All Smoking cessation articles – Page 6
HSJ Knowledge
Stop smoking services turn 10: celebrating successes
NHS stop smoking services celebrated their 10-year anniversary last month. In that time, at least 70,000 lives have been saved by the services, according to new figures.
Scale of smoking spend revealed
A new report has revealed that Wales spent an estimated £386m on health problems caused by smoking in 2007-08.
Smoking cessation: the first day of a healthier life
Stop smoking services have helped millions of people to kick the habit, improving their health and easing the long term strain on the NHS
HSJ Knowledge
NHS smoking cessation: sticking with quitting
NHS stop smoking services’ 10th anniversary marks one of the strongest public health interventions of a decade - and there are plans to maintain the momentum. Stuart Shepherd reports
Challenge to psychiatric hospital smoking ban fails
An appeal against a High Court ruling that bans smoking in high security psychiatric hospitals has been rejected by law lords in London.
HSJ Knowledge
Smoking cessation: how clinicians can break the habit
GPs and nurses who treat smoking as a clinical dependence and not just a lifestyle choice are more effective in referring people to cessation services.
'Fifty years passed before smoke-free public places were achieved'
On 26 June 1954 the main article in the British Medical Journal was on the mortality of doctors in relation to their smoking habits.
Mental health trusts ignore smoking ban
Most mental health trusts are not fully adhering to the smoking ban, nearly a year after it came into effect, according to a survey by the Mental Health Foundation.
Smoking costs NHS £50m a week
Smoking costs the NHS £2.7bn a year or £50m a week, despite a drop in the number of smokers, according to a report by Action on Smoking and Health, Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation.
Smoking supplement: fired up
Stopping smoking is the single most important thing smokers can do to improve their current and future health.
HSJ Knowledge
Giving up smoking is hard to do
How can stop smoking services attract people from ethnic minorities? NICE guidance may offer the answer, writes Rosie Cameron
HSJ Knowledge
Stop-smoking case studies: quitters can win
Now the most motivated ex-smokers have stubbed out their last cigarette, Ingrid Torjesen finds out how services are reaching out to the less enthusiastic would-be quitters
HSJ Knowledge
And the smoking ban played on
One year on Ann Shuttleworth considers the effects of the smoking bans in England and Scotland and other efforts to make people quit
HSJ Knowledge
Sift through the ashes of smoking
Could the death toll have been lowered by offering nicotine replacement therapy on the NHS earlier? Emma Baines looks through the policy history of smoking cessation
Emma Dent on the smoking ban
One year on from the introduction of the English smoking ban, it is striking how much difference it has made to the nation's social habits.
HSJ Knowledge
One year on from the smoking ban
One year into the smoking ban in England it is still too early to predict its long-term effects on public health but there are reasons to be cheerful, says Stuart Shepherd
Plans to reduce young people's exposure to smoking
A new report calls on the UK governments to introduce a range of tough measures aimed at reducing young people's exposure to positive images of smoking.
DH celebrates anniversary of smoking ban
More people are trying to quit smoking, the air in pubs and bars is cleaner and rates of compliance with smoke-free laws is high, according to the Department of Health report published to mark the first anniversary of the smoking ban.
Smoking ban spurred 400,000 to kick habit, study claims
At least 400,000 people quit smoking as a result of the smoking ban in England, according to research presented today.The Smoking Toolkit Study interviewed more than 32,000 people in England over the nine months before and nine months after the ban took effect on 1 July last year.