All Smoking cessation articles – Page 4
Bad habits in young people falling, study suggests
The number of youngsters in Scotland drinking alcohol at least once a week has fallen by more than a third over the last decade, according to a study.
HSJ Local
Liverpool Women’s FT behind on five CQUIN commitments
PERFORMANCE: The foundation is underperforming on five commissioning for quality and innovation schemes, which make a proportion of its income dependent on quality improvements.
Anti-smoking strategy unveiled
New plans to drastically reduce smoking levels in Wales have been announced.
HSJ Local
NHS Hertfordshire may ban surgery for smokers and the obese
PERFORMANCE: NHS Hertfordshire is considering banning patients who are obese or smokers from surgery unless they agree to treatment to change their behaviour.
Marmot voices 'nudge' doubts
The president of the British Medical Association has voiced doubts over the government’s “nudge” approach to public health.
Quitters to sign contracts in smoking cessation scheme
The government is looking at a wide range of schemes to “nudge” people into adopting healthier lifestyles.
NICE work on public health guidance put on hold
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has been ordered to stop developing guidance on some public health topics and put others on hold.
Government sets out who will commission public health services
Immunisation, screening and public health for the under fives will in future be commissioned by the NHS Commissioning Board, under latest government proposals.
UK tops European obesity league
The UK has performed poorly in an influential health and lifestyle study, recording the highest levels of obesity and teen pregnancy.
Government to target teenage smoking
The coalition government is planning “radical” action to curb teenage smoking, ban cheap alcohol and to encourage mothers to breastfeed at work, Health secretary Andrew Lansley has said.
Lung cancer rates for women soar
Rates of lung cancer in women have soared in a sign that efforts to persuade them to quit smoking have failed, research reveals.
Passive smoking linked to 1% of deaths
Passive smoking claims more than 600,000 lives each year around the world - an estimated 1% of all deaths, a major study has found.
British Heart Foundation to answer questions in live chat session
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) is to answer questions from the public on their health policies and campaigns in a live blog on 24 November.
Plain packaging for cigarettes planned
Tobacco companies could be forced to sell cigarettes in grey or brown plain packaging in an attempt to deter youngsters from taking up smoking.
Smoking cessation rates 'follow economy downwards'
The rate at which people are quitting smoking has slowed down at the same time as economic worries have increased, data suggests.
Climate change is 'cholera of our time', says public health expert
The transfer of commissioning from primary care trusts to GPs should be used to help drive environmentally friendly policies, according to the head of the NHS sustainable development unit.
HSJ Knowledge
Smoking cessation
Knowsley has topped the North West’s smoking quit rate league, thanks to the borough’s innovative approach to smoking cessation services.
Call for public to improve their own health
People must do more to look after their health and stop preventable conditions draining NHS resources, the Welsh chief medical officer has said.
HSJ Knowledge
Smoking cessation
NHS Birmingham East and North and Dr Foster Intelligence are currently working in partnership on exploiting the joint capabilities and networks available to both organisations to tackle health inequalities in the local community.
HSJ Knowledge
Smoking cessation
In his first speech since taking up his post, Mr Lansley outlined his plans for making patients the driving force for improvements in the NHS so that “no decision is made about me, without me.”