All articles by Shaun Lintern – Page 41

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Morecambe Bay midwife suspended after new baby death


    PATIENT SAFETY: A midwife already being investigated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust has been suspended after the death of a baby last month.

  • Group of clinical professionals talking

    'Desire to save money' caused NHS nursing shortage says damning report


    Migration Advisory Committee agrees to “reluctantly” keep nursing on the shortage occupation list Chair says Department of Health needs to “get its act together” on workforce planning Health Education England would have commissioned 3,000 extra nursing places in 2016-17 if not for financial cuts A nationwide shortage of ...

  • Stack of reports

    Francis adviser to lead inquiry into 'heart breaking' baby death


    Professor Peter Hutton will lead inquiry into care and treatment of Elizabeth Dixon National patient safety director says her parents deserve answers Health secretary Jeremy Hunt intervened after PHSO and NHS England declined to investigate An adviser to the Mid Staffs public inquiry will lead an investigation into ...

  • hands

    PHSO staff vote 'no confidence' in leadership


    PCS union take vote of “no confidence” in Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman leadership Members demand meeting with PHSO board to discuss concerns Whistleblowers have revealed concerns over “toxic environment” at the ombudsman service Union staff at the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman have voted “no confidence” in ...

  • Liverpool seafront

    Community trust's failures compared to Mid Staffordshire


    Liverpool Community Health Trust heavily critcised for failures of executive team to be “open and transparent” Report blames focus on FT application process and pursuit of cost improvement savings as cause of poor culture Incidents including a memeber of staff being assaulted and held hostage were not properly investigated ...

  • Whistle

    Exclusive: Whistleblowers expose 'toxic environment' at PHSO


    Whistleblowers claim many PHSO complaint assessments were rebranded as investigations and varied in quality PHSO staff said concerns were raised about changes and new targets but these were ignored Behavioural competency framework meant staff could be marked “ineffective” for challenging new ideas Hundreds of new investigations carried out ...

  • Houses of Parliament

    PHSO whistleblowers’ concerns in their own words


    HSJ has spoken to six former and current staff from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman about their concerns over the way public complaints are being handled and the culture of the ombudsman.

  • Shaun Lintern
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Planning for the Five Year Forward View’s Retirement


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • Shaun Lintern
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Magical thinking meets reality


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern.

  • Queen's Hospital, Burton
    HSJ Local

    Staffordshire trust appoints new chief executive


    Burton Hospitals Foundation Trust has announced the appointment of Helen Scott-South as its new chief executive.

  • Community services care worker elderly woman patient
    HSJ Local

    'Unsettling period' for community services trust losing £24m contract


    East Cheshire Trust is to lose a £24m contract for community services from October after commissioners served notice on the trust, HSJ can reveal.

  • Dame Julie Mellor

    PHSO to be investigated after deputy’s role in cover up


    PHSO board orders review into actions of the organisation and ombudsman after her deputy’s involvement sexual harassment cover up Dame Julie Mellor was aware of the findings of an employment tribunal last July Deputy ombudsman Mick Martin has taken a leave of absence The board of the Parliamentary ...

  • Jeremy Hunt 2014

    Hunt: Trusts to start publishing avoidable mortality rates this month


    Jeremy Hunt tells international summit that avoidable rates for each trusts will be published this month Mr Hunt says push for openness and “no blame” culture part of NHS learning from incidents Experts have previously warned avoidable mortality rates for trusts would be “meaningless” NHS hospitals in England ...

  • Mental health bed

    NHS England gives up control of specialist mental health commissioning


    NHS England is to relinquish control of tertiary mental health services to selected local areas in a bid to tackle disconnected commissioning and the controversial practice of sending patients long distances from their home for treatment.

  • Hospital at night

    Exclusive: Hospitals forced to cut night cover due to staff shortages


    Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals cuts medical nightshift cover on wards due to vacancies Oxford University Hospitals forced to stop training for one doctor and has ultrasound backlog Monitor insists agency cap is helping trusts and says patient safety remains priority Hospitals have been forced to reduce medical ...

  • Shaun Lintern
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Time for a 'safe space'


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern.

  • Nurse hospital doctor

    All deaths in England to be investigated by medical examiner


    Medical examiners to reveiw all deaths in England and Wales from April 2018 Jeremy Hunt to implement recommendation of Dame Janet Smith after 7 year delay Medical examiner pilots found one in four hospital death certificates were inaccurate All deaths in England and Wales will be investigated by ...

  • Mick Martin

    Deputy PHSO takes leave of absence after cover-up role exposed


    Tribunal found deputy ombudsman Mick Martin was involved in covering up sexual harassment at trust Dame Julie Mellor received a copy of the tribunal judgment from the victim in July PHSO refused to answer questions about Mr Martin’s involvement or Dame Julie’s response The deputy parliamentary and health ...

  • Purse

    All NHS staff to get 1 per cent pay rise


    Department of Health accepts overall 1 per cent pay rise for all NHS staff NHS Pay Review Body raises concerns over use of agency caps for NHS staff Review body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration says it may target pay in future All NHS staff will receive a ...

  • Lord Willis

    Lord Willis criticises ‘meaningless’ Carter staffing metric


    Chair of the Shape of Caring Review says his work was “not factored in” to Carter review Lord Willis says Lord Carter’s care hours metric is “too blunt a tool” Department of Health accepts the metric is not used in other countries as was originally claimed The Carter ...