Expert Briefing
What's new in care models: What will the MCP contract look like?
Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View, by integration reporter David Williams.
Seven trusts combine leadership to accelerate vanguard changes
Seven trusts in Yorkshire to cede control over decision making to newly created federation board Leaders want new structure to help speed up transformation of acute services New board and south Yorkshire STP both headed by Sir Andrew Cash Seven trusts will cede authority over decision making on ...
HSJ Local
Shelford Group trust rated 'good' across the board
PERFORMANCE: A Shelford Group trust has achieved a good rating in all five domains of its Care Quality Commission inspection.
Analysis: The trusts targeted by Carter for estates savings
Trusts expected to meet key targets around non-clinical and unused space by April 2020 HSJ has learned the methodology used by the Carter review to benchmark trusts There are acknowledged flaws and issues with the data being used, with some trusts admitting they made inaccurate submissions Explore the data ...
HSJ Knowledge
Celebrating the scientist with an innovative snood
Chief Scientific Officer Awards: Healthcare Scientist of the Year 2016
Sir David Dalton named top chief executive for third year
Third HSJ Top Chief Executives list revealed Sir David Dalton’s achievements at Salford Royal and nationally highlighted by judges Twenty-two women in the list of 50 Sir David Dalton has been named as the leading provider chief executive in the NHS for the third year in a row, ...
Winners of healthcare science awards revealed
A clinical scientist who leads a programme to improve medical devices has been named Healthcare Scientist of the Year.
Updated noon: 14 chiefs now deny support for contract imposition
14 chief executives out of 20 who were listed on Sir David Dalton’s letter say they did and do not support imposition of new contract Contrasts with Jeremy Hunt’s apparent suggestion to Parliament that he had their backing Sir David tells HSJ the chief executives listed had not been ...
Exclusive: Troubled FT starts search for acquisition or merger partner
Sherwood Forest Hospitals Foundation Trust looking to be acquired or merged-with Derby and Nottingham hospital trusts are in the running, and Sheffield Hospitals FT has dropped out Decision on partner expected next month A troubled foundation trust is looking for a merger or acquisition partner after concluding it ...
Revealed: Trusts' estimated savings potential
By using publicly available data, HSJ has been able to closely match the methodology used by Lord Carter to produce trusts’ headline “savings opportunity” figures. Here we list the least and most efficient trusts according to the headline measure, as well as data for all trusts.
Exclusive: Majority of A&E departments fail liaison psychiatry standards
Almost three-quarters of England’s liaison psychiatry services in hospital emergency departments are rated substandard, HSJ has learned.
Analysed: The biggest NHS providers of specialised services
University Hospital Southampton Foundation Trust saw the largest increase in its specialised services income last year, new information obtained by HSJ reveals.
Value in Healthcare Awards: Value and Improvement in Pathology Services
Value in Healthcare Awards winners for 2015
Special report: Online auctions get the best prices
Suppliers bid to provide a group of trusts with a standardised product
Exclusive: Leeds, Newcastle and Sheffield say no to NHS devolution
Several major city regions in the north of England have decided health and care will play no major part in their bids for devolved powers, HSJ has learned.
FT finance: Winners and losers of education and training income
We reveal the biggest winners and losers of education and training income since 2012-13.
FT finance: Biggest spenders on private healthcare
Foundation trusts spent more than £475m on sending patients to private and third sector providers in 2014-15 - a 43 per cent increase on the figure two years ago.
Specialist radiotherapy overhaul could result in decommissioning
An overhaul of specialist radiotherapy services could result in a number of existing providers being decommissioned, a consultation paper published by NHS England suggests.
Revealed: 2015 winners of the Patient Safety Awards
Celebrating innovative and creative initiatives