All Smoking cessation articles – Page 7
Health profiles reveal drop in smoking-related deaths
Health profiles for each local authority and region in England were published today by the Department of Health and the Association of Public Health Observatories.The profiles show that deaths from smoking-related diseases fell across England and that while life expectancy from birth has improved, there is still wide variation across ...
Anti-smoking consultation begins
Requiring cigarettes to be sold in plain, branding-free packets of at least 20, restricting access to cigarette machines, restricting the display of tobacco products and banning advertisements for cigarette papers are among measures being considered in a consultation to cut the number of people who smoke. ...
More smoking curbs needed, survey shows
Seventy-six per cent of British adults support a ban on smoking in cars carrying children and 85 per cent want retailers convicted of selling tobacco to children to be banned from selling tobacco products, according to a survey by anti-smoking campaigning group ASH.
HSJ Knowledge
60 years of eating and smoking
It was in the 'ninth year of austerity' - with the end of full rationing still six years away - that the NHS came into existence on 5 July 1948. The chief medical officer, reporting on the state of the public's health, declared the NHS had begun 'its colossal task' ...
NHS stop-smoking clinics are working, research shows
Research has shown that NHS stop-smoking clinics work, with figures highlighting particular progress in deprived areas.
Local planners urged to tackle smoking
Four public health organisations are uniting to urge local planners to target smoking as a way of tackling health inequalities.
Chief medical officer calls for action on obesity and smoking
Overall health in Wales is improving, but action is needed to tackle rising obesity levels, continued high rates of smoking and a growing culture of binge drinking, according to the chief medical officer's report.
Smoking ban has widespread approval
Almost 80 per cent of adults believe the smoking ban will improve public health. Those surveyed said hair and clothes not smelling of smoke, a more pleasant atmosphere in pubs, bars and restaurants and cleaner air were the main benefits of the ban.Research carried out for the Department of Health ...
Legal smoking age increases
The age at which tobacco can be bought legally increases from 16 to 18 today.Public health minister Dawn Primarolo said the move would help shopkeepers spot underage smokers and reduce the number of young people who become addicted to nicotine.
Anti-smoking drug gains NICE backing
A drug that helps smokers quit their habit has been approved in draft guidelines by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.Champix is recommended for people who have expressed a desire to quit smoking and should normally be prescribed alongside behavioural support.Click here for more details
Ad campaign launched to prepare for smoking ban
A smoky atmosphere is the single biggest reason for avoiding a pub or bar, according to a survey published by the Department of Health.The government has also launched a national advertising campaign to remind the public what the legislation will mean when the smoking ban comes into force on 1 ...
Give quit smoking help at work, says NICE
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has issued advice on workplace support for stop-smoking schemes.NICE chief executive Andrew Dillon said: 'Smoking causes an estimated 86,500 deaths in England each year - going smoke-free is a win-win situation for employers and employees, and our advice sets out the best ...
Survey reveals inaccurate perceptions on smoking
Most young people in England believe that becoming a smoker is the norm, a survey by charity Cancer Research UK has found.While official smoking figures put the proportion of adults in England who smoke at about a quarter, nearly 83 per cent of the 16-24-year-olds questioned in the survey believed ...
First anniversary of Scottish smoking ban welcomed
First Minister Jack McConnell has welcomed the first anniversary of the Scottish ban on smoking in enclosed public places.Mr McConnell said the move was one of the greatest achievements of devolution.Read the press release here
Smoking cessation statistics released
The Information Centre for health and social care has released statistics on NHS stop smoking services in England for April to September 2006.It has also released General Practices Quality and Outcomes Framework 2005-06: exception reporting summaries for England and community care statistics for 2005-06.Read more here
Smoking 'police' given power to fine public
Thousands of council staff are being trained to police the smoking ban in bars, restaurants and shops in England.Ministers have given councils £29.5m to pay for staff, who will be able to give on-the-spot £50 fines to individuals and take court action against premises.They will have the power to enter ...
Smoking ban examption for mental health
Mental health trust managers have been told how a one-year exemption for their buildings will operate when the new smoking regulations come into force in July.The national clinical director for mental health Professor Louis Appleby has written to mental health trust chief executives to explain where smoking will be allowed ...
Smoking cessation more successful in deprived areas, says report
Primary care trusts in areas of deprivation are providing the best approach to reducing smoking levels, says the Healthcare Commission in a report today.Half the PCTs rated excellent were in deprived areas where smoking is most prevalent.Read the report here
Anti-smoking drug licensed in Scotland
The Scottish Medicines Consortium has licensed the drug Champix for people wanting to give up smoking.It is the first drug to be used to help smokers quit without the use of nicotine.Champix, the generic name of which is varenicline tartrate, provides relief from symptoms by sending a signal to nicotine ...
'Hooked' stop smoking campaign launched
A campaign that shows people being seized by fish hooks and dragged to their smoking spots has been launched. The campaign, which includes TV adverts, outdoor advertising, direct mail and a dedicated website, reveals that the average smoker needs over 5,000 cigarettes a