctors contract talks resume


    Talks seeking to resolve the junior doctor contract dispute were due to begin on Monday, with Sir David Dalton leading for the government.

  • Shaun Lintern
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Common sense judgments, please


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Jeremy Hunt

    Updated: Government offers BMA talks on junior doctors contract


    Jeremy Hunt responds to letter from medical royal colleges Government will pause contract imposition if BMA agrees to talk about Saturday pay Hunt says BMA must agree in writing before talks can take place The government has agreed to pause its planned imposition of a new junior doctors ...

  • Scales of justice

    Judge criticises NHS England for 'totally irrational' drug decision


    NHS England will be ordered by the High Court to provide funding to treat a teenager with a severe neurological condition after a judge criticised its “thoroughly bad decision” and “absurd” policy.

  • Royal Courts of Justice

    NHS England faces court battle in drug discrimination claim


    NHS England is accused of discriminating against teenager with narcolepsy Hundreds of patients already receive NHS funding for the drug sodium oxybate Department of Health also using public money to fund private prescriptions NHS England will appear at the High Court on Wednesday accused of discriminating against a ...

  • Paula Vasco-Knight

    Teaching trust loses second chief executive in two weeks


    Paula Vasco-Knight suspended as acting chief executive at St George’s University Hospitals Foundation Trust Action follows serious financial allegations made against Ms Vasco-Knight relating to a previous employment Suspension comes less than two weeks after former chief executive Miles Scott announced he was standing down EXCLUSIVE: A major ...

  • Wirral University Teaching Hospital Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Clique of midwives prevented staff raising concerns


    Cultural review identifies “clique” of midwives whose behaviour went unchallenged by senior managers Some staff have been unwilling to raise concerns and some claim managers don’t listen to them Nursing director taking action to address concerns and improve communication and staffing A “clique” of midwives at a teaching ...

  • Navina Evans
    HSJ Local

    East London FT appoints new chief executive


    East London Foundation Trust has appointed Dr Navina Evans as the trust’s new chief executive taking over from Dr Robert Dolan when he retires in July 2016.

  • Money

    Quango chiefs' pay falls by a quarter in four years


    Senior Salaries Review Body says pay for very senior managers in the NHS has fallen 23 per cent in real terms since 2009-10 No pay rise in five of the last six years according to report Independent body says it cannot make recommendation on pay due to poor Department ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Trusts told to prepare for indefinite strike action


    NHS providers have been told to prepare for indefinite strike action by junior doctors in a letter to the service from NHS England and NHS Improvement on Thursday afternoon.

  • Nurse doctor hospital

    Trusts fear impact of junior contract on services, training and bottom line


    Medical and workforce directors voice worries about impact of junior doctors contract Cost concerns include higher pension costs and pay protection concessions Warnings that trusts will need more doctors to maintain training and services Follow HSJ Live for in-depth coverage of the junior doctors’ strike The new junior ...

  • Shaun Lintern
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Shifting the blame on staffing levels?


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Miles Scott

    Chief of scandal hit teaching hospital steps down


    Miles Scott steps down from role of chief executive at St George’s University Hospitals Move follows high profile financial collapse at the trust and arrival of new interim chair He will be replaced by acting chief executive Paula Vasco-Knight Chair tells staff the trust’s problems will not be solved ...

  • Strike

    Exclusive: Junior doctor leaders mull indefinite strike action


    Junior doctors’ leaders discuss possible indefinite strike action BMA committee chair says no decision has been made ahead of next week’s strike Latest leak follows revelation of NHS Improvement email to trusts over engagement with doctors Senior members of the British Medical Association junior doctors’ committee ...