All Single sex wards articles – Page 10

  • News

    Effort required on BME mental health inequality


    NHS managers must improve mental health services for black and minority ethnic groups, the Healthcare Commission has urged. It also called for 'renewed efforts' to provide more single sex wards.

  • News

    More to do on BME mental health - Healthcare Commission


    NHS managers must work harder to improve mental health services for black and minority ethnic groups, the Healthcare Commission has urged.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Bringing mental health under the NHS wing


    Successive governments have left mental health in the shadows. At the Liberal Democrat conference leader Nick Clegg will outline his plans to turn the sector around and make it truly patient centred

  • News

    David Nicholson says standards must not slip


    Hospital trusts have failed by a whisker to meet the government's target to treat all accident and emergency patients within four hours.

  • News

    Battle of the sexes: the mixed ward row that won't lie down


    Early Labour promises to abolish mixed-sex wards have turned into vague aspirations, while the definition of single-sex accommodation appears to have changed. Is the government cheating or is it right to leave the decision to trusts, asks Charlotte Santry

  • News

    BME mental health admission rates above average, study shows


    A census of the ethnicity of inpatients in NHS mental health and learning disability services has shown that some black and minority ethnic groups are three times more likely than average to be admitted as inpatients.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health: the safety scandal


    Sexual safety is one of the biggest issues in inpatient care, with concerns not being heeded because of complacency, burnt-out staff and prejudice. Emma Dent reports

  • News

    Human rights let down by existing law


    Human rights should be enshrined in health service delivery, according to a report calling for new duties to protect the rights of older people in hospitals and care homes.A joint committee on human rights report this week said existing legislation does not sufficiently protect and promote the rights of older ...

  • News

    Deliver dignity calls


    Mental health charities have stepped up calls to scrap mixed-sex wards following a government commitment to treat mental health patients with greater dignity.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health special feature: inequality street


    Despite a concerted effort to clean up its act, race still plays a significant part in the quality of mental healthcare that patients receive, writes Mark Gould

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Mental health special feature: the big issues


    From vulnerable women on mixed-sex wards to continued over-representation of BME groups, Mental Health Act Commission chief executive Chris Heginbotham has a lot on his plate. Emma Dent reports

  • News

    Human rights let down by existing law


    Human rights should be enshrined in health service delivery, according to a report calling for new duties to protect the rights of older people in hospitals and care homes.

  • News

    One in five trusts still have mixed-sex wards


    Almost one in five trusts has failed to eliminate mixed-sex wards from their accommodation, a Department of Health report has found.A total of 28 trusts are receiving extra DoH support to provide single-sex accommodation. Best practice guidance on privacy and dignity will be released later in the year.Read the report ...

  • Comment

    Michael white on politics


    'Mr Dorrell cited that withering phrase used in school reports that Ms Hewitt is 'too easily satisfied with her own work''

  • Comment

    Media Watch


    A pledge made 10 years ago by Tony Blair returned to haunt him this week.

  • News

    Trusts urged to tackle patient dignity issues


    The Healthcare Commission has called on the NHS to look again at how it respects patient dignity, in relation to hospital food, help with eating and mixed-sex wards.

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    Anna Donald on consumer information


    'Patients must indeed be patient. The term 'patient-led' invites disbelief that patients are going to lead the NHS'

  • News

    £30m available to boost women's ward safety


    Up to £30m is to be spent this financial year on single-sex facilities for mental health wards to improve women's safety, mental health director Professor Louis Appleby has promised.

  • News

    Acute trust's admission over mixed-sex ward


    Published: 17/02/2005, Volume II5, No. 5943 Page 12

  • News

    How to involve children in service redesign
