All articles by Shaun Lintern – Page 42

  • Nurse

    Health Education England defends new nursing associate role


    HEE director of nursing says role is not designed to be a substitute for registered nurses Lord Willis says NMC regulation and CQC focus on safe staffing are key safeguards Consultation on new role closes on Friday The new nursing associate role should not be used by NHS ...

  • Surgical scissors

    New patient safety body to carry out 'no blame' investigations


    Evidence submitted to Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch could be protected to create a “safe space” for learning Mike Durkin says HSIB will rely on NHS Improvement for “pay and rations” HSIB will develop “exemplar model” of investigations for NHS organisations to follow locally The new body to examine ...

  • Mick Martin

    PHSO knew about deputy’s involvement in cover-up seven months ago


    Tribunal found deputy ombudsman Mick Martin was involved in covering up sexual harassment at Derbyshire Healthcare FT Dame Julie Mellor received a copy of the tribunal judgment from the victim in July 2015 PHSO refused to answer questions about Mr Martin’s involvement or Dame Julie’s response The parliamentary ...

  • Bill Kirkup

    Kirkup: Lack of progress since Morecambe Bay inquiry risks ‘disaster’


    Bill Kirkup says he has seen progress on only 10 out of 26 recommendations from the Morecambe Bay inquiry He says it would be a “mistake” to consider the National Maternity Review a response to his recommendations Describes the delay in implementing the role of medical examiners as “unconscionable” ...

  • Doctor strike

    Revealed: BMA lawyers warned that judicial review would not prevent imposition of junior doctors’ contract


    The British Medical Association’s lawyers have warned the union that its planned legal action against the government will “definitely not” prevent the health secretary from imposing a contract on England’s 37,000 junior doctors, HSJ can reveal.

  • board room

    Trust's directors face 'fit and proper' test after harassment case


    CQC and Monitor take action at Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust to improve governance Trust ordered to carry out fit and proper person checks on all board directors It failed to carry out checks following employment tribunal ruling in 2015 PHSO deputy ombudsman Mick Martin implicated in sexual harassment case ...

  • Pay

    NHS Employers admits junior doctor pay calculator may be inaccurate


    NHS Employers says “variations” will occur between pay calculator predictions and actual salary Rotas including consecutive weekends were an error and have been changed Concerns raised that the rotas will lead to “jetlagged” junior doctors NHS Employers has accepted its pay calculator for junior doctors may not accurately ...

  • Doctors strike

    BMA plans three strikes and legal action over contract imposition


    The British Medical Association has announced three 48 hour strikes and plans to launch a judicial review against the government’s plan to impose a new junior doctors’ contract.

  • Workforce

    NHS staff survey: more staff working extra hours


    Follow HSJ Live for more analysis and reaction The percentage of NHS staff reporting that they are working extra hours has reached a five year high according to the NHS staff survey results published on Tuesday.

  • Mother and baby

    Women should control maternity care budgets, review says


    National Maternity Review calls for personalised maternity budgets by 2020 Recommendations aim to improve choice and increase community births Review says a significant increase in midwifery workforce is not required Women should be given their own budgets to spend on their maternity care, a national review has said, ...

  • maternity newborn baby child

    The National Maternity Review’s 14 key recommendations


    The National Maternity Review commissioned by NHS England was published on Tuesday. Here are its key recommendations:

  • kate and rhiannon davies colour

    Exclusive: Baby death investigation uncovers systemic failings at trust


    New investigation exposes how vital documents never existed and policies were out of date Midwives routinely ignored policies and guidelines as part of the “culture” in midwifery led unit Trust to review historical incidents and deaths to ensure no wider problems A midwife who retrospectively altered the clinical ...

  • Hospital bed

    New end of life care plans could leave decisions ‘hidden’ from families


    New end of life care plan is designed to replace do not attempt resuscitation orders in the NHS Form is being developed after high profile court rulings created a legal precedent for patients to be consulted Concerns have been expressed that the form is confusing and could make care ...

  • Rob Webster

    NHS Confederation chief executive to leave


    Rob Webster, the chief executive of the NHS Confederation, has resigned ahead of taking over at the South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust.

  • Ian Cumming

    Trusts may lose training cash if they don’t impose contract, warns HEE


    HEE chief executive Ian Cumming says he is not prepared to see a competitive market between trusts with different junior doctor contracts Adoption of new contract will be key criteria for HEE decisions on training posts with NHS trusts Follows speculation some trusts could choose not to adopt the ...

  • Coins

    Exclusive: Private sector gets boost from mental health commissioning freeze


    NHS England’s moratorium on commissioning new specialised services capacity helped drive demand and increase revenue, says new research LaingBuisson report says moving away from block contracts could open up the mental health sector to more outsourcing It expects NHS disinvestment to continue in line with reduced spending and cost ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Mackey: Junior doctors’ contract should be 'consistently' implemented


    Jim Mackey says NHS Improvement will “do all we can” to ensure consistent implementation He says Sir David Dalton deserves the full support of trust chief executives and chairs Mr Mackey calls social media attacks on chief executives “unacceptable and unprofessional” The chief executive of NHS Improvement has ...

  • Queen's Hospital, Burton
    HSJ Local

    Midlands FT chief executive resigns


    The chief executive of Burton Hospitals Foundation Trust has resigned after steering the trust out of special measures last October.

  • Paul Farmer

    Taskforce delivers blueprint for future of mental healthcare


    Government mental health taskforce outlines changes for mental health to 2020 Funding pledge of £1bn has previously been announced and DH has confirmed it is not new money Taskforce chair Paul Farmer says recommendations are “feasible and afforable” Mental health services in the NHS should undergo significant reform ...

  • Doctor strike Jan 2016

    BMA will consider 'every form and frequency' of industrial action


    Junior doctors’ committee chair writes that the BMA will consider “every form and frequency” of industrial action Johan Malawana says the union needs to be “smart” to ensure the government is the target, not other doctors or the NHS Comments suggest sustained strike action could happen in coming months ...